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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS help.

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So i'm thinking about buying one of those Louisville TPS C4C Response Armor Control from hockeyoverstock.com. I've never bought a TPS stick before and i know nothing about them. I checked out the catalog and the sticks are identified with R8, R6, R4, etc. Nothing about C4 or C4C. What does C4C mean and what's the difference with C4 (couple bucks more). Is this stick worth buying? And what are the major differences between all those TPS models? (Response, Response+, XN10, Adrenaline) So lost, can anybody help?

Also, what pattern would be the drury clone? :P :ph34r:

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C means control which means grip.

The model is C4C - that's how they used to name them. (it's last year or the year before's model)

No Drury clone until this year. (Frolov)

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Never used it, but the Perry was as close to a Drury clone as I've seen TPS put out to retail.

the curve is close but the blade is pretty square and not as rockered

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I checked out the catalog and the sticks are identified with R8, R6, R4, etc. Nothing about C4 or C4C

I believe the C series is last year's model, and the R series is this year's models (I have a R6 and it's pretty midbalances - quite blade heavy - liked the C series a lot more)

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Before you buy it at overstock make sure that HockeyGiant who owns overstock is selling it for the same or not less. Hate to see you get screwed.

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I checked out the catalog and the sticks are identified with R8, R6, R4, etc. Nothing about C4 or C4C

I believe the C series is last year's model, and the R series is this year's models (I have a R6 and it's pretty midbalances - quite blade heavy - liked the C series a lot more)

C goes way back for TPS.

OPS were Cx, JR OPS were JCx, Int were ICx

Shafts were CSx, JCSx, ICSx

Original Response was C8, R+ was C9, XN10 was C10, etc...

C4 was import and the early import stuff had durability problems.

TPS didn't have anything that was close to the Drury available at retail in that series.

C means control which means grip.

Correct, second C was for grip.

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