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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth S17

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i saw dany heatley today and he had 3 sticks on him - two of his regular all black stealths and one stick i hadnt seen before. as i got a closer look at it, it was all black with silver writing on it with a red oval on the bottom of the shaft like the one90 stick. on the bottom of the stick just before the blade it said S17 and somewhere on the top side of the shaft i saw the word stealth. sorry if this is old news i couldnt find it in the search.

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ryan malone had them and i got to try them out this summer. I have a few pics on my phone and i will post them up when i get home. There was a difference though, malones did not say stealth, just s17 and where it was red, instead it was yellow. Nice stick though.

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Hahaha...you guys are funny.

I like it when you guys bring up the topic, so I don't get busted...

Yes, the S17 is the new Stealth. Was offered one to test but all they have is 100 flex. Passed it on to another MSHer who should be getting it in the near future.

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Hahaha...you guys are funny.

I like it when you guys bring up the topic, so I don't get busted...

Yes, the S17 is the new Stealth. Was offered one to test but all they have is 100 flex. Passed it on to another MSHer who should be getting it in the near future.

what do you use, 85?

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The S-17 has a real funky taper, kind of looks like the forks on a high end bicycle. Very narrow, pretty cool looking. I get my alotment in early November, this is when they come out. Price will be same as regular Stealths.

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Hahaha...you guys are funny.

I like it when you guys bring up the topic, so I don't get busted...

Yes, the S17 is the new Stealth. Was offered one to test but all they have is 100 flex. Passed it on to another MSHer who should be getting it in the near future.

Wow, i cant wait. Thumbs up for this long span review thing.

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Hahaha...you guys are funny.

I like it when you guys bring up the topic, so I don't get busted...

It's funny, I was wondering what was taking so long for someone to see it. Mike was telling us about it back in January so I expected someone to see/hear/ask about it by now.

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anyone know if easton will be doing that toy drive thing again? Last year you got a se. If they do it this year will you get a S17 or the synegry.

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anyone know if easton will be doing that toy drive thing again? Last year you got a se. If they do it this year will you get a S17 or the synegry.

kinda early ya don't think

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anyone know if easton will be doing that toy drive thing again? Last year you got a se. If they do it this year will you get a S17 or the synegry.

easton hasn't even gone public with this stick yet, how would we know. its only august, we got 4 months till the holidays bro :P

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Any ideas what changes are being made from the CNT? I hope they go back to a more normal shaped shaft and a prepeg blade.

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Any ideas what changes are being made from the CNT? I hope they go back to a more normal shaped shaft and a prepeg blade.

I was going to see it on Monday but eh...I don't wanna wake up at 7am

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Any ideas what changes are being made from the CNT? I hope they go back to a more normal shaped shaft and a prepeg blade.

I was going to see it on Monday but eh...I don't wanna wake up at 7am

awww come on JR, take one for the team :P

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