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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Sher-Wood Crosby pattern

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So that means that the RbK Crosby will be happening then?

It has been a question of when, not if since he signed the big deal with them.

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On a related note, anyone know what th name of the Havlat (Lidstrom clone) pattern is, or if it will still be offered on their woodies? I pretty sure its not avail in a blade, but I haven't checked their website in ages...

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I can see it now...the SWPP6087LTD11k shaft-blade combo with the integrated organic feedback response system (wood blade). And it'll be priced at $187.00

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It was a slow day at work today and we just got some in

Oh boy, why didn't they just turn it 90 degrees.

On a side note, is Sher Wood owned by any other company? I don't see their market share growing very much. When I was a kid all I wanted was a Sher Wood, but now I think I might want an XD just for the Crosby stick on the wall, but for little else. I have my old-school wood goalie stick with Sher-Wood written in big block letters over the paddle.

Do they make anything else? I don't see their player or goalie gear represented very well.

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Crosby used a Momentum Comp, not a XD.

SW sale may be soon...

Shows how enthusiastic I am about it. The understated graphic is the best part of it.

Chikin- I know they have protective and goalie, I just never see many people wearing it. I can't remember a player having it unless it's ancient, and from observing the GSBB it seems to be a niche brand like Eagle in the goalie area (not talking about the pros at all).

So what's this about SWD being sold? To whom?

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SW has been up for sale since the Ice Age.

That's not the same as saying "sale may be soon". Unless you're just saying the owners are pushing to sell, not that someone is near buying... :rolleyes:

You're such a tease JR.

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