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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is it just me or does he look goofier than most in that new jersey?

And yeah, like cobra, lol.

Do u wanna see a goofier picture of him


i think he was going for the cover of gq with this one?

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I don't know what they are.

They look like russian skates.

What will those Russians think of next?

Will these skates be available to those that live outside of Russia?

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Looks like an extension of his elbow pad for slash guards.

Boy he does look weird in that pic.

No special "bling bling" Ovey editions for 08 if the pics are an indication that only one high end Vector will be made.

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The retard fairy has blessed us again here at MSH.

IMO, you should have just locked this when you posted. The thread has snowballed and managed to roll over a short bus on its way down the hill.

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How's that different from most threads we get nowadays? He's been put on approval by someone else so we should be spared a little.

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hes allways looked kinda retarded with his big ass shoulderpads. i still like him though... no matter how retarded he looks and no matter how homosexual this post sounds.

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can we all vote on the approval? I'm in for a thumbs down, make that two thumbs down, sorta like the Fonz

Hell I think the mod approval is a fantastic idea in most circumstances...I'd suggest mod approval for new members until the 'buy/sell' forums are available (but you poor mods would obviously be swamped)... that way the board assures some logical input from a new member, instead of the attempts that have been made to 'pad' post counts.

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Not for nothing but...I was expecting some unique skates.

Maybe now that they have some players around him (Nyalnder, Semin, Backstrom)...he's knows it won't be a one man show, so he is trying to blend in....not be quite so blingy (is that a word?)

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Not for nothing but...I was expecting some unique skates.

Maybe now that they have some players around him (Nyalnder, Semin, Backstrom)...he's knows it won't be a one man show, so he is trying to blend in....not be quite so blingy (is that a word?)

I really doubt that's why he's wearing toned down skates/equipment. I just hope that he can have the breakout season he should be having, cuz i would love to see him in the playoffs. Other than that he looks like a straight up Kossak.

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The skates are still most likely pre-production from the graphics perspective. I would not be surprised if they so the same thing as they did with the Vector 10SEs...produce a different color scheme for just Ovey.

Anyone see the game yesterday? He seems to just have an extra gear compared to everyone else. Might be the decrease in wind resistance with his mouth open now that he has one less tooth! I think it was in the first period when they were on the power play...he took that quick snap shot right at the left circle. If Grahame didn't make that great glove stop...it could have been 2 in the first for Ovey. BTW - he looks like he is having fun with Kozlov on the PP. Could be a good year for Caps fans.

I also noticed that he is switching between the new Vectors and the 10SEs. In one of the periods yesterday, and in the first game against Atlanta, he wore the SEs briefly.

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