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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike/Bauer ONE95/ONE75 Skates

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They need to baked to fit.

Would this also be true for a Jr. size? Also, was this the case for 40's as well? I didn't bake my son's 40's (Jr. size) just had him wear them while watching tv and they seem to fit nicely.

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To take advantage of all of the features, they must be baked. However baking will expand the skate.

You're probably better off getting the 75s. Parents don't seem to get that - if your child has a growing foot and you're getting them a bit bigger, you're essentially ripping yourself off by buying the top-end skate.

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I saw a 12 year old who looked like a man buying 95's with his parents, I mean if you have the money all the power to you but his feet will grow in 6 months

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Sorry, I guess I should clarify if you can bear with me. I go to great lengths ensuring I fit him properly and reasonably snug. Jr. skates aren't a fortune, esp if you shop around. His 30's were 300CDN and so were his 40's. It adds up, for sure but he's on them 3-5x's per week, 10 months a year. I'm not like a lot of parents, and trying to stretch value by ensuring there is lots of room. I'm always checking his fit and move up just a 1/2 size at a time. Also try to time it as much as possible for around January so they are well broken in and fitting even more snug by the time playoffs/tryouts roll around.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I would argue that if you are moving up in small increments, as necessary (dictated by foot size/growth), you are still getting most of the benefits of a high end skate if you are on them this often and using them hard.

I had poor fitting skates when I was a kid so I'm admittedly a little anal about it. I understand the advice (70/75's are more appropriate for most kids, agreed!) and reservations offered but it's worked out extremely well for him and when you factor in resale values, it's not a fortune. (gas money, on the other hand, IS!)

My understanding is that a high end Jr. skate is typically not as stiff as it's Sr. counterpart so that made me wonder if you could get away without baking them. I mean won't they break in after say 20hrs. anyway? If there's no discomfort while doing so, I'm not sure I understand how baking could provide any advantages other than the speed and for some, the comfort factor. Is it that you just can't get that perfect fit without baking?

There is a catch. I won them on the NBH website. It was a legit contest btw, unlike what your poster many pages back was saying. It took a few weeks but they were finally in touch to ask what size I wanted. Torn between getting them for myself (not on the ice that much anymore but maybe they'd be an incentive), getting Sr. size and selling them or getting a Jr. 1/2 size up from son's 40's and transitioning into them when required.

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The point I am making is that the material in the boot reacts to baking. If you don't bake them you're doing yourself a disservice. You can skate in them fine without baking them, but the material used is a selling point - so if you were buying them and not baking them...why buy them? Makes more sense to go down a skate.

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Ah I see can you bake the 75s? I baked my 25 vapors.

Yes, you can bake 75's.

Is there any way, honestly, that you can try to use better sentence structure and punctuation?

I hate when people are called out for not using good gramar on these message boards, but your messages give me a headache when I try to read them.

I'm sorry. I should probably just ignore them and be done with it.

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Sorry I honestly hate my grammer myself. I use A lot of run on sentences, and thank you for the info on the one75 I will probably be getting a pair in Late may, for the one75s and one95s arent out in Texas yet.

I retarct what I said after I saw that you won them in a contest well thats cool.

Oh and krwwc6 you werent being a prick.

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Thanks dude. I'm not trying to be a prick, but I think a lot of people would appreciate it if you tryed a bit harder at typing what you are meaning to say.

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OK. I'll bake them! hehe

So with current Vapor40's, unbaked, used for 3 months, would I still be advised to bake them or is it too late? If I ensure the fan from my convection oven is blowing air into the boot, I can do them at home, right?

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Thanks dude. I'm not trying to be a prick, but I think a lot of people would appreciate it if you tryed a bit harder at typing what you are meaning to say.

I'll second this. Worry less about your high school hockey team, and more about your high school english class.

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Are the one75s a light skate ( not trying to be a gram whore) but I move my feet in small quick paces so im just wondering. I honestly just want to get the best I can with my money. You know what I mean?

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Its because im not on ritilin lol its Standard testing week and sicince im in the top percent of my class I don't have to do them. You only had the XXXXs for 3 months? Thats not a very solid amount of time even for a kid....

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Its because im not on ritilin lol its Standard testing week and sicince im in the top percent of my class I don't have to do them. You only had the XXXXs for 3 months? Thats not a very solid amount of time even for a kid....


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Very funny its based off standerdized tests. I am actually very intellegent I just have touretts and ADHD. So screw off.

lol. maybe someone would believe you if you spelled intelligent right.

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Very funny its based off standerdized tests. I am actually very intellegent I just have touretts and ADHD. So screw off.

I see. B)

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