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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Adding grip to your stick

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And just to beat a horse over the head:

Plastidip grip is comparable to what (grip wise)?

I have a good supply of ZTedge, that works great for 1 game, and then grip has to be re-applied. I really get bored with that. I would like a nice rubber-esque grip.


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I'm going to follow up on my own post:

I went ahead and purchased some plasti dip because it supposedly came off easy and was only $7 a can from Lowes.

So, a little back story: Ever since the depletion of my TPS shaft collection a few years ago, I have been hunting for a good shaft with grip. This led me to the on95 tapered shaft. Only problem was that it did not come in grip. So, I tried everything. Eventually settling on ZTEdge, which would last me around half a game before it would need to be reapplied. The drying time for me on ZTEdge was hours. As you can see, it bacame frustrating for me to keep reapplying ZTedge every other day when I had a game. It is also worth noting, that at least in my findings, ZTEdge would eventually dry out.

So, I gave Plastidip a good shake last night. The grip was pretty good, not quite as good as say...TPS Adrenaline control's, but very good nonetheless. I Applied two coats, however I did find that by the end of my game last night, I was wearing through the corners of Plastidip. Today, I plan to reapply with an additional coat, and we shall see what happens.

Overall, out of 10: I give Plastidip a 7. I wish it was a little tackier, but I can live.


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I know this thread is in reference to a lot of different products to put on your stick, but the original poster didn't mention that he had tried this so I will suggest it. Why not just wrap hockey tape upside down onto itself around a piece of broken hockey stick and make a tape beater that you can rub the tape adhesive onto your stick shaft with? It lasts a good long while, is very tacky, and thats what I do. Just my 2 cents.

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I know this thread is in reference to a lot of different products to put on your stick, but the original poster didn't mention that he had tried this so I will suggest it. Why not just wrap hockey tape upside down onto itself around a piece of broken hockey stick and make a tape beater that you can rub the tape adhesive onto your stick shaft with? It lasts a good long while, is very tacky, and thats what I do. Just my 2 cents.

Because it destroys the palms of your gloves.

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I don't like rubberized grip that comes on grip sticks because I feel like it is too grabby and I can't slide my hand easily enough. I just bought two stealth RS's on clearance. I noticed they were rotating on my bottom hand on slapshots. I think this is probably due to the reduced cross section and/or rounded edges (and of course my bad form). Plus the stick seems to have an even more "slippery" finish than a lot of sticks I have used. I got some of the "No Skid" stuff that started off this thread and it fixed my rotation problem. I have now put it on three hockey sticks and two lacrosse sticks. It does have a bit of a sheen to it and with the reflection off of the grit, my 11 year old son started getting harrased by his teammates for "putting glitter on his stick". I liked it so much that I wanted to find a local source (the No Skid stuff cost me around $35 with shipping). I found this at walmart... http://www.walmart.com/ip/Krylon-Non-Skid-Coating-12-oz-Clear/19535863. It was around $4 per can. I put it on a stick last night. It is a much finer grit and therefore has a little less grip than the other product. Hopefully it will still be enough grip. It is pretty much flat as opposed to glossy. I'll try it tonight. Hopefully it will work as well as the other stuff because I like the look of the Krylon stuff much better.

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definitely keep us posted on how the krylon works out for you. tried the no skid but it was a touch too gritty for my taste. i'm also wondering how durable it will be compared to the no skid which is epoxy based.

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Liked the Krylon stuff a lot. Definitely less grip than the "No Skid" product, but was still enough grip to keep RS from rotating on my slap shot. Even aside from the shaft rotating, I noticed a general increase in slapshot hardness with the "No Skid" product and I noticed a similar increase with the Krylon stuff. The Krylon stuff feels sort of like it would feel if you ran your hand over primer on a car. It is more of a porous feeling than the "No Skid" stuff. With the No Skid stuff it is like you are feeling the raised bumps. With the Krylon stuff you are feeling the pores. In my opinion, the Kylon product changes the appearance of the stick less. Whereas the No Skid product makes the stick more glossy and bumpy, you really can't see much in the way of texture with the Kyrlon product. The Kylon product does make the stick a little flatter (less glossy). I think this is because the porous nature of the stuff tends to diffuse the light causing it not to reflect as much. The No Skid stuff has a bit of a yellow tint to it which is unoticable on my black RS but made my white Mako a little yellow. The Krylon product didn't change the color. The Krylon product seems to be a less "thick" application, so I am curious to see if it will be as durable as the No Skid product. So far, it doesn't appear that either one is coming off on my gloves or wearing down, although I haven't used either one very long. If the Krylon stuff holds up, I am going to use it on all my sticks from now on.

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If you read my review of the RBZ 60 stick you'll know I thought the grip was slightly lacking. A buddy had a bunch on non grip sticks and was looking for a solution. We found this powr tac spray at Dick's sporting goods called "pow'r tac". It is money! Like $10 and works well. Be advised though a little bit goes a long way. We sprayed it on a slick warrior and it was a bit stickier than any grip shaft I know of. We actually had to slide an old glove up and down the shaft to remove some. As the game went on no drop in performance was noted. Wet gloves seemed to actuate the spray! Not sure on durability after two hours. But give it a try.

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It didn't last all that long when I tried it 5 or 6 years ago. There are a few posts about it somewhere around here.

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It didn't last all that long when I tried it 5 or 6 years ago. There are a few posts about it somewhere around here.

I found "pow'r tac" back in 06 and still use it to this day. It does ware off and has to be applied once everyother skate. Just depends on what you prefer. The nice thing is it does 0 damage to your gloves and it is clear, Only takes a few minutes to dry, Its a great item for shafts that dont come in a grip model.

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I was talking to Bert Godin (Blues equipment manager) today about the topic of adding grip to a stick. He says the ONLY thing his guys use is the "tape beater" method.

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I was talking to Bert Godin (Blues equipment manager) today about the topic of adding grip to a stick. He says the ONLY thing his guys use is the "tape beater" method.

That's great info, but remember his players never have to worry about the lifespan of their gloves...

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I also used clear plasti dip spray like Ty and its works great. I put about four or five layers on and it lasted awhile but will eventually peel then just reapply.

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