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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro stock AK-27 shafts

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So i've just finished reading all 12 pages of this thread and i'm thinking about getting an AK 200 flex, so basically what everyone is saying is that it's a gamble on what you might recieve?

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I think in regards to flex... they've been pretty close, give or take a few people who've had their order/flex off the mark. It all depends on what's still in stock. The shaft shape however is another story. I ordered one, and ended up with a very boxy shaped shaft, as opposed to the conventional 'rounded corners' shaft shape. Very, very different than my retail AK shaft... but, that's what paying 1/2 price for something is all about I suppose.

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does anyone know if these are available at hockey monkeys storefront?

Call the store and ask them to bring some into the store for you.

When I was last there, at the end of December, they had a few 300 flex Polar Fiber, 240 flex clear, and 400 Nipple Grip Dolomite shafts. I had them get me a 340 Nipple Grip.

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I'm a little worried that some people found them short, i don't mind using a bit of a plug but i don't wanna have to use a long plug

The AKs are 48", the Dolomites have ranged from 48 to 52". I don't think anyone has posted something other than that.

48" is the retail length for Warrior and Easton shafts. I'm 6' and with a ~6.5 lie blade I left the retail 3" plug and it's fine.

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I got a 380 which I guess is a 65, feels like I can fold it in half if I try. My friend has a whip TPS that feels stiffer, though he shoots opposite so I can't get a really good comparo. Most everyone else I know thinks I'm nuts and is of the "higher is better, more pro!" mentality.

Though I'm starting to feel like it's too whippy. I'm getting adjusted to it and I'm shooting everything over the net unless I focus to put less force into it. I'll see if my 360 that's showing up tomorrow is better, hopefully it will feel more stable and be a better match for my shot technique and power.

Edit- I'm spending too much cash on these, but I'm hoping the 360 works before I get too tempted to dump another $75 on a 340. I'd also like my 360 to be boxier, the concave feels fine though I'm wondering if the reduction in felt size is adding to the instability I feel with it.

Also, these AK nipples pick up a lot of marks, and the top-coat gets chipped and ripped up really easily. 2 light skates/scrimmages and it's got more marks than all of my sticks from the last year combined.

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Just don't worry about when that happens. Post as you normally would and one day it will magically appear when the mods think you're ready. But keep in mind the other benefits of this site are far greater than that of the sell section.

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My 360 shaft just showed up, exactly the same as the 380 (concave, nipple grip, 48"). I don't play until Tuesday, so I have to wait a while to try it out.

There is some of the pitting typical to carbon fiber shafts/blades where the paint/epoxy has seeped into holes.

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Yeah, 400 is a 60 if you knock off 5 for every 20.

Second reaction- my 360 has a heavier coat of grip, and there's a second sticker inside. The first says;

F 360

P 279

Whereas the second says "AK FM Flex 380" in blue pen

I pulled the blade on my 380 and the sticker from the end of the shaft says

380 280.

So who the hell knows if I got a 380 or a 360. Plus the "360" seems like it has less topcoat, or a different shaft structure. There's a faint bumpy finish, like a SL/SE shaft, but not that extreme.

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Thanks for the clearification.

On a side note what is the approx. flex you gain for every inch you cut off?

It would be a %, not a firm number. The % should be anwhere from 2-4%

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Thanks for the clearification.

On a side note what is the approx. flex you gain for every inch you cut off?

It would be a %, not a firm number. The % should be anwhere from 2-4%

So if what you are saying is right then a 70 flex shaft * 0.03 = 2.1 flex/inch cut off.

That sound right?

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Used my 300 flex Dolo a couple times now, feels great. Definitely a little stiffer than the Mission intermediates I was using, but great "pop" and feels like a tank. Good for making the transition to 85 flex.

Puck feel is horrible with a wood Synergy blade, but very good with a composite Synergy 2 I had laying around, so I'll be picking up another one in a pattern I can actually use (Drury + me = everyone duck).

The Synergy wood blade was a tight fit, required no glue or tape, first time that's ever happened for me. The Synergy 2 was INCREDIBLY tight, had to REALLY heat it up, and it made me nervous. But can't argue with the weight and feel.

Since Hockey Monkey and UPS boned my order and I don't know if I'll see a refund (my stuff is definitely lost...they "delivered" it but not to my house), I'll hopefully pick up another Dolo shaft from a Mod Squadder and try it with a Dolo blade to compare.

That's my two cents anyway.

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My PF 260 dolo, is great. Matched with a dolo blade, the balance is good, the kick is good. No torquing, feel is on-par with a lot of the OPSs I've been using. It feels to be about a 90 flex at this point, after about two uses. My 260 is VERY boxy, my 300 is rounded. I have to say, I was and am very impressed with the dolos.

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Another little update,

Grabbed one of those Synergy Elite blades for the shaft ($70 USD...wow). It fits a bit tight but not as much as the Synergy 2 did. Puck feel is great, the balance is very good (almost blade light), and it performs pretty well. Seems to me the Synergy blades have a bit shorter hosel than the Dolo blades.

Either way, two games, two goals, so I'm happy so far. Although the PF is strange and I'd prefer a shaft without it.

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Another little update,

Grabbed one of those Synergy Elite blades for the shaft ($70 USD...wow). It fits a bit tight but not as much as the Synergy 2 did. Puck feel is great, the balance is very good (almost blade light), and it performs pretty well. Seems to me the Synergy blades have a bit shorter hosel than the Dolo blades.

Either way, two games, two goals, so I'm happy so far. Although the PF is strange and I'd prefer a shaft without it.

I didn't realize the SE blades were out yet...is that going to be the standard price for them? Where did you pick it up at?

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I guess so, they had the Synergy 2 blades at $55 or $60. Nothing like price creep. Seems like the same thing with a new name and higher price.

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