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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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inno maniac

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i dont know, but the color sheme reminds me very much of the NBH vapor pro-lite that are available in europe.. they even have the word "lite" on the same spot.. See for yourselves.. greatskate.se (click on the button where it says "helkomposit", then scroll down until you see the Vapor pro-lite stick to the right)

the Vapor pro-lite is considered a price-point stick here (retails for ~$130), still there are players in the SEL (swedish elite leauge) that uses them.. Iv'e played around with one, and it felt very well balanced.. Not super light, but not heavy either.

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Page two of the thread that was linked has the answer. Notice all the flex ratings are listed the old Innovative way, not the more common Warrior way. $120 for what turned into a Dolomite...not bad, but no warranty.

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The inno maniac and marley are a pure hockey exclusive,

I saw a bunch of these at Peranis in Pittsburgh just last week. They were white with (I think) blue lettering, but they definitely said INNO MANIAC. There was a P88 pattern and the rest were names.

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I'm tempted to try out one of the intermediate (70 flex) pro lites for $60. I would try the thunderdome, but it doesn't appear you can choose a pattern.

Good luck man, I bought a 70 flex one a couple days ago, didn't even make it past warmups in my first game. Blade broke right where the hosel and shaft connect. Luckily I was able to salvage the shaft but the only reason I bought it was for the Smyth curve :(

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Good luck man, I bought a 70 flex one a couple days ago, didn't even make it past warmups in my first game. Blade broke right where the hosel and shaft connect. Luckily I was able to salvage the shaft but the only reason I bought it was for the Smyth curve :(

Was the "toe curve" pattern you got actually a retail Smyth curve?

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Was the "toe curve" pattern you got actually a retail Smyth curve?

I bought it off the rack in-store, there were no markings anywhere on the shaft or blade designating the curve. It's pretty much a roll of the dice online, luckily I was able to check out the curve in person first and it was easily recognizable as the Smyth.

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Thanks for the info.

I think I might bite the bullet and try one of these sticks out just to have the "Smyth" curve, broke my last Smyth blade and can't find a decently priced RH toe curve stick/blade.

Has anyone ever discovered what stick the Maniac is anyways? (dolo's/mac dad's/etc...)

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Has anyone ever discovered what stick the Maniac is anyways? (dolo's/mac dad's/etc...)

Judging solely on the graphics, I would venture to say it seems like it is trying to resemble a xxx lite. Even the name has "lite" in it.

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The length of the blade/hosel and carbon fiber wrap was the same as a tapered Dolo blade I have, not sure on the shaft though. Stick felt pretty good handling the puck and the couple shots I got to take felt nice, definitely had a high end feel to it.

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The shaft is without a doubt a Vapor XV, it is printed on the inner wall. I sold the one I got because I just could not get the feel. I went from using XXX-Lites to this and there don't seem to be ANY similarities in feel.

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Bauer needs to bring back the XXX lites. Seems like people are still searching for them.

I know I am, and I definately think that was the marketing tool put in place to sell these sticks.

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I see them on ebay a lot but they're usually the ones that have been repaired with that system (can't remember the name, three letters. TSR?)

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to elaborate on my post (I was just at the shop), they are all LH, $100, and lots of patterns (Woolley, Slegr, Eager, Niinimaa, Wilm, Seidenberg, Mckee, Bonk... off the top of my head)

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