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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MSH Fantasy Football

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Would you guys be into it if i started a league on yahoo? It will be a little different than the CB baseball league we had from my perspective considering i hate baseball and love football.

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I'm all signed up.

Prepare to get smacked around by The Girl Scouts.

whoever the owner of disposable heroes is, you wouldn't happen to play FF over at the asylum would you?

There is a team in one of my other leagues that's got that name. I realize it's not the most unique name ever, but it would be pretty cool if it's the same guy.

EDIT: is it only an 8 team league?

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I'm all signed up.

Prepare to get smacked around by The Girl Scouts.

whoever the owner of disposable heroes is, you wouldn't happen to play FF over at the asylum would you?

There is a team in one of my other leagues that's got that name. I realize it's not the most unique name ever, but it would be pretty cool if it's the same guy.

EDIT: is it only an 8 team league?

No, I'm not the same guy. I do play in a couple other leagues but not that one. I know it's not the most creative name but it perfectly describes the way I do fantasy football. No moss grows on my roster.....

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You wouldn't be able to switch the draft to a day earlier would you? Because I have tickets for Saturday and Sunday for the PGA Championship (free btw :D ...) and won't be there for the live draft, and I don't like when the computer drafts for me. It always sucks at picking.

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I'm pretty sure you don't have to be present for the draft. You can pre-rank players and the system will automatically draft guys according to your rank.


From yahoo:

If you won't be present for the entire draft, go to your team page and pre-rank players. Your pre-ranked players will be used if you can't make a selection at any time during the live draft. If you choose not to pre-rank, our default ratings will be used when you can't make a selection. See the Autopick Draft Details section for more information.

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Here come the Haitian Sensations!

Haha. You had some crazy name on the CB baseball league. I have it stuck in the back of my mind, but cant quite figure out what it was.

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