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Taping the Blade

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I know people who claim if they tape more, their stick loses it's balance (too much tape = weight). Personally, I think they're crazy.

I tape from about 3" in from the heel to a full toe. to be honest, it's half aesthetics, half "what I'm used to."

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i noticed the taping the toe thing as well, how do they get it so flat when the blade has a round toe? whenever i've tried it, it always looks screwed up

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I keep the tape going around as though the toe was square, press the excess together so it sticks flat, and then get scissors to trim the extra tape to follow the roundness of the toe.

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I know people who claim if they tape more, their stick loses it's balance (too much tape = weight). Personally, I think they're crazy.

I tape from about 3" in from the heel to a full toe. to be honest, it's half aesthetics, half "what I'm used to."

tape, especially friction tape definitely adds weight to the blade. It's pretty noticeable, I personally try to make up for it with tape at the handle. I can handle extra weight, but an unbalanced stick drives me nuts.

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I keep the tape going around as though the toe was square, press the excess together so it sticks flat, and then get scissors to trim the extra tape to follow the roundness of the toe.

thats the only way to go imo

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It doesnt matter how i tape my stick, i still shoot the puck just as well. *Shoulder Shrug*

I guess i prefer a normal tape job, but it doesnt affect my play.

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It doesnt matter how i tape my stick, i still shoot the puck just as well. *Shoulder Shrug*

I guess i prefer a normal tape job, but it doesnt affect my play.

I tried playing a few games with a toe tape job but being I use my whole blade all game I need the tape on the heel especially for saucer passes.

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If you go back a watch old international games from 60's 70's 80's you will see that many many Europeans especialy the russians used very little tape and usaly just taped up around the toe. this was done for 2 reasons.

One lack of tape and two it was felt that when stickhandeling haveing less tape on the blade means less fricton when the blade is moving on the ice thus fater sitckhandeling and a better feel of the puck. Personaly i also just use some tape around the toe.

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It doesnt matter how i tape my stick, i still shoot the puck just as well. *Shoulder Shrug*

I guess i prefer a normal tape job, but it doesnt affect my play.

I tried playing a few games with a toe tape job but being I use my whole blade all game I need the tape on the heel especially for saucer passes.

How? A saucer pass is all motion of your arms and wrist. You could do it with no tape couldnt you?

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i havent tried this, but theoretically..

this might not work so well with heel curves, were you do more shooting in the heel area? vs a toe curve where you shoot off the toe area?

just a thought..

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I tried this the other day. I noticed a difference in my wrist shot. The puck seemed to get up quicker for me.

Tape does add weight...more then you'd imagine. I weigh all my sticks before and and after taping them. I have a very low weight of taping the handle and use very little cloth tape on the blade. I'll see anywhere from a 20 to 40 gram jump in weight. My Warrior Starskie goes about 490 grams fully taped and my VaporXX is about 505 grams.

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How? A saucer pass is all motion of your arms and wrist. You could do it with no tape couldnt you?

For me, tape adds grip, in terms of how well I can put spin on the puck. When I only tape the toe, I have a hard time getting a nice saucer pass to actually saucer.

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How? A saucer pass is all motion of your arms and wrist. You could do it with no tape couldnt you?

For me, tape adds grip, in terms of how well I can put spin on the puck. When I only tape the toe, I have a hard time getting a nice saucer pass to actually saucer.

The farther back the blade that the tape starts the easier it is to put spin on the puck. The more spin you put on the puck, the flatter the saucer.

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An advantage for just taping the toe is that theres less build up of snow on the blade at the heel, and when theres snow on your heel it makes it a lot harder to give a clean saucer. You have to remember that a lot of guys, espicially the euros, who just tape the toe use big toe curves. That way you can feel when the puck is in the curve of the blade. Personally, I like taping just toe, but when i do my blade breaks in like half the time.

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I've actually tried that just before a game. Didnt have enough tape left in the bag, so I just taped up the end of the blade. Scored 4 goals and a couple of assists, so no complaints.

Puck feel was about the same and so were the shots. I guess its all about preference.

I also agree on the weight it adds though. Dont forgot that all the weight is at the end of the stick, and being an engineer (!) it changes the pivot point or fulcrum a lot. Just try taping a few coins to the end of the shaft and try and puck handle. It makes a lot of difference.

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An advantage for just taping the toe is that theres less build up of snow on the blade at the heel, and when theres snow on your heel it makes it a lot harder to give a clean saucer. You have to remember that a lot of guys, espicially the euros, who just tape the toe use big toe curves. That way you can feel when the puck is in the curve of the blade. Personally, I like taping just toe, but when i do my blade breaks in like half the time.

also because a lot of euros use mid/toe curves

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FYI I searched but I'm not very good at that, so if I missed this please point me in the right direction and lock.

Anyway, I tape heel to toe on my blades, and use a rounded toe. It's not necessarily a big deal, just something that bugs me, but I have a lot of trouble taping the toe of the blade. The tape flanges off the blade where the toe becomes round, or wrinkles up and such there, and it's just ugly and sometimes messes up toe-drags and such. Does anyone have any good methods of taping the toe of the blade that I should know about. I know it's not a big deal but I'm the kind of person where little things get to them. Thanks in advance.

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Either place some strips horizontally across the toe (before you tape the blade) or just smush some tape over the toe and cut off the excess around the toe.

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Use the wider cloth tape. Before you wrap the blade, take two strips about two inches long of the wider tape, and run them lengthwise over the toe. If you stretch it good and tight, you will have minimal overhang. If I get overhang, I cut it off with a razor blade.

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I get weird looks when I tape my blade. Everyone has their methods though.

I start off with a strip that I wrap around the edge of the toe, then I do 3 horizontal strips from back to front with the top and bottom strips forming a x on the front, then I do the same thing front to back, and then I tape normally from toe to heel.

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Hearing people need methods to tape their sticks make me glad I just tape ~2/3 of the middle and be done with it.

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exactly, I just keep taping it like I do the rest of the blade so it ends up being square at the toe (i also use rounded toes) and just cut the excess tape around the blade. It looks fine and doesn't affect your shot/toe drags at all. I use regular tape though, not the wider one.

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