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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Harold & Kumar 2

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Saw the previews for this a while back..definitely looking forward to it. Glad Doogie Howser is back, I especially love him on How I Met Your Mother.

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This looks like it could be quite craptacular, although I thought the same initially about the first one.....that poster with doogie howser on the unicorn is priceless, though

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I get plenty of furburgers... I would actually prefer to have a whitecastle if I could choose.

Been damm curios about those burgers ever since I saw the movie, and I haven't been within 500miles of one ever since... damm.

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I get plenty of furburgers... I would actually prefer to have a whitecastle if I could choose.

Been damm curios about those burgers ever since I saw the movie, and I haven't been within 500miles of one ever since... damm.

i live in winnipeg so...no whitecastle for me :(

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You guys without a WhiteCastle aren't missing out on anything.

Most overrated food ever.

Personally I think they are disgusting.

But as to the original topic, I will have to see this definitely.

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I didn't know White Castle was ever rated anything above "gives you wet shits." It's horrible food, but granted I've never had any kind of hamburger but friends always seem to regret eating them. "There should be a morning after pill for sliders" seems to be a common thing.

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Order them with no onions and you'll be runs-free.

still, once in awhile, you just get that crave. I watched H&K this afternoon and was ready to run out and pick up some slyders.

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What always seemed silly to me was when people had a preference to either Krystal or White Castle. In Nashville you had both, which apparently is rare, and no one liked both. You liked one and hated the other, like it was the fast food version of Bloods and Crips.

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Only time I've ever had 'White Castle' burgers was once I saw them in the frozen food section at Wal Mart.. It was for like a pack of six.

That was an even bigger mistake than buying them straight from the joint itself.

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What always seemed silly to me was when people had a preference to either Krystal or White Castle. In Nashville you had both, which apparently is rare, and no one liked both. You liked one and hated the other, like it was the fast food version of Bloods and Crips.

Just Krystal in Dallas and I would have to agree with you. Never been to Krystal, but the first stop in Detroit for the MSH skate was to a White Castle.

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