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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike/Bauer ONE95/ONE75 Skates

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skated in them today and i have to say I was impressed

I don't know if it was just me or what but the One95's felt shorter than my One90's but the 95's definitely fit much better and it feels like you get that extra kick per stride.

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Reason #2343564567543345 why Hockey Monkey blows - here is a transcript of my phone call with them minutes ago:

Me - Hi, do you know when you will be getting the One95 skates in?

Clueless HM employee - The 15th.

Me - Umm...of May?

Clueless HM employee - April.

Me - Today's the 15th of April.

Clueless HM employee - Uhh...maybe later today then? Or tomorrow? I doubt it. I was told the 15th.

Me - So....ok then.

Clueless HM employee - Maybe on Friday? That's when our trucks come in.

Me - Ok, thanks.

And Hockey Giant isn't much better. Here's how my conversation with them went. Keep in mind, they have the skates on their site with the words "THIS ITEM IS IN STOCK" next to it:

Me - Hi, do you have the One95 skates in?

Clueless HG employee - No, not yet.

Me - You don't? I thought you did because it says on your site that they are in stock.

Clueless HG employee - Well, we have them available for pre-order but they aren't even in our warehouses yet. If you try to buy them online it will take you to a site with a phone number to call so you can pre-order them.

Me - Ok, thanks.


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skated in them today and i have to say I was impressed

I don't know if it was just me or what but the One95's felt shorter than my One90's but the 95's definitely fit much better and it feels like you get that extra kick per stride.

I skated in them today aswell,

I thought the longer steel runner did make a difference with turns

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I am looking for some advice. I currently skate in the XXXX and am thinking about switching to the one95. Can anyone give me some feedback on whether i should switch over or not? thanks

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I am looking for some advice. I currently skate in the XXXX and am thinking about switching to the one95. Can anyone give me some feedback on whether i should switch over or not? thanks

If you're lucky enough to fit in the Vapor XXXX properly, you already got a nice skate there... if it ain't broke, don't fix it, I say.

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If my One90's are a touch on the wide side for me (forefoot area) do you guys think a C width One95 would be my ticket?

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Got mine today,had them baked, haven't skated in them yet. Size-wise, in comparison: (toes brushing the front)

One95: 9D

One90: 8.5D

XXXX: 8.5D


Its a damn stiff boot, but you can flex forward just fine. Big time heel lock going on in there. Certainly wider and deeper than the one90. Actually, quite different than the one90 in that it has a traditional feel inside, but composite outside. Looking at them, really wondering just how much "breaking in" can go on there. Obviously inside will work itself in some, but the outside is like a brick.

Depth is definitely more, exactly like the XXXX to me. Nice ankle padding. Even though they have been baked, still hoping the boot caves in a bit more around my foot. All in all, looks like they have winner. Even if I don't like the longer blade(and its really only a hair longer, not sure why they bothered) then I can switch. Light as hell, as stated before. Does anyone know if the pitch is the same as the XXX and XXXX's?

So nice to have a traditional looking black boot to look down at.

Other equipment I fondled:

XXXX Shoulders: Ehhh...Nothing revolutionary, just redder

XXXX Shins: Very strange, at the ankle end, they are SO skinny there is absolutely no way I could get them over the tongue of my skates. No chance. Almost like it was an error or something, but all 6 pairs were like that.

XXXX Gloves: Once again, felt nice inside, but just too much crap on the palm. Probably durable palm, but just too busy. Fit is NOTHING like the XXX's. Much tighter in the forehand and wrist. Almost one90 tight to me. Maybe the pro is better, but I would never buy these regular XXXX's.

XXXX Pants: Very nice and comfy, vented backside, segmented pads.

I like the skates alot so far, not even a little concerned I wont like how they skate, but ya never know.

Sorry for the novel.


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I've been waiting a LONG time to buy some new skates so I'm going to splurge on whatever skate I decide on. Buyer's remorse is for girls. ;)

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I've been waiting a LONG time to buy some new skates so I'm going to splurge on whatever skate I decide on. Buyer's remorse is for girls. ;)

haha yea. I bought some supreme70's about 7 months ago and love them, but these 95's are beautiful, but its still 650. That said, i have been buying sticks like crazy lately (8sticks in the last 3 weeks).

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I've been waiting a LONG time to buy some new skates so I'm going to splurge on whatever skate I decide on. Buyer's remorse is for girls. ;)

I'm with you, I'm down to either the G35 or the One95, I'll know as soon as I try on the One95s, so either way I'm out some coin.

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For those guys who now have used the ONE95s, I can only say they will feel better and get more responsive each successive time you wear them. It's not like a typical break-in period. It is more like as you get used to the skate, the skate gets used to you. You can push the skate farther in performance each time you wear them. The boot does so much of the work for you and the runner just provides another on ice advantage, as well. Take these skates on a smooth sheet of ice and enjoy them!

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the more i read about this skate the more i wish i had the money to spend on them. but as a hockey newb i am sure that they would be overkill for me anyway.

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In order for stores to get ONE95s in April, they had to be booked in November 2007, which was hard for a lot of stores (especially small ones) because it was before the holiday season.

That definitely explains it. The first place I called was the LHS I bought the One90's from 2years ago, since they had them from Day 1. I've decided to just go to a shop and pay the baking fee rather then mess with them myself, but do the skates have baking info in the box? I want to make sure they're doing it right, or mind if I shoot you a PM JR?

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I'm getting jealous of all you bastards.... ;)

I feel you on that one, Fletch. My Supreme 70's are starting to get a little too tight for my liking. Grass-cutting season and tax refunds can't come soon enough!

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Has anyone tried out the ONE75? I was originally looking at Supreme 70's then I saw that those were due out soon and figured I'd wait for the updated model. They seem like a nice upgrade from the Supreme 70.

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Has anyone tried out the ONE75? I was originally looking at Supreme 70's then I saw that those were due out soon and figured I'd wait for the updated model. They seem like a nice upgrade from the Supreme 70.

I believe the 75's are made out of the same materials the one90's were. Cant say for sure though.

Also, I am sure it was already mentioned but i dont want to look through, whats the cost of the 75's?

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