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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Something to backup my point about Hockey equipment prices

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SOLUTION: screw advertising, endorsing fees and all that crap. Let the pros choose what they want to use themselves; Kors, Missions, MIA and other lower market share brands will get more exposure and increase the competition. The money saved from all the marketing crap can be used to lower prices. NBH pays around 8 athletes millions a year to use their product...stupid....if they used the millions to just lower their one90s' prices by $100, they would have sold so much more. All these marketing are seriously screwing the prices. Why do we want to see the pros wear CCM branded easton gloves, RBK shells over easton pants etc2.

PS:Djinferno, I totally agree with you that the prices are way out of hand nowadays.

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Prices going up for things isn't a hockey thing. Look at gas prices, look at groceries, look at fast food prices, look at video game systems... look at minimum wage.

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Prices going up for things isn't a hockey thing. Look at gas prices, look at groceries, look at fast food prices, look at video game systems... look at minimum wage.

When I was paying $80 for decent skates minimum wage was $3.50 per hour. This was mid to late 80's. Now Massachusetts minimum wage is $7.50 per hour and will go up to $8.00 per hour starting 1/7/08.

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SOLUTION: screw advertising, endorsing fees and all that crap. Let the pros choose what they want to use themselves; Kors, Missions, MIA and other lower market share brands will get more exposure and increase the competition. The money saved from all the marketing crap can be used to lower prices. NBH pays around 8 athletes millions a year to use their product...stupid....if they used the millions to just lower their one90s' prices by $100, they would have sold so much more. All these marketing are seriously screwing the prices. Why do we want to see the pros wear CCM branded easton gloves, RBK shells over easton pants etc2.

PS:Djinferno, I totally agree with you that the prices are way out of hand nowadays.

There is so much misinformation in your post. Pros do choose what they want to wear. How exactly do you figure that eliminating the "marketing crap" will lower prices? If there is no "marketing crap," there is no advertising or exposure for new product. How will it sell if new product is in a black hole and no one knows about new product? Do you really think "Nike pays around 8 athletes millions a year to use their product"? Marketing is screwing the prices? Ever hear of Research, Design, and Development? Without it you would still be on tubular steel blades with heavy leather skates. Forget about marketing, its killing the product?! Just how long have you been playing and buying hockey equipment?

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SOLUTION: screw advertising, endorsing fees and all that crap. Let the pros choose what they want to use themselves; Kors, Missions, MIA and other lower market share brands will get more exposure and increase the competition. The money saved from all the marketing crap can be used to lower prices. NBH pays around 8 athletes millions a year to use their product...stupid....if they used the millions to just lower their one90s' prices by $100, they would have sold so much more. All these marketing are seriously screwing the prices. Why do we want to see the pros wear CCM branded easton gloves, RBK shells over easton pants etc2.

PS:Djinferno, I totally agree with you that the prices are way out of hand nowadays.

Pros do choose what they want to wear. How will it sell if new product is in a black hole and no one knows about new product?

So Sidney Crosby chooses to use RBK sticks instead of Sherwood?

Do you watch the NHL? We all know there is a new vector even without CCM advertising it...ehem2.

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SOLUTION: screw advertising, endorsing fees and all that crap. Let the pros choose what they want to use themselves; Kors, Missions, MIA and other lower market share brands will get more exposure and increase the competition. The money saved from all the marketing crap can be used to lower prices. NBH pays around 8 athletes millions a year to use their product...stupid....if they used the millions to just lower their one90s' prices by $100, they would have sold so much more. All these marketing are seriously screwing the prices. Why do we want to see the pros wear CCM branded easton gloves, RBK shells over easton pants etc2.

PS:Djinferno, I totally agree with you that the prices are way out of hand nowadays.

Pros do choose what they want to wear. How will it sell if new product is in a black hole and no one knows about new product?

So Sidney Crosby chooses to use RBK sticks instead of Sherwood?

Do you watch the NHL? We all know there is a new vector even without CCM advertising it...ehem2.


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we all know because we have serious mental issues.

John Q. Skater has no clue. the average hockey fan doesn't know/care what the pros are wearing, and the same goes for many hockey players. I'm a self-admitted gearwhore and definitely have some kind of mental defect when it comes to equipment, but I'm the only one out of three teams that I play on that is this way.

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This is why I love Hockey World. I buy most everything from them. I can get some top quality equipment that is a few model years old much cheaper than I can buy low end stuff at the local sporting goods stores. If you don't mind the older style equipment its a good option but some guys just won't hear of using what they believe to be outdated equipment. As an example last season I purchased 2 pairs of CCM 652 Super Tacks from Hockey World for $79.00 a pair. I converted one pair to inline and kept the other pair for ice pick-up. A buddy who probably plays ice 2 or 3 times a winter and plays roller maybe 8-10 times a summer went out and bought CCM Vector 8's for ice and Vector 8's for roller and paid top dollar at the local sports store.

Rick Henry

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we all know because we have serious mental issues.

John Q. Skater has no clue. the average hockey fan doesn't know/care what the pros are wearing, and the same goes for many hockey players. I'm a self-admitted gearwhore and definitely have some kind of mental defect when it comes to equipment, but I'm the only one out of three teams that I play on that is this way.

Sometimes those of us here on MSH forget that we're a very, very small minority.

As for the rest of this topic, we've been over this before the last time, so I've got nothing further to add.

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There is an idea dj and mew, start socialist hockey. Give up your salary, your means of earning a living and start socialist hockey. All gear is one price. You get what the hockey policestate says you get and nothing better. Finally, a solution.

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Haven't you been paying attention?(nod, nod, wink, wink) Hockey equipment is too expensive in Canada. The equipment should cost less than it does, there is no need for advertising since everyone watches the NHL in Canada, and the pros should use whatever they want no matter what the team says. we need to form a committee and take it to the House in Ottawa. Right away, tomorrow morning. Get on the first plane out of Alaska and help these two intrepid souls fight the good fight for everyone. This could go national. We could start a hockey revolution. We could change the world!!

"I'm a farmer." Max Yasgur 8/12/69

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I tried to skim through all this with an open mind but quickly gave up on it. I think car prices have raised since the 80s too, so this epidemic has quickly jumped from hockey equipment to other things. This monster must be stopped.

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Well I can't close it as this bastard grew to 7+ pages before I could even get to it, so it must have some sort of appeal.

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Haven't you been paying attention?(nod, nod, wink, wink) Hockey equipment is too expensive in Canada. The equipment should cost less than it does, there is no need for advertising since everyone watches the NHL in Canada, and the pros should use whatever they want no matter what the team says. we need to form a committee and take it to the House in Ottawa. Right away, tomorrow morning. Get on the first plane out of Alaska and help these two intrepid souls fight the good fight for everyone. This could go national. We could start a hockey revolution. We could change the world!!

"I'm a farmer." Max Yasgur 8/12/69

you are warping a thread with complete nonsense, you are so far from the point...

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No apologies necessary as what you added was valid. It's just that this all sounds like a seven-page thread stemming from "shit's expensive now." Not news to me.

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