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Mission Fuel Ti-Pro

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Well, I just got my USA Hockey mag in the mail, and on the 3rd and 4th pages, I am greeted by the new Mission helmet and stick.

The helmet is called the Intake "fusion" and purportedly is 20% lighter than the normal intake. It also has a "lightweight, multiple EPP base layer" and has a "moldable foam top layer" for comfort. Looks just like the intake, minus the interior.

The Fuel Ti-Pro (OPS) has titanium throughout the shaft and blade, and comes with a 60 day warranty. Looks to have slash zone protection like the Endure and Response Armor. Aesthetically, it looks just like the Fuel grip (black+red). URL in the ad is: missionhockey.com/titanium.

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Use them, love them. Fuel Grip and V-Hex are my go to sticks. Easton's aren't my cup of tea and I don't trust CCM's reliability/durability. Broken way too may for it to just be a fluke.

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I had a few Pulses. Loved them, but just went through too many too quickly - probably the wost blades I've ever used where durability is concerned.

As far as I can tell, most people never even consider the Mission twigs. I work with a kid who swears by them, but I think he's probably one of the only guys using them around here - I sell a bunch to younger kids, but it seems no one over 16 will touch them.

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well i cannot say that i agree with you MC. skates and sticks are the #1 priority for Mission- that is the message that came from the top. i am not knocking anybodys product- i think you guys have some nice stuff, but dont count MIssion out. the boys in Montreal and Irvine have worked REALLY HARD this last year.

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How heavy is this stick going to be?

how heavy??? or how light??? i think anything under 450g is respectable. light is not the end all be all of everything. it gets to a point where you can have the lightest this or the lightest that....but at what cost??? trust me..... the Fuel stick could have been way lighter, but weight comes at a premium. a strong hockey player shouldnt be phased by weight. whip out some Russian Kettlebells and the ol 5030 will seem light in no time.

Would the added titanium make it a "tank"?

no....titanium is extremely light and seven times stronger than steel. carbon fiber is pretty and everyone gets excited cuz it looks so cool, but the titanium will perform.

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I liked the hex-1 I had, but I won't buy another Mission until they make a true forsberg clone. I don't like the boyes pattern with it's 5/16" curve and higher lie. I don't know why they didn't just copy the forsberg.

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Actually, the Boyes is an exact Forsberg clone. The lie is slightly higher on their lower end sticks, something to do with their factory, but for the V-HEX and Fuel, it's a 5.

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With the helmet, thats totaly not fair. I just got my intake for high school this weekend.

If mission had better stick advertising, they would be a great stick manufacturer. I held a Fuel the other day at my LHS and it was amazing.

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Zach, being Mission's #1 priority and having the product actually sell are two different things. If it doesn't sell, which is the story that Mission's past history shows, they won't keep feeding categories that will come up dead to them.

With that being said, if your comment of "skates and sticks are the #1 priority for Mission- that is the message that came from the top" is true, it shows their LACK of care for the future of the roller hockey side of things, which is where Mission began. I am sure there is talent there at Mission, but, Justin Hoffman's leaving is a big sign that cannot and should not be ignored.

As far as the boys in Irvine are concerned, after Justin left, I know of only one hard worker there, and I don't even talk to him much, if ever anymore. The rest are more interested about their fantasy football teams than they are in doing their day to day jobs for Mission. That place should be called the "country club."

A bit off topic, but, since you chimed in, however, you should give the ShockDoctor sales manager a listen. I talked you up quite nicely last week.

well i cannot say that i agree with you MC. skates and sticks are the #1 priority for Mission- that is the message that came from the top. i am not knocking anybodys product- i think you guys have some nice stuff, but dont count MIssion out. the boys in Montreal and Irvine have worked REALLY HARD this last year.

why would you air that here? i appreciate the good word, but i think your judgement of Mission is off base and offsides. i have alot of trust in the people that i work with. Justin leaving said more about the opportunity he had with a golf company than it did Mission. the people at Shockdoctor are really nice, but my heart is in hockey. i dont need to say everybody elses product sucks to sell mine.

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Opinions are like assholes Zach, we all have them. So, I gave MY opinion.

Also, was it so wrong that I gave your name on the SD deal? Why would it be? He told me that he spoke to you and I told him that he should call you back, that I thought you were a great guy and an even better rep.

I know your heart is in hockey. SD is coming with hockey protective...didn't he tell you? Someone told me today that their shoulder pad is going to be a $199 retail!!!

As far as saying that everyone else's product sucks to sell mine, what are you trying to say?

Zach, being Mission's #1 priority and having the product actually sell are two different things. If it doesn't sell, which is the story that Mission's past history shows, they won't keep feeding categories that will come up dead to them.

With that being said, if your comment of "skates and sticks are the #1 priority for Mission- that is the message that came from the top" is true, it shows their LACK of care for the future of the roller hockey side of things, which is where Mission began. I am sure there is talent there at Mission, but, Justin Hoffman's leaving is a big sign that cannot and should not be ignored.

As far as the boys in Irvine are concerned, after Justin left, I know of only one hard worker there, and I don't even talk to him much, if ever anymore. The rest are more interested about their fantasy football teams than they are in doing their day to day jobs for Mission. That place should be called the "country club."

A bit off topic, but, since you chimed in, however, you should give the ShockDoctor sales manager a listen. I talked you up quite nicely last week.

why would you air that here? i appreciate the good word, but i think your judgement of Mission is off base and offsides. i have alot of trust in the people that i work with. Justin leaving said more about the opportunity he had with a golf company than it did Mission. the people at Shockdoctor are really nice, but my heart is in hockey. i dont need to say everybody elses product sucks to sell mine.

you have my email. this has no place on the board. the kid was was excited about the new stick and helmet.

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Changing sticks and skates seems to be the priority. The Pure Fly and S series were great skates yet two generations later, the Fuels are still lacking.

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Not a big fan of the Fuel sticks myself. Great blade feel and handling but its durability makes the Easton SL look like tank. The thing is made out of paper.

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so .....does anyone know how the titanium is incorporated with the stick?

or how it will perform because of this?

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Actually, the Boyes is an exact Forsberg clone. The lie is slightly higher on their lower end sticks, something to do with their factory, but for the V-HEX and Fuel, it's a 5.

Actually, the Boyes is not an exact forsberg clone. The fuels that we have in the store where I work are not quite as big as the forsberg. I'm not %100 sure about the lie. I will check that tomorrow, but the curve is definitely not an exact clone. To me, an exact clone is a curve that has the same exact position (i.e. mid-heel), size, depth, lie, blade length, etc. The PM9 is an exact clone of the Forsberg. They have very slight differences like the thickness of the blade or the height of the blade, the rocker, etc., but for the most part they are identical. The Boyes/Elias has never struck me as being an exact clone. CCM's Steen/Stuart is another curve that is closer to being an exact clone. Around here not many stores stock the Steen. Not sure why as the Forsberg is one of the best selling curves of all time.

I know it is off topic, but can anyone else weigh in on this debate?

More on topic... The Fuel Ti-Pro seems intriguing. I've always wondered what titanium could bring to the one piece stick market. It has been used minimally thus far. If I'm not mistaken, I had a Franklin shaft at one point that had titanium in it. It was a tank. The 60 day warrantee that Mission is offering shows that they have confidence in the durability of this stick.

Does anyone know what stick Marian Hossa is currently using? Mission has him all over their site using a Fuel, but it seems as though he may have switched again. He is using a black and blue stick. Is that the new Fuel?

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I have been using a Fuel Pro shaft. Brett Rahkshani model (US National team) 85 flex. It has to be one of the best shafts I have ever used.

If the new Fuel TIs are an improvement on last years Fuels sticks they will have a winner. + a 60 day warrenty.

BTW .....we are selling a ton of Mission sticks this year. If you have Pro shop staff that knows wtf they are doing it is not a hard sell.

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