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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any updates on the sale of NBH?

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Nike said they would like to complete the sale before the end of their fiscal year (late March I believe)...has anyone heard any information as to how the sale is proceeding?

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Last update that I received was that Bauer opened up the books for 68 potential buyers. They narrowed the list down to 10 and the higher ups were putting together a presentation for the prospective buyers and they would go through everything in detail with each one on one. This was before Christmas though. NBH accounted for 0.8% of Nike's total revenue. Fathom that...

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Word around the campfire is that it's down to two - investment group out of ON and an investment group out of PA...

Unless that group is led by Gretzky/Lemieux for example.

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I'm an M&A investment banker in NYC and I vaguely remember a friend of mine told me he was staffed on the deal at his bank (not mine). Could have been another Nike project though. I'll ask around and see if I can find anything out. But given the M&A market in general right now my bet would be on an investment firm.

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I know a few guys here in NYC were looking to buy. Not sure how far they got. One if a well known international banker. The other is buddies with Dubya.

Somebody also told me Easton was one of the final ten. Any validity to that?

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Word around the campfire is that it's down to two - investment group out of ON and an investment group out of PA...

Just for the record, I didn't try to put together a group for this one.

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I know a few guys here in NYC were looking to buy. Not sure how far they got. One if a well known international banker. The other is buddies with Dubya.

Somebody also told me Easton was one of the final ten. Any validity to that?

Any hockey company that didn't explore the sale would be remiss. If it got close enough to due dilligence, it would force NBH to open up their books. Imagine the advantage that could give the competition?

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Word around the campfire is that it's down to two - investment group out of ON and an investment group out of PA...

Just for the record, I didn't try to put together a group for this one.

c'mon it would be an easy switchover - MSH --> NBH

just change the logo's a bit

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yep, that's exactly what I mean. you could have RBK/CCM competeing with ABH and all of it going to one bottom line and coming out of one factory.

You know Adidas skates would the biggest thing since, well, RBK skates for hype and such. Three stripes vs the Pump? Sounds like a marketing campaign to me.

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Addidas buying Bauer would be the worst possible scenario I can imagine. Our experience with Rbk/CCM as far as shipping and order confirmation goes is horrendous. We primarily do business with NBH so we're holding our breath that whoever buys the company will leave the machinery in place.

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oops, my bad, Missed the Compete clause...:-p I Have Seen some Adidas skates.. I wish I would have taken a pic of em..but they were the old style, with yellow stipes/logo.

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It's going to be a conglomocorp giant sports manufacturer who is either in or interested in hockey more than likely though. Take your pick, but that list gets real short real quick.

If an investment company that has people of hockey tradition at the helm it could be really good or really disastrous depending on how business savvy they are. I'd love to see the Bauer brand get back to it's roots, maybe toss a Daoust throwback line of limited quantities in there for good measure. Reality says that whoever gets it is likely just looking to diversify and add to the bottom line.

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It's going to be a conglomocorp giant sports manufacturer who is either in or interested in hockey more than likely though. Take your pick, but that list gets real short real quick.

If an investment company that has people of hockey tradition at the helm it could be really good or really disastrous depending on how business savvy they are. I'd love to see the Bauer brand get back to it's roots, maybe toss a Daoust throwback line of limited quantities in there for good measure. Reality says that whoever gets it is likely just looking to diversify and add to the bottom line.

Capitalism at its finest.

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It's going to be a conglomocorp giant sports manufacturer who is either in or interested in hockey more than likely though. Take your pick, but that list gets real short real quick.

If an investment company that has people of hockey tradition at the helm it could be really good or really disastrous depending on how business savvy they are. I'd love to see the Bauer brand get back to it's roots, maybe toss a Daoust throwback line of limited quantities in there for good measure. Reality says that whoever gets it is likely just looking to diversify and add to the bottom line.

As I said, being involved in the M&A market on a day-to-day basis my guess is an investment corp. As you said the list of strategic buyers gets real short real quick once you cross off Nike and Adidas.

That being said, you don't necessarily need an investment firm with hockey people, they just need to be smart enough to install hockey people at the top of the company. Investment firms at this size buyout are not going to be very hands-on in their ownership. This is not a venture capital deal where the investment firm works closely with management. The investment firm will have its seats on the board and have its say in major decision (i.e. acquisitions, major capital expenditures) but it is highly unlikely that they will be involved in the day-to-day aspect of running the business.

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oops, my bad, Missed the Compete clause...:-p I Have Seen some Adidas skates.. I wish I would have taken a pic of em..but they were the old style, with yellow stipes/logo.

You'll see a pair of them in my shop. They are hanging on the wall with other assorted vintage equipment (all leather Coopers, Northland Stan Mikita helmet...

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A hockey company like Bauer isn't going to attract many M&A types for the following reasons:

1. Margins on hockey gear is lower than most other industries

2. NBH is already the biggest name in the industry and has the largest market share

3. Most production is already offshore

For those reasons, it will have to be someone who wants to be in the hockey industry and not just a group looking for something to pad their holdings.

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