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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike Bauer 9500

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simplifyed version =D

EPP- Hard black foam with gel packs (example: bicycle helmets)

Vn- yellow foam that absorbs sweat and becomes hard after long use!

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The foam starts out almost white when the helmet is new but starts to turn yellow as the body fluids seep in over time.

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  ibuyprettythings said:
  the iceman said:

And the Vapor XXXX gloves are also in the picture.

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ya I noticed that the brother with the white helmet had different gloves too

  JR Boucicaut said:

Vapor XXXX Pro (nylon)

Both will be offered at retail next year.

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you got a picture of them yet ?

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just look for pictures of St. Louis and Staal or look on the NBH website and look @ the Vapor XXXX stick, it shows a diagram of the XXXX "seamlessly" fitting into the XXXX Glove.

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Here's as much info as I can give out right now - they showed the helmet to the reps and FLDs last weekend.

I'm not going to go into too much detail but the 9500 consists of a dual – injected shell. Uses same material helmet shells traditionally are made of but with some flexible properties (Ski Boots use this technology) You can see some of that in the previous picture, right above/behind the ears. So - it will adapt to different head shapes as it will reduce pressure points.

Like I said before, they are using FXPP, which is the highest grade of EPP available. There is also VN in those areas where thinner foam is needed, as well as on a comfort standpoint. Combined, it does a better job of absorbing energy.

Also a cool foam treatment that absorbs heat.

There's more to the lid that, when I get the green light, can talk about.

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Jesus, this helmet is loaded. Sounds like I'll end up having to try this out as I still haven't found a helmet that has really fit my head right without doing some slight modifications to the padding.

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  hockey12345 said:

You could order it from the usa and it would be cheaper due to the high exchange rate.But who know what the exchange rate will be next spring

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Most online retailers in the States won't ship to Canada.

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The 9500 helmet is awesome. The helmet is incredibly light and was extremely comfortable. The FXPP is an amazing foam that is designed to withstand multiple impacts. This not bicycle helmet EPP foam. It is not a "one and done" foam. Bicycle helmets are designed to protect for one single crash landing. FXPP is designed with increased bead count per volume for long term protection. The helmet passes the mirror test easily. The custom color options on made-to-order are team oriented with the best look yet on a hockey helmet. My year old Mission Intake will be retired once these hit the market in Spring 08.

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This is the first new product that I seriously actually want to get asap. Normally I don't buy into hype but this one's got me hooked.

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I hate to beg the question, and I know the other thread got canned, But will this still be under the NBH banner even if a new buyer is announced before the release? I know they said that the new stuff will continue to come out, but didn't say under which brand name (unless I missed it). I'm getting one no matter the brand. Any info on the retail colors yet?

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  lb33knight said:
  JR Boucicaut said:

Yes, they are being made with the Swoosh.

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Speaking of which, I have an email to send you once I get to the rink tomorrow. No new news but it does have some interesting info straight from the horses mouth.

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This is what PMs are for.

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