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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Go Pio's

Blade Patterns

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Absolutely need my pattern in stock. :)

Seriously, there seems to be a lack of 5 and 5- lie patterns.

Take care.

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thats how it is here, i believe it is becoming more and more popular tho, the minute i got used to the versatility of the drury i couldnt go back, and that seems the be a general concensious. its a chance that some people are not willing to take because of how ugly the curve looks, but once someone comits i havent seen them look back.

It doesn't sell as well at the retail level. I did order it this year for us because I know it has a cult following.

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thats how it is here, i believe it is becoming more and more popular tho, the minute i got used to the versatility of the drury i couldnt go back, and that seems the be a general concensious. its a chance that some people are not willing to take because of how ugly the curve looks, but once someone comits i havent seen them look back.

It doesn't sell as well at the retail level. I did order it this year for us because I know it has a cult following.

I am sure it varies somewhat by region...but what are the most purchased patterns...I would assume a Sakic or Forsberg?

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atleast on my team this year guys who didnt get sticks from their dub teams that have them protected the most popular curves would be iginla then forsberg then sakic/nash

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thats how it is here, i believe it is becoming more and more popular tho, the minute i got used to the versatility of the drury i couldnt go back, and that seems the be a general concensious. its a chance that some people are not willing to take because of how ugly the curve looks, but once someone comits i havent seen them look back.

It doesn't sell as well at the retail level. I did order it this year for us because I know it has a cult following.

I am sure it varies somewhat by region...but what are the most purchased patterns...I would assume a Sakic or Forsberg?

Actually, I'd say it is a good indication of the overall market. There's a learning curve involved with the Drury.

But yes, Sakic, Forsberg and Iginla does well across the board.

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I'll second or third or whatever it is by now, a mid/ toe curve. Maybe I'm the only one that would want it in a low lie though- 4.5-5. I fell in love with one, broke it, and now I can't find anything like it.

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Darby, Lindros, Shanahan, Coffey and Roenick Pro/or Styles. I think the Darby would sell pretty well actually.

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On the topic of those missing 5 lies, a lot of the 6+ lie curves are disappearing (Yzerman, Shannahan, P71, Hatcher)

Have to add that I do love me the Sherwood Coffey. When I line it up with my Forsberg, lie is identical (5.5 by sherwood)

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I'll bet if you did multiple lies as a direct order without necessarily being custom you'd sell a bunch more too.

Are the Recchi and Iginla Christians flat or rockered at the heel?

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Mark me down for a Shanahan. That would be ideal, though I could deal with any mild mid/toe curves in a 6 lie.

I back this up %100

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I'll bet if you did multiple lies as a direct order without necessarily being custom you'd sell a bunch more too.

Are the Recchi and Iginla Christians flat or rockered at the heel?

Exactly, there are patterns I'd like to try but never will just because I'm not going to change basic parts of my game like skating posture,etc....to try out a pattern. Kind of like how my shot was really good until I went to a clinic and one of the coaches (who playing in the NHL) said my style was unorthodox, but unbelievable and quick....as in he had no idea how I actually got shots off as quickly with the velocity that I did. While, the other coach was obsessed with technique and convincing me that if I shot technically perfect my shot would get so much better.....bla bla bla...lots of practice later on conventional technique, I've finally been able to get back to my "technically inappropriate" shot after having my shoooting messed up for about 5 or 6 months.

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I don't think multiple lies make sense economically. Outside of MSHers, the informed consumer, and the shop employee willing to explain, no one realizes the importance of/pays attention to the lie of their stick.

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I think a longer version of the iginla would sell well, add another 1/2" to that blade and it would make a lot of people happy. Modano, Sakic, Iginla and Lidstrom would probably be the best sellers if I had to guess. Personally, I'd love to see a true toe curve with a high lie. But I doubt too many people want a pure toe curve in a lie of 6.5-7. :(

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I think a longer version of the iginla would sell well, add another 1/2" to that blade and it would make a lot of people happy. Modano, Sakic, Iginla and Lidstrom would probably be the best sellers if I had to guess. Personally, I'd love to see a true toe curve with a high lie. But I doubt too many people want a pure toe curve in a lie of 6.5-7. :(

Agree, make a bigger Iggy clone, keep the lie where it is.

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TBLfan, to take your comment a step further, I would absolutley love an iginla with a longer blade, a round toe, and a 5 lie.

Concerning the drury blade, several members hinted towards its versatillity... For those who use/ have used the drury, what is ment by that?



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We need retail toe curves in a low lie with a round toe. The toe curve is an extinct breed on the retail level you need to bring it back.

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I think a longer version of the iginla would sell well, add another 1/2" to that blade and it would make a lot of people happy. Modano, Sakic, Iginla and Lidstrom would probably be the best sellers if I had to guess. Personally, I'd love to see a true toe curve with a high lie. But I doubt too many people want a pure toe curve in a lie of 6.5-7. :(

Agree, make a bigger Iggy clone, keep the lie where it is.

I agree. Iginla is my favorite curve by far but the blade is so short and it seems so like short in height off the ice...

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it's a bit thin in the heel area, same goes for the drury. It can turn people off of the pattern. I don't have an issue with either, besides adjusting from one to the other, haha.

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Maybe that's why Bauer has so many curves with rockered heels, so a "6" lie can play like a 5 if you need it to. Otherwise there doesn't seem to be much purpose in rockered heels.

So how about a pair of toe curves:

Shannahan - 6 lie, square toe, long blade, 1/2" open

Modano/Iginla toe - 5 lie, round toe, medium blade, 3/8" neutral/slightly open

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Our Iginla is fairly flat, while the Recchi does have a bit of a rocker.

I'll bet if you did multiple lies as a direct order without necessarily being custom you'd sell a bunch more too.

Are the Recchi and Iginla Christians flat or rockered at the heel?

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I would have to agree with the comments suggesting a more mild heel curve. Something similar to the Styles, TPS P31, NBH P72, type of curve. I have a couple cracked ones laying around the house if you need a sample.

A Shanny style blade will probably pick up more than a few sales for you as well. The composite Recchi wasn't too far off and I got some shanny users into that but some guys need the square toe.

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Our Iginla is fairly flat, while the Recchi does have a bit of a rocker.

Thanks! Would you say the Recchi is more or less rockered than say a Sakic or P88?

A Shanny style blade will probably pick up more than a few sales for you as well. The composite Recchi wasn't too far off and I got some shanny users into that but some guys need the square toe.

Chadd, how close would you say the Recchi is to the CCM retail? Is it more of a toe curve or mid?

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