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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Chick with a vapor XX

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I believe one time she was wearing a pair of pants, hockey pants I mean. :P

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Don't get too excited, they don't show her face. You might be buying a stick from an ugly old lady!

lol have you ever seen an ugly old lady that looked that good in a bikini?

I think not.

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Don't get too excited, they don't show her face. You might be buying a stick from an ugly old lady!

With a body like that she wouldn't have to be that attractive and I can assure you, older women don't have bodies like that.

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With a body like that she wouldn't have to be that attractive and I can assure you, older women don't have bodies like that.

True and if she does have a nasy face, nothing a paper bag cant do.

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I'm still trying to figure out why they took a bunch of sticks and had a photo shoot at a hotel.

I was wondering if anyone else had those thoughts after looking at the carpet.

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And then the curve pics are at a different place. I think this guy just has a fetish and used the pics when it came time to sell.

Girl in a bikini, hockey sticks, and a dog. What a sicko.

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she looks pretty good in the pictures that you can see part of her face :D

As JR once said:

"I'd hit it, i mean i'd bid it"

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I'd buy it but my wife wouldn't let me keep it. What? there's a hockey stick in the auction? Nevermind.

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I'm still trying to figure out why they took a bunch of sticks and had a photo shoot at a hotel.

I was wondering if anyone else had those thoughts after looking at the carpet.

Heh yeah, I thought the Same exact thing. That carpet looks like it has come out of a casino.

EDIT: Peaches...reminds me of a song :)

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