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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Most Durable OPS

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i dis a search for this type topic but nothing came up so im going to have to ask a realy annoying question again.sorry to all the regulars.

iv been using vector 110's. the blade cracked on one of them and i wasnt too happy obviously.at the most i play about 6 hours of hockey a week so from all the ops makers which stick is the most durable in your opinion?thakns in advance. :)

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my say would be the vector 110, becuz from what i've seen around here, they last a while! a guy on my team is going into his 3rd yr with his and its still intact except for some chips on the blade...and i know another who got one from a junior player who had used it for a yr, and now this guys on his 2nd yr with it (so thats 3 yrs there) and thers nothing wrong with it. theyre tanks from what ive seen and heard

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I'd have to say the CCM V110 or V120. They seem to have the fewest complaints around my store. We hardly ever have people come back with broken ones. Next to the CCM's, I'd have to say the Bauer Vapor XX. Mine has lasted me a couple months with no sign of the blade becoming weak. I do have to mention though that I've never tried the CCM's.

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For me, its been my XN10. I've had it for 6+ months and this thing has taken massive abuse. It got two handed as hard as possible in my game last night and it didn't even have a nick. Its been stepped on, hacked, used 6+ hours a week and its still in great condition.

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yeah, synergy's just break like no other for me...

XN10 is the way to go... its been used for roller and ice and its lasted me just over 2 seasons now... (ice and roller at the same time)

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I'd say either the gold synergys or the R+. My XN painted R+s are great but the GI XN10 cracked along the toe in less than 10 uses. My Hespeler Alpha was decent as well.

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I've used basically everything. Top to bottom that I'd categorize as Durable are:


Graf Laser

Xn10 (broke, but the team was intentionally trying to break it)

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I've used basically everything. Top to bottom that I'd categorize as Durable are:


Graf Laser

Xn10 (broke, but the team was intentionally trying to break it)

trying to break it?

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Constantly slashing the middle of the stick, two-handers behind the play, stepping on it in corners, they ended up breaking mine, and another player who was using my back-up stick :(.

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Inno 1100. Take me 2 months to broke it.

I'd have to disagree with that, the blades chip so easily. I had one for 2 weeks, chipped the blade really bad...then I sent that one back. Used the replacement for a little bit less than a month and that got chipped so I bought another stick and its just my back up but its partially broken as of now.

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The Busch Balance is the most durable stick ever manufactured. It was so durable it was banned by the NCAA as it did not meet breakage requirements (i.e. you could die impaling yourself into the boards). In the mid 90's, the only place the sticks were used was in the NHL and AHL. The new Goldline and Laser offerings are pared way down.

All the sticks mentioned above are probably half the weight, so its not really an apples to apples comparison. The Balance was built to last, not to be light and whippy. The first Balance I owned had a 3 year warranty.

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i agree with the dangler. That X-Core was amazing. Not the lightest of shafts, but it would last your whole life.

I still got a few lying around here with lime green graphics B)

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It is not a OPS, but the Dangler was the most durable shaft....I don't think I could break it even if I tried....

Durable yes, but the feel and performance was definitely lagging. I just sold my Dangler last fall for $30.

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thanks for all the replies guys (and gals if present)

looks like using the right stick at the moment with the vector.i looked at the xn10 and the price is a bit hefty i must say....even online it is.but i will think about it next time.

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I know it isn't a highly sought after 1piece but in my experiences its the Tri Flex Gold and for 89.99 to me you can't go wrong if you like the patterns that are available.

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