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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2007 College Football Thread

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damn.... looks like i'm not a michigan fan anymore.... :(


So... you're only a Michigan fan if they're in the top 25?

I think Oregon will be facing a very motivated team.

They weren't motivated when pretty much Oregon's offense being run by OSU whooped them last year?

Michigan's going to lose 3-4 games this year anyway so the APP State game will lose some of it's luster.

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damn.... looks like i'm not a michigan fan anymore.... :(


So... you're only a Michigan fan if they're in the top 25?

I think Oregon will be facing a very motivated team.

no, i'm just embarrassed about this. i didn't watch the game because i thought it was an automatic win. :angry:

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God - it's the Tuesday after and I'm still disgusted and embarrassed. Thank God Mr. Schembechler isn't alive to see this.

my thoughts exactly! :(

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Oregon has an advantage over App St for the spread offense, they don't get the audibles from the sidelines. Since Oregon's QB will call them at the line I foresee a long day for the Wolverines.

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I would like to agree with you, but Oregon's quarterback didn't play football this summer. He chose to go play single A baseball and hit under .200 instead of learn the new offense from the new offensive coordinator. He did look really good against Houston though, but mainly his 80 yard TD run. I don't have a lot of confidence in him yet but he has the potential to be really good.

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Lucky for me my mom changed her flight plans and is coming home from Hungary two days early. Looks like I'll be listening to the game on I-5, if I'm lucky enough to get reception.

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Man I realised how painful college football is once you're out of school. Other than seeing Erin Andrews on the sideline or the various anti-Corso signs I would be in a NCAA coma till January.

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Man I realised how painful college football is once you're out of school. Other than seeing Erin Andrews on the sideline or the various anti-Corso signs I would be in a NCAA coma till January.

Why do you say that? Aside from the Money Machine bowl system - I'd take college football over the NFL anyday. The players dont act like complete idiots yet, and the games them selves are alot more entertaining I think.

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Lack of competition. When I flip to games it seems to be be blowouts rather than anything competitive/close. Maybe not having a regional team and going to schools whose teams sucked make it easy to forget about college football, but I think I'll pass until BCS time.

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Case in point: I'm having to suffer thru Oregon/Michigan right now. As interesting as it is to see Oregon's uniforms turn more and more into bicycling uniforms, these teams suck.

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See JR, that is why Ohio State never rebuilds, they reload. OSU doesn't blow out teams 55-0...like so many teams do to feel great about themselves. When OSU knows a victory is in hand, hello second and third string players. ;-)

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Hart is rushing well, but the rest of the team is pretty much sucking horribly.

Michigan sucks, and are generously in the top 25.

And as I type this post, Mallete just threw an INT.

go Rutgers =P

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See JR, that is why Ohio State never rebuilds, they reload. OSU doesn't blow out teams 55-0...like so many teams do to feel great about themselves. When OSU knows a victory is in hand, hello second and third string players. ;-)

Complete overhaul, and they'll be better for it.

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