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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sean Skinner

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Anyone own or seen the sean skinner dvds, My stickhandling beyond belief set just came in the mail, and was wondering what everyone thought of them.

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ya i bought that dvd and all i have to say is this guy is amazing. he teaches you great moves to use while also showing you some crazy pond hockey moves that i think are illegal in regular hockey. helped my game a lot

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who cares if his head is down. He has catchy music. Catchy music makes you play better.

i'll second that. i could play NHL level hockey if i only had headphones in my helmet pumping "eye of the tiger" by Survivor.

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who cares if his head is down. He has catchy music. Catchy music makes you play better.

i'll second that. i could play NHL level hockey if i only had headphones in my helmet pumping "eye of the tiger" by Survivor.

iPod Shuffle would do the trick. I'm very tempted to try it one game.

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Haha your gonna get kicked out so fast! I tried it once during stick and puck and it was good and all but then I realized, holy hell I wouldn't be able to hear the refs whistle!

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Anyone do his camps this summer?

My son did his camp this summer. I didn't see much of it, except for some instructors yelling at his group ("Hustle!", "Hard work is fun!"), but he's been inspired to practice his stickhandling. I saw him instructing a younger group on-ice, and he took the time to help the younger ones who were having trouble.

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Big on show, but lacks substance in a real game situation. Look at how much he keeps his head down.

I don't think it really matters that he keeps his head down, he's showing you stickhandling exercises, I watched some of them recently and just remember if you play in a league with zero tolerance alot of his tips for tying players up will get you 2mins very fast these days.

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His hands are amazing but pay attention to how often he touches the puck. A lot of times it is his blade tapping the ice on either the side of the puck that draws the defender to commit.

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The guy has skills thats for sure but most of it is useless in a game situation to us mere mortals .What is funny is how many times have you played against players who try to emulate a guy like this in a game situation ( all flash and yes ,far too much 'head down puck watching ' )can't quite pull it off and they are usually the easiest to strip of the puck ? imo I would put more emphasis on heads up game play ( skating, passing ,vision of the ice etc. ) for younger players ? I've always enjoyed watching a well executed tic-tac-toe play heading up the ice ,with all the team involved in the play from the goalie getting the puck from behind the net ,up to the D, then the long stretch pass to the center streaking through the neutral zone , sweet drop pass to the winger , head to the net and 'BOOM' biscuit in the basket.Having said that, it is still a lot of fun to watch the Jagrs and Bures and Ovechkins of the world work their magic single handed from time to time too.Excuse my rambling ,really fun to watch and fair play to him, just my 2c worth.

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one of the kids I kow says that he stick handles wrong!! He's very impressive though, in stick handling your suppose to role your hands but hes like slamming the floors back and fourth =/.

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^That's true, I noticed that about him too.

I borrowed the dvds from a friend, some of the moves are very useful and I found it helpful with the way he broke it down and described specific game situations where that move can be applied.

Some of those extremely flashy moves can be fun to practice and try, but the chances of pulling it off in a game situation is pretty low.

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guy's got some serious talent in the stickhandling department, that's for sure. anyone have/see the Lecalvier DVD disk set? i believe it's at www.smarthockey.com

I got all 5 from a friend, and it's a interesting concept. workout schedule and all.

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