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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Trying to make myself feel better for spending as much time as I do on my addiction to hockey. Right now I'd say I'm spending a good 2-3 hours/day looking at equipment, checking my teams, and generally obsessing about this game.

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Entirely too much time. Hockey is the only sport I really have any interest in, so I spend way too much time watching it, checking scores and state, listening to podcasts. I'm also really into gear, learning about it, reading about new stuff, I'm always popping into the local Pure Hockey to check out new stuff. Even before I even started skating, I played dekhockey and was always tryng new sticks, and stuff. My brother grew up playing ice hockey too, so I'd always help him with equipment and stuff. (he's younger than me)

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I work at the shop in the rink (~30 hours/week), spend about 8-10 hours/week on the ice, 5-6 hours/week working-out (I don't do it to make myself look good...though it is a nice supplementary benefit), another 5-6 hours/week or so shooting/stickhandling in the basement, 2 hours/week on equipment maintenance, a LOT of time thinking about hockey while I'm at school and all my spare time either on here or watching the Devils/any other games on TV.

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24/7. When I'm at work at the rink, I'm always looking for stuff online, talking to my LHS owner, seeing if any good discussion is going on here, talking hockey gear with parents/kids/players. I'm pretty obsessed with hockey and hockey gear.

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I work at the shop in the rink (~30 hours/week), spend about 8-10 hours/week on the ice, 5-6 hours/week working-out (I don't do it to make myself look good...though it is a nice supplementary benefit), another 5-6 hours/week or so shooting/stickhandling in the basement, 2 hours/week on equipment maintenance, a LOT of time thinking about hockey while I'm at school and all my spare time either on here or watching the Devils/any other games on TV.

dude, where do you play.

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For me, it depends on the time of year. In the off-season, I only think about hockey about twice a week. I check in on what (if any) trades are made or what players are signed, but I spend my time doing lots of other things.

During the season, however, which in my head starts in late august (I start training more, getting excited for the preseason NHL games, etc) and goes until June, I think about hockey every day. I'm not on MSH every day, necessarily, but I always check in on my favorite team (MN Wild) and such. I've only missed watching two MN Wild games on TV this year (I was on vacation last week with no access to email, internet, radio, or TV) and I've got them recorded on my DVR so I can get caught up tonight. Even though I know what happens, I still have to watch every minute of it.

On average, a couple hours a day isn't bad (right?!). It's my reward to myself for somehow managing to be sober for almost 3 years.

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I'm on all day and most of the night right now because I'm laid up (surgery) but usually I am not on as much because I don't have the time. When I'm healthy, I still visit the site at least a couple times a day just to see what's going on.

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I'm getting into taekwondo so that has lessened my time obsessing about hockey, gear, etc. I've contemplated not play league hockey and just playing pickup, but now I think I'll just play a weekly league game and not play pickup (so I can spend the dough on TKD training).

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im in the rink about 50 hours running my store, a good majority of that time is spent on modsquad, i play atleast once a week, and when im at the bar or home ill be watching hockey if its on. id say its a healthy obsession

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I don't have any friends that are as obsessed, which puts me here. My one friend is a hockey nut, but he can't talk about it much and I always get weird looks talking about stuff.

In the locker room today -

a guy "Hey man, I think when I go to Chicago next weekend I'm going to get some new skates, maybe something real nice like One90s"

me "Wait a bit, the One95 is coming out soon and it's going to drive the One90 into clearance pricing. I'm waiting for the One75 though, same as the One90 with a higher volume cut and a lower price. Maybe even the U+ if I they fit really nice and I rob a bank!"

Blank stares. I felt like a nerd.

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I don't have any friends that are as obsessed, which puts me here. My one friend is a hockey nut, but he can't talk about it much and I always get weird looks talking about stuff.

In the locker room today -

a guy "Hey man, I think when I go to Chicago next weekend I'm going to get some new skates, maybe something real nice like One90s"

me "Wait a bit, the One95 is coming out soon and it's going to drive the One90 into clearance pricing. I'm waiting for the One75 though, same as the One90 with a higher volume cut and a lower price. Maybe even the U+ if I they fit really nice and I rob a bank!"

Blank stares. I felt like a nerd.

Haha I know how you feel man, I work at a shop and the other guys I work with laugh when I talk about all the product and whatnot, my excuse is however I like to be informed on the product, That gets my boss off my back everyone else just says I need a new hobby.

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I once heard somebody call a visor a "half face" and I damn near Zednick'd him.

Too soon?

according to southpark it has to be at least 22.5 years before it is funny

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I work at the shop in the rink (~30 hours/week), spend about 8-10 hours/week on the ice, 5-6 hours/week working-out (I don't do it to make myself look good...though it is a nice supplementary benefit), another 5-6 hours/week or so shooting/stickhandling in the basement, 2 hours/week on equipment maintenance, a LOT of time thinking about hockey while I'm at school and all my spare time either on here or watching the Devils/any other games on TV.

dude, where do you play.

Taken from the "When did you start playing and where are you playing now?" thread:

I'm currently sidelined (long term) by a knee injury (ACL, MCL, meniscus) sustained after I had caught-on with a Junior A team in the OP. I'm hoping that I can recover well enough to salvage my last season of Junior eligibility next year...but it's been really, really tough (I quote the Stone Temple Pilots: "I'm half the man I used to be"). I wanna be able to go out on my own terms, but I'm not sure it's in the cards. If nothing else, this experience has given me a whole new level of appreciation for the guys who are able to make a strong recovery from these sorts of injuries and go on to play at/return to the highest level(s) of the sport; it's absolutely unbelievable to me.

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I once heard somebody call a visor a "half face" and I damn near Zednick'd him.

Too soon?

according to southpark it has to be at least 22.5 years before it is funny

Isn't that when someone dies?

I wouldn't go there though.

I've got a few more of those awkward conversations though. My friend was using an Octane with an Yzerman blade that he bought when he was hard up for cash, and he was wanting something new (and smashed it on the post in pickup just for good measure).

me- "Aww yeah, you should probably stay with an 85 flex since you're not over-flexing the 80 on your slappers, as for a new blade since Yzerman is gone you might want to switch brands. It'll be hard to find that big of a hook in a 6 lie though. Might want to dial back to a P88, keep the lie but loose the depth. Go with Coffey to maintain the hook but you'll have to adjust and either get lower or lengthen the stick."

him- "Ummm, dude.... I'll just pick up blades until I find something I like."

He ended up taking my spare SL shaft that had a Sakic woody in it. Some people can use anything and be fine with it.

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My obsession for hockey and my obsession for baseball is 24/7, 365. Pretty much all my free time is spent playing and watching these two sports. Between the rink, training facility and the diamond, I'm playing 6 days a week, and anywhere from 2-7 hours a day. Keeps me out of trouble I guess.

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Isn't that when someone dies?

it was actually about aids but ya...to make this post relevant ill add me own obsession which is lacrosse. hockey is almost over and i cant wait for field lacrosse to start, ive been on the boards and different lacrosse sites for hours over the past few days.

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Everyday, I come home and am on MSH until I can't find anything new to read (~1hour). Then I go to either my hockey pools or Easton board to check if anyone from Canada has gotten their toy drive yet. Then there is Ebay and finally not hockey....facebook. But Ive been playing hockey 2 times a week, plus games lately. But from here on it's going to be way more practicing and less games. Trying to get on as much as possible as my team is outta playoffs now. It's most of my time, everyday

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