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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth S17

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No, not against. I was just stating my opinion since no one who has seen it is allowed to give any info about it. If it sounded like I was trying to start an argument that wasn't my intention.

Have you been hibernating? Go back and read the last 5 pages or so. :blink:

When there are 17 pages of course I'm not going to read everything. Sorry that I have better things to do.

Riiiight. Keep playing Xbox and when you have another question, with an answer easily within your grasp, we'll be here to point it out.

Maybe you should go play Xbox and shut the hell up because you sound like the prick who talks crap to make themselves feel better about their pathetic life. By the way I was the first one to post on here that it was oval shaped on page 4.

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No, not against. I was just stating my opinion since no one who has seen it is allowed to give any info about it. If it sounded like I was trying to start an argument that wasn't my intention.

Have you been hibernating? Go back and read the last 5 pages or so. :blink:

When there are 17 pages of course I'm not going to read everything. Sorry that I have better things to do.

Riiiight. Keep playing Xbox and when you have another question, with an answer easily within your grasp, we'll be here to point it out.

Maybe you should go play Xbox and shut the hell up because you sound like the prick who talks crap to make themselves feel better about their pathetic life. By the way I was the first one to post on here that it was oval shaped on page 4.

I babysit the rink rats enough at the rink. No need for me to do it here. Any further response from you is unnecessary and unwelcome. No need to waste the other users time reading your posts. Good day, sir.

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Parise did not use the S-17 against the B's on Thursday night. Perhaps the boys are still getting used to them in practice before game testing them.

I was going to post something similar. Danny Briere is using the S17 in practice, but used an SE in the game against the Devils.

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Yeah, those are last years jerseys, but Heatley's pants have the stripes on the sides that the sens are using this year. Before they didn't have any stripes, so could be before the new jerseys were released to players (before training camp started this year).

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you never know if its real or its just a paint job from looking.

you do when the shaft is a different shape... or when there's holes and the like in shaft.

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That stick is, 100%, without a doubt, the real deal. Easton is releasing the stick soon in less than 60 days. They are no longer going to extreme measures to be secretive about it.

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