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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I just read that the director said that if they if they make a sequel it will be from someone else's perspective with another camera i guess.

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Thats the only way it would make sense.. A sequel could pick up either from the same perspective or from a more traditional monster movie camera following the actors regular movie view. It could pick up from the time the helicopters are taking off or get taken down, maybe from the scene where they bomb the monster and it still doesnt die.

I was really watching at the end when they were at Coney and I didn't see anything.. I heard alot of screams?

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Just got back from seeing it. Oh. My. God. I loved it. It was such a great movie. Did you stay till after the credits? Someone says "its still alive". wow that was awesome. Anyone else see what happened in the last scene at coney island? :ph34r:

I didn't notice the last scene, but I talked to a friend today and she mentioned the same thing. Apparently, it's another tiny thing that makes the movie that much better :rolleyes:

With the way the movie was filmed, I do not recommend sitting in the front row, I almost didn't make it through the movie.

I went and watched opening night with several friends. We got there late while the previews were still rolling but the theater was already darkened, so we picked some open seats close to the bottom. Mistake. Take Dramamine if you're prone to motion sickness.

Most of the people I went with had seen LOST, so we knew to expect some of the usual J.J. Abrams "disappointment." I loved at the end of the final scene how the entire theater let out a big "WTF?" groan. It was a really fun movie to watch, however.

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For those that followed the viral marketing here is some info that might help you guys all understand the movie more

POSSIBLE SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok so to start, all these websites or videos are fake, but are mean to be real so pretend they are.

First off, Slusho (http://www.slusho.jp), a drink based on deep sea nectar and discovered by Taragato, the company Rob is going to Japan to work for as a VP in research (his Myspace profile said he got a degree in bio from MIT) plays a big role in this film. People at the party were wearing Slusho shirts and DRINKING the product. Now, Abrams has stated this creature is from the ocean, direct quote from Abrams.

"The concept for the monster (affectionately known simply as “Clover” in-house) is simple, says Abrams. “He’s a baby. He’s brand-new. He’s confused, disoriented and irritable. And he’s been down there in the water for thousands and thousands of years.”

And where is he from? “We don’t say – deliberately,” notes Goddard. “Our movie doesn’t have the scientist in the white lab coat who shows up and explains things like that. We don’t have that scene.”

The concept is that this creature has a parasitic spider like army with saliva that reacts with the deep sea nectar in the bloodstream of those who have had the drink (also, Taragato makes numerous other products with the deep sea nectar as stated on the Taragato web site). This reaction causes the formation of a zygote that gestates in the lungs of its victims within minutes. Notice before Marlena dies there is a man on a gurney with an outwardly exploded lung and stomach cavity, and the Doctors states in the background "another bite" as he is wheeled past them (as well as one of the parasites being carried away in a glass box for study as it seems well persevered). When Marlena states she feels funny and throws up, they shout "We have a bite!" and drag her away in hazmat suits as they expect this creature to come out. Surely it's smaller than the others and most likely they know how to kill it (Rob used an axe on one while rescuing beth so they aren't hard to kill if you expect them, the problem is expecting them to attack). So the hazmat guys either

A) Took the creature out of her for study as they did with the previous bite victim (again, remember that guy on the gurney and the creature from the bite they had under glass? The military wants to determine how it infects people)

B) They kill it as it comes out of her.

Abrams has created this whole alternate world based around Lost, Alias and Heroes that Cloverfield takes place in. Why would Abrams, Bad Robot and Paramount pictures create Slusho.jp, Taragato's website (http://www.tagruato.jp), numerous anti-Taragato site against their deep sea drilling (http://www.tidowave.com), all those Japan references and Rob moving to Japan to work for a Japanese company, people wearing Slusho shirts and consuming the beverage at the party, and everything else? JUST for viral marketing? No. It's all part of the concept Abrams discusses which was what initially started this movie. The concept wasn't about a monster attack. Abrams and Paramount want to start a new movie idea of bridging the internet world and movies to further the concepts along.

The movie is carried over into the minds of the audience, who experience it as though they are right there, meaning they know as much as the characters do at the time. The Cloverfield refers to the field in the area formerly known as Central Park where the video tape is discovered months later. All the background information is given to the viewers via the web, it's literally laid out in front of us. Abrams would not have gone through all the detail about Slusho, placing that product in the movie, and all the hints about what happens if it meant nothing to the general concept. Everything is tied together. In some sense there is a very anti-consumer message in the film. Think about the company Taragato and how many products they sell with this deep sea nectar that is obtained by drilling deep into many parts of the ocean, including their newest location right outside NYC. Taragato uses this newly discovered and unknown substance in drinks, beauty products, glues, etc. without knowing what this substance actually does.

Now others points. It would appear that the Tagruago company may have known about the monster the whole time. As this video will show, their drilling plant off the coast of new york was destoryed. A message from their webste said this:

"Our newest and brightest oil rigging development, Chuai Station, was attacked by a terrorist environment group called Tidowave. They released a series of explosions on the station, causing the loss of life and bringing the rig down into its knees. Tagruato has faced threats from this group for many years and has, with the help of our friends in the police forces, fought off many prior attacks. This blow, however, was too strong to miss us. The Chuai Station was damaged"

Video can be seen here: http://www.firstshowing.net/2008/01...-chuai-station/

This Tidowave group clearly had no relations to the actual attack as the ending shows something much worse. It was just a copout to blame it on a activist group.

Chuai station is believed to have the most relevance to the events of the movie because it is the closest station to New York and because of the recent events concerning it.

The third quarter results of Sep07 and Oct07 do not mention Chuai station, implying that it is not open yet. Because the scheduled opening date of the Chuai station (Sep07) has already passed by without any indication on the website of the drilling station being operational, many questions have arisen as to what may be occuring on the Chuai site.

In the fifth video on jamieandteddy.com, Teddy mentions that he has been captured by Tagruato, and that 'they found something or they're making something'. The Whistle Blower's messages state that Chuai 'harbors a dark secret', has no oil and the construction of it took place with this knowledge, implying that Teddy is held on Chuai station, the monster is already in existence and known to high-ranking officials of Tagruato and that Chuai was built for some purpose related to it.

2008 started with a growing amount of updates indicating that Chuai had been destroyed, as seen in the video. Now in the newly released Magna Comic Book, which is a prequel to the movie realeased in 4 chapters, being the 1st realeased a couple days ago and the next chatpers in the next couple weeks, shows a man working on the tagruato boat transporting which i would believe to be the monster. The thing is, lets just say they were drilling for deep sea necter at this station. It would have pissed off the monster greatly because as we know from Slusho, it has made the monster grow so big that it relies on it. So it destroyed the plant and then descends upon new york. I am not sure if they had harboured the monster at the location off new york, as if they had taken it from japan were the first deep sea necter was drilled, or if it was captured in the new york location, as seen in the image from the comic and then somehow they took it to new york not thinking it could escape but it did. We do see a tanker in the opening scene that has capsized so maybe it was their ship transporting him and he got away.

Link for the comic book:


It should also be mentioned about the properties of the Slusho drink. According to their websites it history started as such.

And one fateful day, he and his teammates discovered a deep sea ingredient unique to anything else!!!! While the team pondered miraculous ways to use it, Ganu had the best idea of all!! Because that night he had a dream - he was a tiny fish, and a whale came and told him to drink the new ingredient. And as he did drink lots and lots of the ingredient, Ganu grew from a small fish into an enormous whale!!! He woke up with tears, he knew he had found the magic ingredient Noriko had set off to find!

What this says is that the monster may have been living of this necter and growing bigger and bigger and bigger. Thus when the company started drilling and taking its nectar away it grew furious.

Their also appears to be a hidden message found on the Slusho website. If all of the words followed by exclimation points (two exclimation points indicates the two words preceding them) are read as one, they form the following phrase:

SLUSHO! triumph refreshment satisfied whale again Ganu science unique to anything else of all an enormous whale find earth its freshness the new ingridient SLUSHO! came to life SLUSHO! SLUSHO! drink just six

The phrase seems to talk of an enormous, satisfied whale under the control of (and possibly the creation of) Ganu, the president of Tagruato, who finds Earth it's freshness in the form of the "new ingredient" (seabed's nectar). At the end, it seems as if the slogan, "Bet you can't drink just six," has turned into the command, "Drink just six.c Nothing yet has indicated what drinking six and only six Slushos! would do.

Now at the end of the flim we see a splash that occurs when they are on the ferris wheel and the camera pans to the ocean. Tagruato had put a sattelite up in space recently according to their website:

"In its first month orbiting Earth, the satellite "Hatsui" has been at peak performance—busily collecting data and securing samples. The satellite signals the first effort by Futura's space program, and is heralded company-wide as a huge success."

The news release also says

"In their latest gesture to reach out to fellow man, Tagruato used the Hatsui satellite to try to identify a rogue piece that is thought to have fallen off of the Japanese Government's "ChimpanzIII" satellite. Although Hatsui’s work has not yet been able to confirm the identity of the fallen piece, Tagruato scientists and engineers are busily trying to track and recover the fragment. According to Hatsui data, it disappeared into the Atlantic Ocean late last week."

This i believe is what fell from the sky. This satelite had also taken an image of what would appear to be the monster. As well, at the end of the credits their is a voice that appears. When the voice is played backwards the phrase `its still alive`appears. Which may allow for a sequeal. However, like J.J has said in an interview in relations to how peopel were fliming the statue of liberty, is that anyone else that evening may have taken another video as well. It would be the same night, just a whole other take on the situation.

There's also a viral guide on IGN which can be found http://movies.ign.com/articles/845/845649p1.html

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I have heard mix reviews from my friends about the movie. I haven't seen it yet but think it is going to be a great movie. The concept is really cool and think the backround info gymmonster provided is going to help me enjoy it that much more.

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Well, I hope you enjoy it, because gymmonster pretty much ruined the movie for me. I was happy enough being relatively uninformed and under the impression that the movie was supposed be to somewhat vague...then we started talking about reactions with deep-sea nectars in bloodstreams and we got way too specific for a movie that doesn't necessarily need an explanation.

Thanks, bud ;)

I'll sum the movie up without getting into minor, unnecessary pieces of information:

1) Big fucking monster comes out of water and starts destroying NYC.

2) Rob and his friends head toward Mid-Town Manhattan to find Beth (Rob's "love interest").

3) Monster wins - kills almost everyone on the island.

4) Military almost certainly kills everyone that the monster hasn't by bombing Manhattan in an attempt to destroy the monster from the air.

5) In a "backflash" on the film, we see something (the monster?) in the background drop from the sky into the water near Coney Island.

6) Roll credits.

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I wrote spoiler before the written text.......no one pointed a gun at your head to read it. Further, the information I posted is background viral marketing put out by the film makers intended for the public to follow to garner a better understanding of the film. It is meant to enrich the movie experience, not hinder it.

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Someone is being awfully defensive. I'm just trying to say that I like the movie much more as an ambiguous sort of experience; one that leaves you without all the answers. Once you start trying to explain the existence of a monster that lives in the ocean with little parasitic spiders whose bites react rather maliciously with deep sea nectars that can be found in a certain kind of Japanese soft drink...you have to reach a little bit.

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meh either way you watch the film should be fine I think

I went in not knowing anything about the movie and I enjoyed it aside from a few scenes where I got a little dizzy. When I first heard about this movie everyone was saying it had something to do with the tower of babel or some crap and god coming back to judge us.....lol

I bumped into the info by accident the day after I watched the movie and I found that it helped me understand a lot more but I would enjoy it either way.....I guess it's more of a reward for those die hard fans that followed all the marketing from day one put out by the film makers.

On a side note, I hope they explain what happens to the monster if there is a sequel.....like maybe the person that films at the same time lives longer than those in this movie so we can see what happens after.....

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This movie was absolutely kick ass. The sound FX were fucking ridiculously awesome. It was worth every penny of the 8 bucks I spent on the ticket. I didn't really read much about it I just wanted to see it from the suspense of the previews not showing anything...guess that marketing ploy worked out well didn't it? I would pay to see it again, no doubt.

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Speaking of the sound, the one thing I can't stand is how movies never convay (sp?) how damn loud modern weapons are.

sorry about the typing, my broken hand is killing me

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Colossal mediocrity, but it's good for a January movie. I'll see There Will Be Blood and hopefully that will kill the bad taste of "all that hype for this?"

Not a bad movie, just very much not worth the hype and seriously not worth the viral marketing. I really can't wait for viral marketing to die and I hope Lost doesn't start relying on it like this.

The sound effects were vomit-inducing levels of awesome though. I saw it in the one theatre in town that would have the sound system to handle this, though ironically enough the theatre itself reeks of hobo piss and is dilapidated, but the sound system is good. This will probably not be worth anything on DVD unless you have a great system, but I'll be curious to check out the extra stuff so I don't have to wander around fake websites to get info and back stories.

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Colossal mediocrity, but it's good for a January movie. I'll see There Will Be Blood and hopefully that will kill the bad taste of "all that hype for this?"

Not a bad movie, just very much not worth the hype and seriously not worth the viral marketing. I really can't wait for viral marketing to die and I hope Lost doesn't start relying on it like this.

The sound effects were vomit-inducing levels of awesome though. I saw it in the one theatre in town that would have the sound system to handle this, though ironically enough the theatre itself reeks of hobo piss and is dilapidated, but the sound system is good. This will probably not be worth anything on DVD unless you have a great system, but I'll be curious to check out the extra stuff so I don't have to wander around fake websites to get info and back stories.

I'm anxious to put it on my surround sound in my room...it's wayyyyyyyy too powerful to be a bedroom system, should definitely be a living room system B)

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The sound in this makes me want to try that out at my house. Granted it's not ramped up to the levels this theatre puts out, which made me want to shit my pants all night, but I think I could rattle and hum with this movie.

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Yeah we saw it in a THX certified (not just with the little logo at the beginning of the movies, but a complete licensed THX system) and the sound effects were downright abusive at times. Several times the sound was so 'realistic' (as if I know what a battalion firing into a monster sounds like) that it frazzled your nerves.

The viral marketing stuff I didn't pay much attention to, but now that I have dug into it a bit after watching the movie, I think it adds a lot to the experience if you got the right messages from the stuff. Granted it would be hard to pick out the things if you didn't really know what the movie was going to be about.

Like: The monster actually being a genetically altered human, produced by a genetics lab fronted by a beverage/oil/research conglomerate.

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That's a theory? Good lord. I think I like it better just thinking of this as a standalone monster/alien movie.

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That's a theory? Good lord. I think I like it better just thinking of this as a standalone monster/alien movie.

That's one of them, yeah. Apparently the mutation can only take place under high pressure (bottom of the sea) which is why the uh, essplosion of one of the chars...

but it's just a theory I guess. A lot of the wierdo evidence from the viral sites points that way though, without explicitly saying it.

Abrams said he added the viral stuff for a kind of separate backstory that people could have fun with, but the movie stood alone so I suppose it works both ways.

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I saw it in the one theatre in town that would have the sound system to handle this, though ironically enough the theatre itself reeks of hobo piss and is dilapidated, but the sound system is good.

At least they weren't hobos running around on fire!

I just saw Cloverfield yesterday. I liked it a lot, it was a lot of fun. I never bought into the whole "Blair Witch" hype, so the hand held, 1st person perspective was enjoyable.

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