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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All Star Equipment

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Markov's Eastons are siiick.

Has Thornton been sporting the 5roll Eagles with CCM on the cuff all season? I'm pretty sure he was using Eagles with the CCM logo on them previously.

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I told you guys last year that he should have been in the comp, he's got a rocket. Not surprised he broke 100, his one-timer is one of the best in the league, it amazes me how hard his shots are.

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Speaking of All-Stars and their equipment, is it me or is Ovechkin the most beer-league looking pro out there?

Laces that stand out on the skates, Dangling laces from his waist, pant and shell, exposed elbows with franken-guards on the wrist, super-busy gloves that are really loose in the cuff (what's there of it), scruffy 3-day beard, unkept hair, missing tooth.

I'm not saying it's BA or super cool, I think it makes him look very unprofessional. Especially with Lecavalier and Kovalchuk with really nice hair-dos at the competition and all the other players (besides Kaberle's mysterious glove switch) looked great.

If he shaved, combed his hair, tucked in the waist-laces, got sleeves that fit and a fake tooth for non-game wear it would improve his image so much.

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Hes the best player on the ice, he can do pretty much whatever he wants.

Side note, Peter Sykora always has crap hanging from all over him as well. That would annoy me so bad if it was me.

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but ovy doesnt have to do those things cause he dosent care abut the media, he cares about going out there and running show at the game he loves like he said last night" i just love to play hockey." so he dresses how he wants and he can back it up cause he is just amazing

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^^^It's not a fashion show dude...the guy is a great player so who cares what he looks like? I didn't watch the comp. to check guys out and jump on their nuts, I guess I watched it for the wrong reasons then?

I like the fact that Ovechkin doesn't feed into all that style crap. He represents what hockey is really all about.

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Speaking of All-Stars and their equipment, is it me or is Ovechkin the most beer-league looking pro out there?

Laces that stand out on the skates, Dangling laces from his waist, pant and shell, exposed elbows with franken-guards on the wrist, super-busy gloves that are really loose in the cuff (what's there of it), scruffy 3-day beard, unkept hair, missing tooth.

I'm not saying it's BA or super cool, I think it makes him look very unprofessional. Especially with Lecavalier and Kovalchuk with really nice hair-dos at the competition and all the other players (besides Kaberle's mysterious glove switch) looked great.

If he shaved, combed his hair, tucked in the waist-laces, got sleeves that fit and a fake tooth for non-game wear it would improve his image so much.

k-ody.m is definitely right. If you consider his personality and attitude, its pretty obvious that he doesn't give a shit how he looks.

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Holy cow guys. Wasn't attacking him, just saying he looks really scruffy.

Quit riding his jockstrap for crying out loud. I know it's his style and he's allowed to do anything he wants, but it's my opinion the he looks like some guys I've seen on the rink that have colored equipment from a few different teams and jerry-rigged to no end.

I figured I'd get people wanting to talk about the equipment and look of the All-Stars, not get harped on for thinking mighty AO isn't a magical hockey fairy from Russia.

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you can just call me kody :)

Haha alright

Holy cow guys. Wasn't attacking him, just saying he looks really scruffy.

Quit riding his jockstrap for crying out loud. I know it's his style and he's allowed to do anything he wants, but it's my opinion the he looks like some guys I've seen on the rink that have colored equipment from a few different teams and jerry-rigged to no end.

I figured I'd get people wanting to talk about the equipment and look of the All-Stars, not get harped on for thinking mighty AO isn't a magical hockey fairy from Russia.

I know what you mean, I just think its funny how ovie looks like such a hack and doesn't really care. I think the NHL is likely pleased with the image he's created. They have their clean cut pretty boys in Kovalchuck and Crosby and then they have an average joe looking guy in Ovechkin (although his game is the furthest thing from average joe)

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looks like a combo to me


Im pretty sure its just one of his woodies painted over. Look at the "connection" between the blade and the shaft. There is no way it can be perfectly straight like that. Definantly a woodie

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i can see where rustpot is coming from here, it may help the sport if he cleaned himself up a bit for the media, even if only for the asg. but at same time, who gives a shit, he's a damn good player and if he wants to look like a beer leager, let him, the dude probably gets more ass than anyone on this board regardless of what he's got growing on his mug haha.

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Ovie's a kid, let him act like one. The NHL will never make a non N.A player the face of the league so it doesn't matter...seeing him in a suit would be like watching an NBA press conference with the new business casual stuff...

If you are worried how Ovie looks may you never go to CA and see the "utes" of today

I would have rather seen some of the younger kids in the trick shot comp. Gagner, Hensick, Ryan, Perron, and most of the roller daddies who have come up through the ranks having done it before...

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