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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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getting blade out of shaft

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my blade i just put into my l-2 has a really tight fit and i cant take the blade out.....ive tried heating it up, and banging the blade out with a plastic rod....should i try more intense heat, use the heat gun longer or what? i hate the curve, but love the shaft

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An L-2 is not a cheap stick so I wouldnt recommend you over heating it. You should goto your LHS and they should have a good heat gun and a vice. I ran into the same problem with my Cylone, since its radius pulling blades out of it is an absoulute struggle.

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When i got a really stuck blade I would heat the blade up, and then stick the blade inbetween the bleachers at the rink and pull. You could use anything that dosent move.

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An L-2 is not a cheap stick so I wouldnt recommend you over heating it. You should goto your LHS and they should have a good heat gun and a vice. I ran into the same problem with my Cylone, since its radius pulling blades out of it is an absoulute struggle.

I agree. Let your LHS look into it. You'll want to avoid what I refer to as a "hammer" approach. A few years back, my wife bought this fancy white jacket she couldn't stop talking about. When she finally got it home, she realized that the store had forgotten to remove the plastic security thing (which obviously did not work). Bring it back to the store? No way. First she tried pulling it off, then she got impatient and pulled out the hammer to pry it off. Ten seconds later she had a huge yellow splotch of dye on the jacket which had poured out when she broke the security tag in two.

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Once you've heated it enough, try holding the stick with the blade on the ground and your foot on the top of the blade so that you can pull with both hands on the shaft.

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Also, I don't think adding extra heat is a good idea. Not just cuz it might damage your investment but because the heat will quickly penetrate the shaft and into the insert, thus expanding the insert along w/ the shaft. Then there'll be no space between shaft and insert, just a uniformly heat-expanded mass. I believe this mostly happens if it is a really snug fit.

I think anyways........at least I found it to be true when I was younger, I'd just pour the heat on and the blades rarely ever came out.

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I wouldn't trust any LHS with it, but if it's your only chance do it.

If you can take out the endplug (or if you don't have one), just heat up the insertion point and then put something like an old curtain rod down the shaft and push it out.

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that's what i did when my xn10 broke. i heated up the connection point beyond belief and shoved, like...i don't remember but it was really long and thin, down there. a lil piece of foam came out with it. i didn't know what it was so i just shoved it back in.

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im using a vice at my house, and ive had no luck.....ill try your idea chippa thanks.....keep them coming though if anyone else has an idea

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you might try heating it up, and then grab it by the blade and kinda swing it around. That might losen the blade and then you can try pulling it out.

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my blade i just put into my l-2 has a really tight fit and i cant take the blade out.....ive tried heating it up, and banging the blade out with a plastic rod....should i try more intense heat, use the heat gun longer or what? i hate the curve, but love the shaft

have your friend ready beside you and when you heat your shaft to the max (slowly rotating the shaft over the heat to get equal distribution) quickly pull away the stick from stove and have him/her pull one end hard and you pull the other end hard. Whoever is pulling on the blade end gets lots of power and control by grasping the top part of the blade and pulling towards the opposite end (much more force in my opinion then by holding the blade down with your feet).

of note, make sure when you do this that you are not going to crash into anything fragile or dangerous in the area.

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