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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike/Bauer ONE95/ONE75 Skates

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Can't tell anything from those shots.

No offense, but let this be a lesson.

The online retailer will never see your face. Could've noticed the bent skate and figured to dump them to someone out-of-state who most likely wouldn't notice. Money's adding up, isn't it now?

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I see what you're saying, the skate is on a soft surface but the tendon guards were locking them in at the end of the bed

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thanks for the tip, tried the ruler and it checks out... steel seems fine

I think I'm just mentally rattled because this guy at my rink, who knows his stuff but it also a know-it-all so its hard to read if he's throwing you smoke or is on mark.

I put the skate blade on the wall, hard against a window border (checked a 90 degree and is square) and the blade angle parallels the border

so I'm thinking I'm getting worked up over nothing...

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If you still feel that something is off, maybe let a friend go out for a quick skate in them and see if they notice anything. I know the bake fit will be way off but it shouldn't be a problem for a quick five minute skate as long as the length is alright. Obviously don't tell them ahead of time that you think something is off because then they may create a problem that really isn't there. If your friend doesn't notice anything, then they should be fine.

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Can't tell anything from those shots.

No offense, but let this be a lesson.

The online retailer will never see your face. Could've noticed the bent skate and figured to dump them to someone out-of-state who most likely wouldn't notice. Money's adding up, isn't it now?

Just to add to JR's thought here. I have gone through a full fitting for a customer, baked the skates, then taken them back to be sharpened, held the skate upside down for the first time at the sharpening machine, noticed a bowed blade, and gone right back out to my customer to tell him, sorry but I cannot sell you this skate, the blade is bowed. I know that online shoppers here are taking a gamble but sometimes ...........

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after the first skate my feet were killing me and I thought here we go again, another waist of 500+ I simply don't have

... after tonights skate night and day, real comfortable BUT!!! one thing

for some reason I just didnt feel right out there when making aggressive turns and cuts, after I skated looked at the blades, they checked out BUT!... the freaking TUUKS are bowed on these mothers!

my buddy was telling me about this happening at the release point of the 90's and am thinking is this the same thing. They arent off terribly but enough to start bothering me mentally, and since they are only off a slight bit I am assuming that the holes cannot be redrilled... will this be a warranty issue that I will have on my hands...

I would take them back. You didn't pay $500+ for skates with mis-aligned holders. Can't hurt to try, right?

Went to pick up my One95's yesterday....same issue with one of the skates. This was a HUGE problem with the XXX's and XXXX's. Be careful. For $600, is it too much to have the holder put on straight?

I wouldn't know what to look for when checking skates for mis-aligned holders, could you advise what exactly I need to look for?

My LHS has a tool...picece of steel with a groove in it. Blade goes in the groove as you run it down the lenght of the skate. If the blade is bent, it will not run through smoothly. Hope that makes sense.

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thats a good question, when I got them baked and sharpened the shop that did the work didn't mention anything and the edges are perfectly fine

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Didn't you hold them against a straight edge like JR said? I thought the runners lined up straight.....maybe it's the longer runner that is throwing your turning off?

I put the skate blade on the wall, hard against a window border (checked a 90 degree and is square) and the blade angle parallels the border

so I'm thinking I'm getting worked up over nothing...

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Will the skates sharpen properly if the runner is bowed?

No. You'd be able to get them level enough(hate to say that) to skate but they would be way off in the toe and heel

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What causes the blade to be crooked? Is it because the holder is riveted in place at the back and then riveted slightly left or right off-centre at the front? I'm trying to visualise what the problem actually is. I've sketched a quick drawing, is the right image an example of a crooked blade/holder?


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Thanks man... for passing that along

I'm just not sure what to do, go through letterman or send back directly to NBH

You have to go through the point of purchase.

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Cheers for all the info so far guys :)

Sorry to keep asking seemingly random questions regarding these skates and the baking procedure etc, just one more question if you don't mind... I'll be picking my skates up in the morning and getting them baked etc. How soon can I skate on them after they've been baked?

Thanks again, really do appreciate the advice

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Cheers for all the info so far guys :)

Sorry to keep asking seemingly random questions regarding these skates and the baking procedure etc, just one more question if you don't mind... I'll be picking my skates up in the morning and getting them baked etc. How soon can I skate on them after they've been baked?

Thanks again, really do appreciate the advice

24 hours is the recommended time

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Cheers for all the info so far guys :)

Sorry to keep asking seemingly random questions regarding these skates and the baking procedure etc, just one more question if you don't mind... I'll be picking my skates up in the morning and getting them baked etc. How soon can I skate on them after they've been baked?

Thanks again, really do appreciate the advice

make sure you check your blades and holders

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I don't know when you can read this seeing as most of my posts get blocked. But can I have the weight of the one75 skate please.

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it weighs just as much as the one90 because its almost the same replica..so i say 760g around? depends on size...

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Just a quick (and possibly stupid) question...

I currently have NBH XXV's with LS2's with LS2 steel. I am thinking about buying one95's but I would like to switch my steel from the XXV's to the one95's because the last thing I want is more blade on the ice. If I buy the same size one95's as XXV's, will I be able to just take the steel and move it over? I'm assuming that they will have the same size holders but I just want to make sure. Thanks in advance.

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