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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Who the hell is this?

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I've seen this picture floating around (mainly in emails) and no one has a concrete knowledge of this guy's origin? I thought Starvin' Marvin came to life but that's only theory.




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I have no idea, but the first and second picture his face looks kind of fake.

That's what I thought. It looked computer generated, or at least transposed.

I did laugh at the crash dummy comment... :lol:

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Isn't there a name for the disease or something like a disease where you are completly hairless. A player off the Toronto Raptors had it a view years ago, I can not remember his name those.

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My boss' son has the same condition...but if I'm not mistaken he (as well as Charlie) does have eye lashes...just no eyebrows, or other body hair...not sure if this individual that mack has posted is "suffering" from the same condition.

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Ugh, I'm violently reminded of a discussion I had with some friends a couple years ago about that phenomenon. Horrible.

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Isn't there a name for the disease or something like a disease where you are completly hairless. A player off the Toronto Raptors had it a view years ago, I can not remember his name those.


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