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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stories Behind Your Username

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I have noticed some strange usernames on this board and was wondering if there was any story behind the name you chose or whatever.

Mine's hockeyplaya97 because I am a hockey player and my number is 97.

Simple enough?

Mods, please lock if you feel it necessary, just thought this would be an interesting topic.

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My name is Mike, but since that was already taken i decided to unique it and add another "i" so its Miike.

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when i was a freshman one of my assistant coaches started calliing me cammer (real name is cam) my teammates picked up on it and added a z . . . and im number 12, senior now

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No story behind my name. I didn't think real hard about my display name, so I just put down smitty, and my number is 34. I'm wishing I had taken more time to think of something that sounds cool or clever. Oh well :rolleyes: .

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Last name is Bond, so my friends call me Bondo sometimes, first name is Erik so I added the E onto the beginning.

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last name is del Toro . Toro y Torero just means bull and bullfighter which comes from a series of sketches Picasso did


I have that hanging in my home office.. fiancee hates it .. but it's all about compromise... right..

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well, im a large person compared to most ( 6'5 ish ) and everyone keeps trying to think of large person nicknames that never catch on... mile high matt, mountain matt.... but mattzilla works. mattsquatch is another one.... but thats only because im hairy like a fucking yeti.

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Just like Buzz_LightBeer I happened to take this name from another CS player. If I remember correctly it was cs_militia and there were only about 6 players or sumthin and there was dieselbro (not me, at the time) and this other guy Ganja-smoker69tupac (or something along the lines of that). Basically this dieselbro guy was absolutely destroying this ganja-whatever person and me and my buddy thought it was hilarious. All because this ganja-guy was running around like a fool and dieselbro would cap him in the head or knife him. So yeah, thats the story, pretty nerdy.... mhmmm. Oh and my first name for MSH B_rad1990 was just my name (Braden) shortened and my birth year.

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Mine pays homage to one of the sickest hardcore bands from Jersey, Fury of Five.

wow, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time..

Mine is pretty simple... my first name, middle inital, last name. Anthony J. Ta....

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well my last name is ogden and when i played bantam aaa my coach called me oggy and 3 because ive been number 3 for half of my hockey career

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One of my friends that has a lot more hip hop in them than I do (I'm a cracker) heard in one of their songs "fo shizzle my nizzle".....and it grew from there to be a blend of my last name (Spry) and a "izzle" on the tail end of it.....hence....Spreedizzle

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I was a member of the caps boards, and signed up after seeing austin powers goldmember. So I made my username smokeandapancake.

Then I had to re-register, and couldn't use that, so allsmokenopancake was born. And I use it for hockey boards (here, caps, hfboards) so I only have one username to remember

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