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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro stock AK-27 shafts

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You mean no one else ordered I-beams fabricated to accept standard blades?

Surprised you didn't try out the 100. A real man would have bought those! I think I might buy one, I can use it as a load bearing post in the house.

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ordered mine on thursday afternoon, got the call something was amiss monday morning. they still have the 340 listed as in stock online though, but I guess thats the risk you take when dealing with a monkey....

Infinite thanks for the heads up though, you saved me some trouble. Although I managed to have a brainfart on Monday. I thought I had placed an order, but I closed the window before hitting confirm. Had to call their customer service today to make sure my order didn't get lost and asked about the 75 flex just in case they had one lying around. Ended up with the 80 flex which for some reason just doesn't seem quite as sexy as the 75.

If I get lucky, I might get it by Saturday but I'm thinking Monday is more likely. I'll post measurements/pictures once I get it in case other folks are interested to compare it to the retail version.

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Showed up today.

48". Nice and whippy, can't wait to try it on the ice. I got the 380 flex and I can get some bend by just grabbing the end and giving it a bit of pressure.

Kinda disappointed on the grip. It's got soft grip and just a nipple zone, and the nipple really only works when you're going down the shaft. I might end up getting that spray-on polarfibre to get a better tactile sandy grip on it, I really don't enjoy soft grip.

Also, I think the tenon on the Mission Lang prostock blade I have is 1/2" too long for the shaft, I can't get it in all the way despite heating for quite a while.

No name plate, not sure how pro-stock these are.

If anyone has a 75 or 70 flex in clear (or a different variation of grip), I'll go ahead and trade up for it. It's had the blade inserted but nothing else, won't be used until Jan 15th or so after X-mas break unfortunately.

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Almost that entire post sounded about as wrong as possible ^^^.

Anyway, I'm going for a 85 Dolo nipple grip tomorrow. I know this is AK27 but still, same difference.

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Kinda disappointed on the grip. It's got soft grip and just a nipple zone, and the nipple really only works when you're going down the shaft.

FWIW, the retail nipple grip sticks are the same.

If you've used/tried a retail AK before, how does the shaft shape stack up? anyone get something different? I think that's the main think keeping me from biting on these and/or a couple of dolos.

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Just hearing Rust's description it sounds like a retail shaft, but with obvious flex variations. The retail I had also had a name plate on it (blank) and I'm positive it wasn't anything pro stock.

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Forgot about that. It's got slightly concave walls. Not as much as a concave TPS, but not boxy. I didn't like the TPS concave, but we'll see about this one, doesn't feel bad in my gloves.

Never seen or touched a retail AK before, no dealers or users in my area.

I was just hoping for something more... prostock, thought soft grip was gone altogether from newer Nipple shafts. Oh well.

It's got a flex plate saying "Flex 380," Made in Mexico/Fabrique au Mexique on the backside, and Inno Design and Nipple Grip in the same spot as retail.

Who knows, could be Warrior testing the waters to see what flexes sell and if people still want polarfibre by selling a select "prostock" release through the monkey.

Edit: 5 quick photos. Ignore the messy apartment, it's finals week :P






Last photo just has glare at the top, not a silver name plate or anything of the sort.

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I got a 380 flex and it is as Rust says... however, on my 340 flex the back of the shaft has the information about the 30 day warranty.. that led me to believe it is not a pro stock..

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got my 6 pack in yesterday. overall its a nice shaft, however I think I am going to get some 95 flexes instead, if anyone wants a 240 (100) flex shaft or two, PM me. Some things I noticed, out of the 6 two of the shafts were square, four were concave walls. the square ones had sharper corners. grip was the same on all of them. only real differences were the 2 with the square corners (making them a bit different from retail versions). flex was consistent among all of them. all in all it has good feel and some nice snap, I just think I am going to like the 95 better than the 100.

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Got 2 dolos - clear 260.

Both are square and seem stiffer than my 100 retail.

Length is same as retail.

Thats what I was worried about. I looked at the picture they had and it looks like a box shaft. I didn't want to chance not getting a concave shaft.

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The clear Dolos intrigued me on the close-up shots because the weave is pretty easy to see and I can't see them on any of mine, pro stock OPS or shafts.

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I got a 2 pack of Clear AK27's and while nice they are not quite what I had hoped for. They were both supposed to be 260 flex, however one was a 251 and the other a 250 on the sticker inside the shaft which is no big deal, but the weight is what concerns me 334 grams on one and 354 on the other, they don't feel overly heavy but they do feel kinda fiberglass feeling and cheap but we will have to see how they perform.

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I got a 2 pack of Clear AK27's and while nice they are not quite what I had hoped for. They were both supposed to be 260 flex, however one was a 251 and the other a 250 on the sticker inside the shaft which is no big deal, but the weight is what concerns me 334 grams on one and 354 on the other, they don't feel overly heavy but they do feel kinda fiberglass feeling and cheap but we will have to see how they perform.

How long are the AK27's?

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The 320 flex I got was pretty boxy, and feels super whippy, definately whippier than 80. Feel really light compared to my TPS redlite and easton ultra light shafts.....I will measure it next chance I get so others can compare...Interestingly, it looks to be repainted, too, there's some spotting on the shaft, and where it"s been nicked up on the lower part, there is red under the black paint (diff red than the upper part of shaft, too)

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If anyone ordered 400 flex dolomites or Ak's can you tell me how the flex feels compared to the easton flex chart?

I got the 380 and it's definitely pretty whippy. I can get some flex on the shaft just from putting a little weight on it, no side pressure. It will be a few weeks until I'm on the ice to try it out, so I'll see how much whip is for me at that point.

Kind of odd though, when I'm giving it a little flex it's easy to get an inch or so of bend through the shaft but anymore and it seems to stiffen up quite a bit, so I haven't tried going further on carpet. The montreal and easton shafts I have both tend to load up with a bit of force then continue to gradually bend, but this one is noodly then stiff.

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Checked my email/shipment and they arrived in-town at about 6AM and said "in-transit scan" about 20 mins after that. I would think (hope) that means it's out for delivery but it's 2pm and nothing yet, plus it says it's scheduled for 12/26 delivery. Goddamn UPS teasing me so.

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