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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Aussie Joe

Anyone else get this email from Easton?

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Latest Easton contest. Is it me or is that "E" logo down the bottom new? I know they have been using that new type for awhile, but I havn't seen the new E before.

Also up close the taper of the S17 looks allot like those carbon motorcycle exhausts that some people have.


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yeah but you're not really supposed to post it (IMO) because all the gear ppl on this site will enter now...

but since it's on here....there will be eight (8) winners of the S17...and the secondary prize is NHL08 video game...

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Thats the newest feature for these sticks. Features a new oval shape taper which is suppose to help stiffen up the "twisting flex" of the stick. I believe they use the same technology in their carbon fiber bike frames..

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I was also going to post this up. If I don't win the stick or game I'd much rather a fellow MSHer win it over an Easton message board member.

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Orange/Grip/LH Sakic

The Sakic is a popular curve :)

They won't have the Drury for a while I guess.

Hopefully the 100Flex is sorta whippy

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Not to be a wet pants, but .... do we really need to know what color and pattern everyone and their brother requested if they were to win? Save that post if you are actually one of the winners, other than that, let's not talk color schemes people...

(unless you want me to start talking what color I chose to paint my dashers in the living room.... it's real pretty....)

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I would certainly be the last guy to complain about this if I actually won one, but the limited curve options, and non-existent flex options are a bit of a drag. An 85 Flex Heatley would be a nice touch. In the absence of that, I'm going with green/non-grip/Iginla, but I want to think of something really cool in the name box - it allows a lot of characters, so I want to figure out a phrase or quote of some kind to fit, rather than just my boring old name. The space allowed for 18 characters, so I can fit something better than my name in there.

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