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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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07/08 NHL gear sightings

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i dont think anyone has mentioned it yet, but paul statsny on the avs has been using easton/sherwood gloves for most of the season.. does easton not have a problem with statsny just changing the cuff like that?

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i dont think anyone has mentioned it yet, but paul statsny on the avs has been using easton/sherwood gloves for most of the season.. does easton not have a problem with statsny just changing the cuff like that?

as of march 26th.. he was pictured using a easton synergy..


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i dont think anyone has mentioned it yet, but paul statsny on the avs has been using easton/sherwood gloves for most of the season.. does easton not have a problem with statsny just changing the cuff like that?

as of march 26th.. he was pictured using a easton synergy..


He normally uses this:


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Warrior bought Montreal's goalie branch. I don't know if Warrior will be making goalie gear, but more unchanged, repainted sticks with flashy graphics are definitely in the future.

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Wait a minute here and stop this crazy train. Warrior's going to take a company's product and just paint over it, re-branding it as their own? I don't believe that for a second. That's ludicrous.

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Pretty sure Stasny was using his wood stick in the game. That photo is from the end of the game I think were he may have just picked a stick up to go back out on the ice and raise.

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btw. ST Louis was using an orange synergy against the Canes. He was back to using his yellow snyergy last night against the Thrashers.

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Not that it matters to anyone, anywhere, but I've noticed that Viktor Kozlov of the Caps has been using an S17 the entire month of March.

He started the season using Mac Daddy, switched to Dolo, now using Easton.

The reason I have taken a notice to Kozlov's sticks is because as a heel lover, he has one of the most fascinating patterns I've ever seen. Kovalchuk's is to Smyth, as Kozlov's is to Lids/Jovo. That is to say, Heel on meth.


Curve is consistent with what has been on every other stick he's used.

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