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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike/Bauer ONE95/ONE75 Skates

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Last week I was watching a women's game up in Aldergrove, BC (Minnesota Whitecaps @ BC Breakers) and Kristin King of the Whitecaps was wearing the One95s. They looked SWEET! From the seats, you could hardly tell they weren't a black leather boot. I was leaning towards a pair of Graf Ultra G-series skates for my next pair, but I think I'm going to hold off and seriously examine the One95s and One75s when they come out. Either of them will look great as part of an official's uniform.

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a bunch of pages back I read that the one90 will have a wider fit?

Does that mean a little extra wiggle room? or someone who wears a D might want to consider a C?

I know nothing substitutes trying the skate on... but I am just curious... I was tempted to try on one90s and pre order these when they opportunity arises... is the fit expected to be drastically different than the one90s

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Last week I was watching a women's game up in Aldergrove, BC (Minnesota Whitecaps @ BC Breakers) and Kristin King of the Whitecaps was wearing the One95s. They looked SWEET! From the seats, you could hardly tell they weren't a black leather boot. I was leaning towards a pair of Graf Ultra G-series skates for my next pair, but I think I'm going to hold off and seriously examine the One95s and One75s when they come out. Either of them will look great as part of an official's uniform.

Well, now I know WHY her One95s looked like leather boots from the seats, because she was wearing S9s dressed up to look like One95s. I received this info firsthand from her today when she replied to an email I sent asking her opinion of One95s.

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I have gotten my hands on the ONE75, they are very similar to the current ONE90, but in black. I expect they will satisfy all of the guys who want the classic black skate. I think it will be a very successful skate as it looks like about $80 - $70 cheaper than the ONE70.

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Saw the One95's today. They didn't seem too much lighter. Nice, but didn't seem like anything too special. I was quoted at my LHS for $650 U.S.!

I recall everyone here saying $550!

Nobody said $550.

That's how much I sold the ONE90 for.

I'll have them for $599 and that'll be pretty low. Most shops will probably do $629 and and as high at $650.

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April 14th!!!!!!! I can't wait. Anyone know msrp yet?

Crap, that's a Monday and I'll hopefully be in Portland, Oregon Saturday the 12th and Sunday the 13th. I'd have loved to possibly bought pair of One95s or One75s down there, since they'd be sales tax free.

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So it could be earlier?

JR? Do these skates fit anything like the 8090s? My apologies if this has already been covered. I'm talking about the One75s.

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I was hoping to get a custom fit for my next skate and Id like to have the one95. Will I have to wait longer before I can order a custom sized pair?

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When the XXXX came out I checked into getting some customs and was told I could come in and get measured and they could add the order to their first booking so I'd get them in with their first shipment. Not sure if that goes for all shops or the One95 at all, but I'd say check it out and see for sure.

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Right on sounds good. Does anyone know if shops that do custom orders have a chart to go by for each individual skate or would they just use a generic Nike/Bauer sizing chart?

That is to say would they measure your foot and have a chart to compare your size measurements to a one90 skate chart if you were looking into the one90 for example? Ive never gone through the process of having custom skates so I have no idea how they do it.

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When the XXXX came out I checked into getting some customs and was told I could come in and get measured and they could add the order to their first booking so I'd get them in with their first shipment. Not sure if that goes for all shops or the One95 at all, but I'd say check it out and see for sure.

Not true - two separate departments.

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Sure, the ONE95's destroy the S15's in durability, but how do they compare to each other in lightness? Sorry if these have already been mentioned.

Just want to point out that there is nothing in this video which is indicative of either skate's durability...basic laws of physics dictate that the same amount of force (a puck shot at a constant speed in that video) will have a greater effect on a lighter mass when it hits (the stealth skates), so you see them move more than the one90. This of course has nothing to do with durability, as that would require an inspection of the skates after they have been pummeled with many pucks over a period of time. I don't know which is more durable of course, it very well could be the bauers...but that video proves nothing about durability.

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Wow your totally wrong about the physics part, the stiffness of the boot does not depend on the weight rather the material it is made out of. This video is attempting to show us that the boot of the One95 is stiffer (stronger) than the S15.

If what you said were true than the older boots that weighed more would have to be stiffer than the new boots of today. WRONG!

The one90 skate for example is much lighter than say a supreme 3000, but the 3000 weighs more while the one90 is STIFFER DUE TO THE MATERIAL!

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I never said the stiffness of the boot depends on the weight...that of course is not true. But you also can't say that greater stiffness (i.e. what was supposedly depicted in that video) necessarily means the boot is more durable. Of course there are other physics involved in this experiment like the boot materials and geometry and so forth. But the video doesn't prove "durability" as someone else said. That would have to be tested with time and constant use.

Also, take a close look at the blade holders in that video...the stealth blade and holder clearly is not being held in constant place and so much of the movement you see is from the rotation of the skate. The holder reaches a near 45 degree angle in the slow-mo shot, which shows that the skate was not firmly held in place.

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Also, take a close look at the blade holders in that video...the stealth blade and holder clearly is not being held in constant place and so much of the movement you see is from the rotation of the skate. The holder reaches a near 45 degree angle in the slow-mo shot, which shows that the skate was not firmly held in place.


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