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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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07/08 NHL gear sightings

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I do'nt know if he had this before. But Crosby is using a RBK shaft with a Sherwood blade. They just showed him on the bench, and I noticed this. Look for pics later.

yep, correct

7k shaft with Sher-Wood RM 9 blade i believe....or is it the RM 19, i can't tell by just looking @ the hosel area.

but heres the picture:


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I do'nt know if he had this before. But Crosby is using a RBK shaft with a Sherwood blade. They just showed him on the bench, and I noticed this. Look for pics later.

He's been using a two piece.... ever since he's been in the NHL IIRC

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If my link doesn't work, I just did a getty images search. There are plenty of pictures on the first page that show good shots of his stick. It looks like a One90 shaft and a blade to me.

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Is Dubensky using one 95s or 75s with white tungues cant see the blue heel cup and they look more gray than black? or are they his old 90s?

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xn10, R8, Dolomite, S17, anything else?

I could of sworn the other night he had a Warrior AK27 shaft in his hand, could be wrong though.

You could be thinking of Savard. He has been using a bunch of different sticks lately as well, including the AK27 and S17 among others.

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