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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Well well Cougarscapain87,

Once again, I have been f&*%#$d by another member in a trade/sale transaction. Everything was going really smooth at first, he answered all my PM's, kept me updated daily and to top that off he even gave me a better deal on the our transaction. We had agreed to trade my black RBK 8k helmet shell of his white one. And i bought a royal blue RBK 8k from him at the same time for 60$ shipped to my door. As soon as I sent him the money, everything started to get a little shabby. It seemed like he was always gone on business trips etc etc... Then he finally answered my PM and told me he needed my phone number to be able to send out the stuff. Gave him everything he wanted and needed for this transaction to go smoothly and what i got in return was NOTHING. There was a little delay throughout the transaction at one point. My grandmother had passed away and i let him know ASAP of this delay and made sure the helmet was shipped out right after everything was done. He hasn't answered any of my PM's since early June. I know he's been online because it shows up in his profile and now he set it up so its private. Well i guess that's a nice 60$ of mine flushed down the tubes. Oh well every dog gets their day that's how i look at it. The worst part is, I just had another transaction that went tits up with Buzzlightbeer a few months back seems like I've been having some real bad luck but oh well what am i supposed to do now. I mean im not going to make a fuss over 60$, its not even worth my time just like it wasn't worth it for him. I hope ill have better luck next time.

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