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5'9 165lbs, should i be using a senior or intermediate stick?

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I was wondering because I've been using intermediate for a while and someone asked me how come I don't play with a senior stick

Can I make the jump to senior or is that not recc for my height?

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5'8" 170 lbs and use a senior stick, lately anywhere from 85 to 100 flex.

You'll definitely want a senior stick, flex depends on upper body strength.

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I know a guy who's about my size (5'9" 170lbs)...he has always used a senior stick, but he got an Int (Bauer-67 flex I think)...and his shot improved drastically.

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Use which ever stick feels the most comfortable to you. Stick preference is such a personal choice that just cause someone tells you what they think you should use, it might not suit your game. Trial and error is the only way to find out. But if you're happy with what you're currently using there's no need to change.

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Do you have small carnie hands? That's more of a factor than height, I would think. Unless you have really tiny hands that you can't comfortably handle the increased stick diameter with, a senior stick would be fine.

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It all depends on your style, I know someone whois 5'8" most likely 170 lbs and he uses a JR stick...all what you want

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It also depends on your upper body strength and how much you lean into your stick. I am 5'9 175 and i tried about 3 sticks which were 75-80 flex and snapped the 75's in a matter of minutes. PP i like the 100 flex because it feeels right for me. Find what you feel comfortable with and stick with it

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it's all pp.. If you feel comfortable with the flex and the thin shaft, why change? A bigger/heavier person doesn't allways equal stiffer sticks.

i'm 5'11", 245lb powerlifter but i prefer the softer 85flex over the 100-120flex sticks that i have used since i was 14 (24 now).. The 100+ flex sticks gives a better kick on shots, but the 85flex gives me a better feel for the puck..

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It all depends on your style, I know someone whois 5'8" most likely 170 lbs and he uses a JR stick...all what you want

My friend is the exact opposite, he is like 5 foot 90 lbs. and he uses an 85 flex cut down about 4-5 inches. He has snapped a 100 flex xxx lite in about a week.

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Breaking sticks depends on how you play... I could be 4'11", 85 lbs, and break a 100 flex stick. You just have to have the proper...errr... improper technique to do so. Just try taking a slapshot hitting the ground a foot behind the puck everytime, and see how long it will last.

On the otherhand, I'm 5'8" 200lbs, so can't really say anything about being little (except being short.).

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i'm 5'9" 175 and my 85 flex stick feels too flexy. my other ones are 100...but it's personal preference. but i'd try a senior stick and see. if you don't like it, you can save money and use a int. stick.

i had an int. synthesis stick and it didn't feel good on ice. i had to go back to my higher flex shafts. as for playing roller, it was a fun stick to use.

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5'7" here and i use 100 flex synergy st's. I cant stand the feel of a stick flexier than the 100 flex thats cut down for my height. I dont break sticks often and when i do its usually off the face off. aside from that slap shots and wristers are fine.I dont haeva problem getting the necessary flex from the stick for my shots. so really it all depends on your technique and what yopu feel comfortable using.

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I'm 5'6 150 and use a 85 synergy cut down about 6", been doin that for years so I'm used to it. as pretty much everyone else says, personal preference.. I've also used a couple intermediates w/ no problems as well.. just a too much flex for my preference.

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I'm 5'9" and I've been using a 77 flex vapor 30 lite. I like the feel of a whippier intermediate stick, but the smaller shaft diameter rotates in my hands too much. :(

Does any other manufacturer offer the same diameter for their senior and intermediate sticks besides ccm/rbk?

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5'10" 190lbs....TPS R6 Response Armor Whip flex for me. Aside from warming the goalie up, I rarely take a slap shot. I'm more of a hands and passing center, and I prefer the load and whip of a whippier shaft as opposed to a stiff stick. I feel that it helps me soften the passes and load quicker for that perfect pass.

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