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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Go Pio's

Blade Patterns

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Our Iginla is fairly flat, while the Recchi does have a bit of a rocker.

Thanks! Would you say the Recchi is more or less rockered than say a Sakic or P88?

A Shanny style blade will probably pick up more than a few sales for you as well. The composite Recchi wasn't too far off and I got some shanny users into that but some guys need the square toe.

Chadd, how close would you say the Recchi is to the CCM retail? Is it more of a toe curve or mid?


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The rocker on our Recchi is very comparable to the Sakic.

Our Iginla is fairly flat, while the Recchi does have a bit of a rocker.

Thanks! Would you say the Recchi is more or less rockered than say a Sakic or P88?

A Shanny style blade will probably pick up more than a few sales for you as well. The composite Recchi wasn't too far off and I got some shanny users into that but some guys need the square toe.

Chadd, how close would you say the Recchi is to the CCM retail? Is it more of a toe curve or mid?

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The #5 seems longer than the Iginla already. AND it's a 5 lie making it my current favorite just ahead of the too short Heatley.

Go Pio's, do you know how much longer your #5 is compared to the Easton Iginla? That sounds like my kinda curve?

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Maybe that's why Bauer has so many curves with rockered heels, so a "6" lie can play like a 5 if you need it to. Otherwise there doesn't seem to be much purpose in rockered heels.

So how about a pair of toe curves:

Shannahan - 6 lie, square toe, long blade, 1/2" open

Modano/Iginla toe - 5 lie, round toe, medium blade, 3/8" neutral/slightly open

yes add those two blades and you got yourself some more sales.

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They are virtually identical. At most, an 8th of an inch difference.

The #5 seems longer than the Iginla already. AND it's a 5 lie making it my current favorite just ahead of the too short Heatley.

Go Pio's, do you know how much longer your #5 is compared to the Easton Iginla? That sounds like my kinda curve?

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They are virtually identical. At most, an 8th of an inch difference.

The #5 seems longer than the Iginla already. AND it's a 5 lie making it my current favorite just ahead of the too short Heatley.

Go Pio's, do you know how much longer your #5 is compared to the Easton Iginla? That sounds like my kinda curve?

So a lot more like the Easton Heatley then?

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I just made one with my Montreal woody, going to see how it plays on Friday :D

Would it be sacrilegious to rename the curves so they can be easily remembered?

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The Hossa is beautiful, I believe CCM had it out for a while at retail. As a devout Drury cult member it is one of the few curves that could lead me to convert.

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Here's another one I thought of today, the Euro toe curve:





No idea on the specs, medium to long blade, maybe 5.5 lie, round toe, 1/2 toe curve and a mid-heel twist?

no, no, no. Gotta be similar to this:


Make the blade about iginla length, maybe 1/2" longer. A lie of 6.5 to 7. Round toe. :D

One can only dream. :(

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Quick, someone, suggest that they make Prospal's pro curve go retail! :D

I don't know how anyone uses any lie >6... Their stick must be very, very close to their body and/or short.

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I can use a 5 to 5.5 lie with a flat rocker or a 5 to 6 lie with a rocker. Anything above that...yeah I'm short. TBL, that ain't a bad curve...kind of similar to what I bent up today.

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yeah, I like a short stick. I would also want the blade rockered similar to a sakic.

Jarick, I love the curve. I have three of the composite mission blades, and NO I'm not willing to sell them. :P

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Yeah it's kind of a cross between a Sakic and a P91 or something. The blade length, lie, shape, toe, rocker, all of that would be similar to the Sakic. But it's got less loft that starts at the mid-heel like a P91 and a sharp toe curve so it looks like a spoon.

I'm a lefty so you're blades are safe!

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Here's another one I thought of today, the Euro toe curve:





No idea on the specs, medium to long blade, maybe 5.5 lie, round toe, 1/2 toe curve and a mid-heel twist?

With the exception of the Kovy blade, those curves are gorgeous.

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I want a thornton curve in a different brand but nothing ive seen i like. any suggestions? I dont really like the CCM sticks. the only one i did like was the vector120 grip with the grip torn off of it.

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I want a thornton curve in a different brand but nothing ive seen i like. any suggestions? I dont really like the CCM sticks. the only one i did like was the vector120 grip with the grip torn off of it.

You're out of luck. I thought the Bergeron/Amonte would be really close, but the toe seems much rounder and the length is about an inch shorter. It sucks, as my buddy can't shoot well with anything other than a stiff flex Thornton (Recchi comes close, but not quite) and CCM only makes Thorntons in stiff flex with their 6.0 sticks now.

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Personally, I've always loved the open faced heel curves, maybe with a moderate/deep depth, similar to the NikeBauer PH2/P02 or the TPS Morrow with a square toe...THERE JUST AIN'T ENOUGH SQUARE TOED PATTERNS if you ask me.

I'd go for a Shanny pattern too though, they'd be a good way to go.

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funny thing is, i wasnt a huge fan of the stick. then i took off the grip and loved it. Im gonna go on a hunt today to all the hockey stores on my little freakin island till i find it.

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I want a thornton curve in a different brand but nothing ive seen i like. any suggestions? I dont really like the CCM sticks. the only one i did like was the vector120 grip with the grip torn off of it.

I love the Thornton curve too, and like you aren't all that keen on CCM sticks. You should check out a Warrior Draper. It's not as deep as the Thornton but it looks pretty close. What about an Easton Gaborik?

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