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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth S17

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They need to bring back 1 damn big cure (like the yezerman,gaborik)

y no one buys it

TPS Afinogenov for me....pretty large mid/toe curve and just a touch open.

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Nah, stuff they need to bring back is the z-tac blade coating, and the old grip ala the Gold SyNergy. Man I miss it... :(

Oh hell yeah, other brands (if they care) as well! Some months ago i saw Jochen Hecht Warrior Pro Stocks and they had it. If i just had stolen them :(

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No, they just don't want details coming out yet.

I did keep my cameraphone in my pocket...lol

JR, how can you do this to us? if you didn't want us asking for a picture why would you tell us you kept your cameraphone handy? haha

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Damn, if only we new then. Have to do some playoff pic searches and see what I can come up with.

Found some pics from the finals. I cant tell what the diff other than the all black paint job. the shaft seems to be the same shape. But what do I know anyhow. I dont even know what I'm looking for.

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nah, im thinkin its just you, the shaft blends in with the background so all you can really see is the "pro stock for professional use only" on the shaft. you just wanna see it so your minds playing tricks on you

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Got to see the brochure last night on the stick. Looks pretty nice, 405 grams. I don't know if I'm allowed to post what the "new technology" is, so I won't, but I might have to pick up one when we get em in in Nov-Dec

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Depending on the shop, it will sell for less than that price in US $$. Easton surprised me when they didn't blow the price through the roof. They kind of have a history of doing that, ya know?

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Oh ya, I know what your saying. I've stated before that if a company wants to charge a premium price on a stick that they believe is superior they should stand behind it with at leat a 90 day warrentie. A perfect example was the other nigt when a guy blocked a shot of mine with a Warrior Kronik and it broke in half. What a way to watch $240.00 U.S. go down the drain. Dont get the wrong idea. I do not have an extermely hard shot.

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Yeah - they feel that there's not a big market for sub-$200 sticks and let the others assume that risk. But they're still pushing the envelope and keeping it at the same price point...then again, getting them made in China would help with that.

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