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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stiff skates, why?

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I am just wondering about stiff skates. Why do the pros and well most skilled

skaters prefer nice stiff skates? Also some nhlers like max tape around the top of skate? Why? Does have a super stiff skate make the energry transfer

better? I am just wondering? What is the benifit? Me for example Cant really feel compfy with my skates tied all the way to the top, I leave the top eye un-done. I feel more free with my edge work, however when I tie them all the way up I feel my power in my straight away skating? is that normal?

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Im not picking a fight, but how do you consider this a part of the ice hockey section? I mean he is asking a question about skate stiffness not the stiffness of a vector, or vapor. You know what i am saying? He is asking IN GENERAL, what the benefits of a stiffer skate are. Again no harsh feelings just wondering.

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personally i like them because when i would trasition especially from backward to forward, i'd feel the boot stretch and torque a bit too much. moved to a stiffer skate and it stopped right away.

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Im not picking a fight, but how do you consider this a part of the ice hockey section? I mean he is asking a question about skate stiffness not the stiffness of a vector, or vapor. You know what i am saying? He is asking IN GENERAL, what the benefits of a stiffer skate are. Again no harsh feelings just wondering.

Look at the posts in this forum, and the posts in General Hockey. General Hockey is any organized/unorganized hockey that is not pro. It was an equipment question.

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I think the preference for stiff skates by pros and advanced level skaters is due to the fact that they prefer the support and responsiveness that a stiff boot gives. For beginner and intermediate skaters the top of the line boots are not only over kill, but they probably impede the skater.

The balance between mobility, specifically forward flex and the height of the boot, and stiffness is something that manufacturers these days strive to achieve. Everyone has their preferences though. Some people will not tie the top eyelet to get more forward flex. I leave the top two eyelets on my One90's a bit looser than the rest to allow for more forward flex. Some newer boots like the One90's or Mission's AG line are lower cut than traditional boots. I noticed that my buddies flexlite 12's were definitely alot higher cut than my One90's which limits ankle mobility.

Hopefully that helps you a bit. Most of the posts in this thread are useless (mods not included).

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Im not picking a fight, but how do you consider this a part of the ice hockey section? I mean he is asking a question about skate stiffness not the stiffness of a vector, or vapor. You know what i am saying? He is asking IN GENERAL, what the benefits of a stiffer skate are. Again no harsh feelings just wondering.

Look at the posts in this forum, and the posts in General Hockey. General Hockey is any organized/unorganized hockey that is not pro. It was an equipment question.


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And why are you asking this in General hockey discussions?

I would guess because he is a brand new member and he has only posted 6 times.

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I think stiffer skates are better for acceleration and high-speed turns, but more flexible skates (e.g. some Missions, S500 or AGs, some Grafs) give you a longer stride for more top-end speed, more comfort, and better medium-speed and low-speed agility. It depends on your style of hockey and matching the type of skate to your style.

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And why are you asking this in General hockey discussions?

I would guess because he is a brand new member and he has only posted 6 times.

That was my guess too, but he needs to learn where it goes. If I don't say anything and just move it, he'll keep on doing it.

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Thanks for the great info on the stiffness. Also I ment no harm by posting

in the wrong area and I did not take any post as being snippy. I learned now where to post and where not to post. No harm, If jr didnt say anything,

I am sure I would have dont it again. So thanks guys.

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some pros want their skate to hold up longer???

I would imagine there are few of the pros that actually pay for their skates - many are sponsored, so it may not be a question of the longevity of the boot, but the performance of the boot given their level of skating. The size and weight of your avg NHL player, compounded with their aggressive skating, puts a great deal of stress on a boot, so the boot must be stiff enough to withstand this and perform.

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There are many reasons why someone would prefer a stiffer boot. Many of them are mentioned here. Again...this is another personal preference. For example, I know of a ton of tall and big players that like a soft boot.

As for me, I am a huge fan of a stiff boot, and do not fit the criteria of a big player. I am 6' 3", but I only weigh 150 LBs. In my case, as was described in the beginning of this post, the reason why I like a stiff skate is the responsive acceleration, turning and stopping I have. Since my switch to defense, the stiffness has really helped in my backward skating. Switching from edge to edge for quick direction changes is now effortless. Even after skating for over 24 years, it has never been this easy...except for my last stiff boot,; the Pro-stock Nike Ignite 1. That was one stiff boot. Glad that someone made a boot to my liking...I was beginning to lose hope.

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some pros want their skate to hold up longer???

I would imagine there are few of the pros that actually pay for their skates - many are sponsored, so it may not be a question of the longevity of the boot, but the performance of the boot given their level of skating. The size and weight of your avg NHL player, compounded with their aggressive skating, puts a great deal of stress on a boot, so the boot must be stiff enough to withstand this and perform.

No. No NHLer pays for their equipment - it's part of the team equipment budget. Unless you're like Yanic Perreault and are looking for all of the Daousts you can find.

That being said, 75% of pro skates made by NBH are retail stiffness. Materials used in skates nowadays are stronger that there isn't a need to go stiffer anymore as you would with skates in the past.

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If you are a heavy skater (meaning 200 lbs or more), beginer or experienced, the added stiffness will make the support of your skate last longer and anything that is lower than a mid level skate probably wont support you, even brand new.

Personal opinion but this is what Ive noticed, power forward type players and defenseman who "clear the crease" and in general players who play a more physical style tend to like the stiffer boots.

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