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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Something to backup my point about Hockey equipment prices

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Maybe in a town with a poor economy...I've seen three of those Nike ID stations within 10 minutes from my house. That's up to the owner, not you.

The funny part about my sarcastic post is that, yes, my equipment fits a TON better than it did and I don't have a narrow Bauer helmet squeezing my head, too-big CCM skates that pinch my toes, shin pads that slide and fall all over, and shoulder pads that require 10 minutes to adjust all the slides and buttons and snaps anymore, and I only spent about $350 total on all my gear brand new. A kid can get away with $250 a year on brand new equipment.

How big or tall are you? What level do you play?

I'm 6'1" 205 and play competitive, you think I could get away with 350$, my mouth piece cost half that...

None of this is top end stuff

My elbows, 50$

Shins 60$

Helmet, 80$

Visor 40$

Pants, 100$

Shoulder 80$

So no sox, no jersey, no gloves, no cup, no sticks and no skates and i blew your budget so please let me know where you get your stuff because I will make that road trip...

I mean be serious... :rolleyes:

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Your opinion is valid, you're just not listening to what everyone is saying. It seems like you want to pay less to have the best. Hockey is not a huge markup market like electronics and textiles.

If your kid wants the best stuff and you can't afford it, stop spoiling them and don't buy it. I didn't get my bow, I didn't get the G.I.Joe mega action base with popup turrets and folding shield panels.

Suck it up.


If you need a $175 mouthpiece you have more problems.

You don't need new skates every year do you? If you are playing in such a way that you need top-end and need replacements every year then you need to figure things out. Go pro and get things paid for you, ask your boss for an extra $250 a year, do something.

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Why do you alwasy attack NBH??

Not attacking NBH, replace the name by Easton, RBK or any other brands...

Your opinion is valid, you're just not listening to what everyone is saying. It seems like you want to pay less to have the best. Hockey is not a huge markup market like electronics and textiles.

If your kid wants the best stuff and you can't afford it, stop spoiling them and don't buy it. I didn't get my bow, I didn't get the G.I.Joe mega action base with popup turrets and folding shield panels.

Suck it up.

I'm not talking for myself, i don't have kids, I'm talking about hockey as a sport, I coach kids and parents are putting kids into other sports because the cost is over the top...

I got lower end stuff, It still cost me 400$ for low end skates...

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Maybe in a town with a poor economy...I've seen three of those Nike ID stations within 10 minutes from my house. That's up to the owner, not you.

The funny part about my sarcastic post is that, yes, my equipment fits a TON better than it did and I don't have a narrow Bauer helmet squeezing my head, too-big CCM skates that pinch my toes, shin pads that slide and fall all over, and shoulder pads that require 10 minutes to adjust all the slides and buttons and snaps anymore, and I only spent about $350 total on all my gear brand new. A kid can get away with $250 a year on brand new equipment.

How big or tall are you? What level do you play?

I'm 6'1" 205 and play competitive, you think I could get away with 350$, my mouth piece cost half that...

i'm 6'3" 240. i don't know, but when i was in LA for holidays, and changed all my stuff, except for skates (changed last year since 1999...), between giant&monkey, i spent 580$. the only cheap things i could find where shins and elbows... pnats in xxl only bauer 8000 or ccm pro tacks... no color to choose.... did i had any chance to choose? no.

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Your opinion is valid, you're just not listening to what everyone is saying. It seems like you want to pay less to have the best. Hockey is not a huge markup market like electronics and textiles.

If your kid wants the best stuff and you can't afford it, stop spoiling them and don't buy it. I didn't get my bow, I didn't get the G.I.Joe mega action base with popup turrets and folding shield panels.

Suck it up.


If you need a $175 mouthpiece you have more problems.

You don't need new skates every year do you? If you are playing in such a way that you need top-end and need replacements every year then you need to figure things out. Go pro and get things paid for you, ask your boss for an extra $250 a year, do something.

Well if those cheap mouthgards work for you, great, I care not to lose the my nice whites so I had mine fitted at the dentist, in Ottawa Canada, a custom mouth guard cost 100+ plus tax 15% and I don't have to replace it for 2 years, those other ones i replace all the time and the fit like crap...

No I don't need new skates every year but kids playing etite sure do, the ones I coach go sometime thru 2 pairs a year, break down or outgrown...

Face it man, skates for a fact don't last half as much as the use to...

I need a new pair every 2 years and forces of nature I cant go cheap...

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Your argument is that high prices are killing the sport. I started playing last year with $350 in equipment. Last I checked, starting to play a sport isn't "killing" the sport. Actually, I started with about $125 in equipment as I got cheap skates, gloves, and a wood stick and went to the ponds.

My total equipment now is:

Helmet & cage: $120 (Intake & Bauer 8500)

Mouthguard: $15 (Gravity)

Shoulders: $30 (5030's)

Elbows: $55 (Stealth S9's)

Gloves: $40 (Vector Pro's off eBay)

Pants: $40 (Stealth S5's from Mod Squad member)

Shins: $40 (Bauer 4000's)

Skates: $250 (Vapor XIX's)

Stick: $50 (TPS R2 shaft & Easton Synthesis blade)

Jerseys & Socks: $110 (home and away with matching socks)

That's $750 for pretty solid gear. As an adult, the only thing I'll have to replace is the gloves about once a year, skates every few years, and stick about every six months.

Ice time runs me about $75 a month plus $400 for league fees. That's WAY more than the gear.

But if you're looking to play a sport from a cost/benefit perspective, you're better off playing soccer. Last I checked, hockey isn't close to "dead" in Canada and the northern US.

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For the love of god can we lock this topic before you waste even more bandwidth? There will always be ultra-premium products in every industry that the typical scrubs cannot afford. Ferrari's, Ferragamo shoes in vapor's case, etc. Just stop.

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Yes, there will always be ferrari's, bentley, or whatever else. The point i think is that hockey stuff is overpriced. and in many cases i think there aren't really options to choose from. The only one that remains is the brand. one or enother, doensn't matter. the price i not right for them all.

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The quality of mid-level products isn't as good, relative to the top end product, as it used to be. That's forcing more people to buy top end product.

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From a parents point a view:

Between, stick & puck, practice, public skates, etc., my kid is on the ice alot. I will buy him the best equipment that I can. I did not say most expensive, I said best. I don't care how much something cost, it can be poorly manufactured or not fit well. I want protective gear that will give him the most protection and fit correctly. I will buy him skates that fit his feet, are durable and help his skating abilities. I won't buy ultra expensive sticks because IMHO they don't help him play better than a medium - low priced stick.

From a players point of view:

I really care less about my gear, as long as it fits well and is still usuable. All of my stuff is well broken in (old) but why trade it for something that isn't going to work better than what I have or make me a better player. The only piece of gear I have that is top of the line are my skates and I won't have to buy me a new pair for awhile.

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Chadd I would agree, but with companies cranking out new lines on 1 or 2 year cycles, there have always been sale top of the line products available in every shop i've been to due to overbooking.

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The quality of mid-level products isn't as good, relative to the top end product, as it used to be. That's forcing more people to buy top end product.

exactly my point...

And please those with the argument that people dont have enought money, please stop being ignorant, you have no idea how much money I make, i did not say I cant afford it, I said it was overpriced...

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Chadd I would agree, but with companies cranking out new lines on 1 or 2 year cycles, there has always been sale products available in every shop i've been to due to overbooking.

Actually I've seen fewer leftover skates in my size recently, online and in person. Shops in my area have greatly reduced what they stock so they don't get caught with so many closeouts.

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Chadd I would agree, but with companies cranking out new lines on 1 or 2 year cycles, there have always been sale top of the line products available in every shop i've been to due to overbooking.

Maybe in your lhs but where I'm from theres nothing left and even if they where, Vapor XXX are still 499$ Hell Vector Pros are still 499$

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While top end products have gone up in price, the mid price points are still the same. The vendors get no credit for maintaining those intermediate price point levels with product that is very good for its intended user. As a hockey equipment buyer in a retail shop since 1980, I have watched sticks and skates get more and more expensive. I rememeber when Titan pushed the stick envelope and TPM2020 sticks cost $12, then $14, then more for each stick at wholesale. This was in the 80s when Titan was the number 1 stick at retail. Meanwhile through all these years you can still buy protective equipment at mid price points and get quality equipment. Give the vendors credit for that.

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While top end products have gone up in price, the mid price points are still the same. The vendors get no credit for maintaining those intermediate price point levels with product that is very good for its intended user. As a hockey equipment buyer in a retail shop since 1980, I have watched sticks and skates get more and more expensive. I rememeber when Titan pushed the stick envelope and TPM2020 sticks cost $12, then $14, then more for each stick at wholesale. This was in the 80s when Titan was the number 1 stick at retail. Meanwhile through all these years you can still buy protective equipment at mid price points and get quality equipment. Give the vendors credit for that.

Mid level is at old top level, casse and point, back in the day, Vapor 10 (Top of the line) 499$ today, Vapor XXV, 499$

Only thing that is still fair is protective, shins and elbows more precicely

Your argument is that high prices are killing the sport. I started playing last year with $350 in equipment. Last I checked, starting to play a sport isn't "killing" the sport. Actually, I started with about $125 in equipment as I got cheap skates, gloves, and a wood stick and went to the ponds.

My total equipment now is:

Helmet & cage: $120 (Intake & Bauer 8500)

Mouthguard: $15 (Gravity)

Shoulders: $30 (5030's)

Elbows: $55 (Stealth S9's)

Gloves: $40 (Vector Pro's off eBay)

Pants: $40 (Stealth S5's from Mod Squad member)

Shins: $40 (Bauer 4000's)

Skates: $250 (Vapor XIX's)

Stick: $50 (TPS R2 shaft & Easton Synthesis blade)

Jerseys & Socks: $110 (home and away with matching socks)

That's $750 for pretty solid gear. As an adult, the only thing I'll have to replace is the gloves about once a year, skates every few years, and stick about every six months.

Ice time runs me about $75 a month plus $400 for league fees. That's WAY more than the gear.

But if you're looking to play a sport from a cost/benefit perspective, you're better off playing soccer. Last I checked, hockey isn't close to "dead" in Canada and the northern US.

Wow this list is far from your 350$ price point, and you have EBAY and friend of a friend in there... For the reord, I mash Vapor XIX's in 2 weeks...

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uhhh so what, companies are in business to create a profit. Hockey companies are in a differentiated market and aim at a certain customer group (hockey players) and in doing so, have a lot of costs in R&D. Hockey equipment prices will never lower either, as people will still be willing to buy this. As long as there is demand, prices will rise if consumers are willing to pay. No one put a gun to your head to spend $900. But you do because you want quality. Plus you have to take inflation and such into prices of luxury products such as skates. You have a surfaced bias of prices, when there are many factors to take into account that justify the price. Search money illusion and then you'll have your answer.

It's enough of your price and graf rants, who cares, to each their own. You'll never be happy, but consumers like me are. Also take into account the average mens leaguer who drops $900 on skates will most probably see them as a long term investment.

o and vapor 10s cost me $700 back when i bought them

The quality of mid-level products isn't as good, relative to the top end product, as it used to be. That's forcing more people to buy top end product.

exactly my point...

And please those with the argument that people dont have enought money, please stop being ignorant, you have no idea how much money I make, i did not say I cant afford it, I said it was overpriced...

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Something people are overlooking is that the price increases aren't just in hockey. In general the cost for playing hockey has increased, but skates and sticks take most of the brunt of those expense hikes.

Look at lacrosse sticks, baseball bats and even running shoes. The price of everything is going up and it hasn't had the same negative effect on people doing the sport.

If you want the reason for Hockey becoming less popular point the finger at the NHL (lockout + no TV = fewer fans), the overall global climate change (You can't keep a backyard rink going like you used to be able to) and the general lack of activity by the youth of today.

All of those reasons are far more responsible than skates costing $400 instead of $300.

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I put together this list of equipment to pick from. I put together what I think would be a decent set up for a rec leaguer or high schooler. Honestly, I think that's pretty reasonable.

For the sake of discussion I used one of the more popular internet sites for my pricing.

RBK 5K Pumps, White $229.99

CCM Vector V6.0 $179.99

CCM Vector V6.0 SE $179.99

Nike Bauer Vapor XXII $179.99

Easton Synergy 800C $229.99

Easton Stealth S7 $189.99

Mission Fuel 90-AG $199.99

CCM HT 692 helmet w/ cage $54.99

RBK 5K Sr Protective combo (shoulders, elbows, shins) $149.99

RBK 4K Sr Protective combo (shoulders, elbows, shins) $123.99

Nike Bauer Supreme One70 Sr Protective combo (shoulders, elbows, shins) $189.99

Nike Bauer Supreme One50 Sr Protective combo (shoulders, elbows, shins) $159.99

Nike Bauer Supreme One50 Sr Glove $64.99

CCM Vector V6.0 Sr Glove 07 model $59.99

RBK 5K Sr 14in. Glove 06 model $44.98

Easton Stealth S7 Glove $64.99

RBK 5K Sr Pants $59.99

CCM 692 Tacks Sr Pants $69.99

Nike Bauer Vapor XV Sr Pants $64.99

Itech 230 Jock Pro $19.98


Set up of choice

Nike Bauer Vapor XXII Skates $179.99

CCM HT 692 helmet w/ cage $54.99

RBK 5K Sr Protective combo (shoulders, elbows, shins) $149.99

Nike Bauer Supreme One50 Sr Glove $64.99

CCM 692 Tacks Sr Pants $69.99

Itech 230 Jock Pro $19.98

Nike Bauer Supreme 70 Bag $37.99


Total 577.92

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I put together this list of equipment to pick from. I put together what I think would be a decent set up for a rec leaguer or high schooler. Honestly, I think that's pretty reasonable.

For the sake of discussion I used one of the more popular internet sites for my pricing.

RBK 5K Pumps, White $229.99

CCM Vector V6.0 $179.99

CCM Vector V6.0 SE $179.99

Nike Bauer Vapor XXII $179.99

Easton Synergy 800C $229.99

Easton Stealth S7 $189.99

Mission Fuel 90-AG $199.99

CCM HT 692 helmet w/ cage $54.99

RBK 5K Sr Protective combo (shoulders, elbows, shins) $149.99

RBK 4K Sr Protective combo (shoulders, elbows, shins) $123.99

Nike Bauer Supreme One70 Sr Protective combo (shoulders, elbows, shins) $189.99

Nike Bauer Supreme One50 Sr Protective combo (shoulders, elbows, shins) $159.99

Nike Bauer Supreme One50 Sr Glove $64.99

CCM Vector V6.0 Sr Glove 07 model $59.99

RBK 5K Sr 14in. Glove 06 model $44.98

Easton Stealth S7 Glove $64.99

RBK 5K Sr Pants $59.99

CCM 692 Tacks Sr Pants $69.99

Nike Bauer Vapor XV Sr Pants $64.99

Itech 230 Jock Pro $19.98


Set up of choice

Nike Bauer Vapor XXII Skates $179.99

CCM HT 692 helmet w/ cage $54.99

RBK 5K Sr Protective combo (shoulders, elbows, shins) $149.99

Nike Bauer Supreme One50 Sr Glove $64.99

CCM 692 Tacks Sr Pants $69.99

Itech 230 Jock Pro $19.98

Nike Bauer Supreme 70 Bag $37.99


Total 577.92

I'm with you on your list untill you get to the skates... 5K's for exemple cost 399$ here...

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We always had good skates as kids (though we would get my brother's second hand ones by the end) and my parents made sure they FIT properly. Sticks, we got mid level ones, and our gear would last us years (except for gloves)

Now that 2 of us are adults we can splurge on what we want...and except for skates...we still use the same gear.

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