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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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pick up hockey (shinny) pet peeves

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Unfortunately, as with both their and your contact, any form in a non-contact league is not clean.

A shoulder to the chest in a non-contact league can be just as unforeseen and devastating as a blindside hit where contact is allowed.

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I meant touche- "two-shay" not the other word...I'm 23

Still laughing at that one sailing right over his head! LOL

Oftentimes, if you're unlucky enough, you'll get both.

Happened last week: I play in a beer-league tuesday nights, and for the most parts the league is pretty even. One team running away in first, one team clearly the weakest, the rest are all equal. However the black team in my league are one of those teams that hack, slash, trip, etc. Just a really dirty team. They've already cost me two sticks this year taking two-handers. So last week we're playing (keep in mind it is a non-contact league), and I'm one of my team's better players, I'm taking the puck up the left wing side with a guy chasing me. He cross-checks me in the back, right into the d-man who proceeds to crosscheck me in the visor. No call on the play since the referees in the league suck. I get up, skate back down the ice and catch their guy with the puck coming across the middle (who happened to be the guy who gave me the first crosscheck) and just lay him out.

Yes I know that because of this, I can be lumped in with the jerks we're discussing here, but it felt so good to finally get some form of retribution on these guys. His whole line tried to go after me for the hit screaming about how it was a dirty play and a cheap shot. I just scoffed it off and took my minor penalty. Strangely enough they left me alone for the rest of the game. On the note of them calling it dirty, it was actually one of the cleanest hits I've ever thrown. If I wanted to make it a dirty shot I could have, but I was satisfied with the shoulder to the chest I threw.

I'm guessing its a non contact league......just another example of the proven fact!....."you take the contact out of game, and the stickwork and dirty play increases"!

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as one of the better players on the ice i like to try to set up and pass to the "rookies". i cant stand it when people dont do this or even when one of them manages to get the puck they will check the weaker players right away.

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as one of the better players on the ice i like to try to set up and pass to the "rookies". i cant stand it when people dont do this or even when one of them manages to get the puck they will check the weaker players right away.

I kind of fall into this category too. I play D, and if a weak skater, or 'rookie' is bringing it in against me, I give him a wider gap and give him a little more time to make a decision. There are a couple different schools of thought in a situation like that, and sometimes it makes my teammates crazy, but I don't care. We are there to have fun. Sure, we all want to win, but I don't have to dominate a weaker player to feel better about myself. I crank it up when I'm playing against the better players in the league.

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Next time anyone comes to shinny, bring your own friggin pucks, and don't say that I'm giving you attitude when i want mine back because I was the one who brought all the pucks in the first place.

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Next time anyone comes to shinny, bring your own friggin pucks, and don't say that I'm giving you attitude when i want mine back because I was the one who brought all the pucks in the first place.

The idiot that launches your pucks over the glass and refuses to go get them. Yeah, pucks cost $0.99 a piece. But, when you are firing them into the corners of the arena and refusing to go get them that $0.99 adds up to $10-$15 in lost pucks really quickly.

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Next time anyone comes to shinny, bring your own friggin pucks, and don't say that I'm giving you attitude when i want mine back because I was the one who brought all the pucks in the first place.

I'm usually the last one off the ice most times I play. I find that if I brought a few pucks, I might get one back, if I brought 1 or less I leave with three or more. And this is after offering the pucks up to the locker room to be claimed. I guess I'm even overall.

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It happens man, but I was annoyed when I brought out the pucks near the end of the pick up game to fool around with, then I end up with none left 5 minutes later cause everyone else took them...

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I can't stand the "locals rule" guys, the marathon shifters, and the guys that drink from my water bottle and don't have the decency to refill it.

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I'm not a fan of the hypocritical skaters. The guy that takes a 15 minute shift, then starts yelling at everyone to change faster when he does finally get off the ice. Also the guy that screams for the puck when he isn't open. I mean the puck is behind the net, and the guy is standing at the hash marks waving his stick in the air and slamming it into the ice, when there's a d-man standing two feet away from him.

Grinds my gears.

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Okay, this is probably me at my low. And before you read, I assure that this is a stupid pet peeve/rant.

How the hell, can I be in a scoring slump while playing FLOOR HOCKEY?? Have I been slumping my league games? Not at all, if anything I've been playing some of the best hockey all season. Yet somehow, I'm held down to 2 goals while everybody else just seems to be racking up goals like it's going out of style. And to make it worse, I'm getting my goals "stolen". I'm gonna try whatever the heck I have to so I can break this thing. It's just frustrating me, I find myself spending more effort on this than playoff games. Also when these so called "chill" games have been giving some people the "authority" to deem who's who in my class skill-wise. Stupid I know.... :facepalm:

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I hate when guys play defense on me... hello, rec league all star 3 and a half years running, do you really think you have any shot of stopping me from danglin' you into a pretzel? Honestly, when they see me coming, why don't they just part like the red sea so I don't have to waste my time and energy going around a bunch of human pylons?

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I hate when guys play defense on me... hello, rec league all star 3 and a half years running, do you really think you have any shot of stopping me from danglin' you into a pretzel? Honestly, when they see me coming, why don't they just part like the red sea so I don't have to waste my time and energy going around a bunch of human pylons?

All I can say is ... WOW!

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I hate when guys play defense on me... hello, rec league all star 3 and a half years running, do you really think you have any shot of stopping me from danglin' you into a pretzel? Honestly, when they see me coming, why don't they just part like the red sea so I don't have to waste my time and energy going around a bunch of human pylons?

haha that is awesome. I hate when people are out there rippin shots from the point in a pick up game.

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I hate when guys play defense on me... hello, rec league all star 3 and a half years running, do you really think you have any shot of stopping me from danglin' you into a pretzel? Honestly, when they see me coming, why don't they just part like the red sea so I don't have to waste my time and energy going around a bunch of human pylons?

Didn't plan to take this seriously, until I played with two guys today who played with this attitude. They'd each take the puck from one end of the rink to the other, ignoring all four teammates, who had to stop at the blue line waiting, only to turn it over in the offensive zone. Strangely, they seemed to suffer from learning disabilities. No matter how many times this tactic ended in a turnover, they continued to do it every time, even ignoring teammates in front of the other side of the net for a wide-open tap-in. This happened a lot, since they didn't come off the ice much, either.

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Jerkoffs who are clearly much higher skill level than nearly every other player on the ice and yells at other people when they either miss a pass he makes, or misses a shot whatever. Basically think of a guy that WISHES he could've gone pro, acts like he did and then bitches about everything on the ice.

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Jerkoffs who are clearly much higher skill level than nearly every other player on the ice and yells at other people when they either miss a pass he makes, or misses a shot whatever. Basically think of a guy that WISHES he could've gone pro, acts like he did and then bitches about everything on the ice.

Those dudes bother me too!

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Jerkoffs who are clearly much higher skill level than nearly every other player on the ice and yells at other people when they either miss a pass he makes, or misses a shot whatever. Basically think of a guy that WISHES he could've gone pro, acts like he did and then bitches about everything on the ice.

This. Just generally people who arent out there for the fun of it. There are so many people that are too into stroking their own ego.

Lsst night there was a guy who just thought he was so good, it was like a chore for him to be on the ice with everyone else. He would just mope around not really trying AT ALL attempting to slowly dangle through everyone and made no attempt to get the puck back if he lost it.

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Opposite of the thread, but the other night we had a very good open hockey. They let too many players on the rink, but everyone did the right thing and kept the game moving. I never felt like I was on the bench for too long.

We did have the usual "5 forwards" set up going for my team, but otherwise it was a real good time.

Even had someone check to see if I was alright because he thought his slapshot caught me where I didn't have padding (it didn't but it was a nice gesture)

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I hate when guys play defense on me... hello, rec league all star 3 and a half years running, do you really think you have any shot of stopping me from danglin' you into a pretzel? Honestly, when they see me coming, why don't they just part like the red sea so I don't have to waste my time and energy going around a bunch of human pylons?

Wait, are you saying that you don't want anyone to use drop-ins to get better; instead, they should just admit it's a lost cause and piss off the goalie by letting you by with no attempt to slow you down?

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Wait, are you saying that you don't want anyone to use drop-ins to get better; instead, they should just admit it's a lost cause and piss off the goalie by letting you by with no attempt to slow you down?

Exactly what I'm saying! In all honesty, I was being facetious... just my attempt at channeling the personality of that one d-nozzle who everyone here seems to have had the pleasure to share a drop-in with.

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Exactly what I'm saying! In all honesty, I was being facetious... just my attempt at channeling the personality of that one d-nozzle who everyone here seems to have had the pleasure to share a drop-in with.

Soory, man, I couldn't tell whether you were being serious!

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Exactly what I'm saying! In all honesty, I was being facetious... just my attempt at channeling the personality of that one d-nozzle who everyone here seems to have had the pleasure to share a drop-in with.

Pissing off that d-nozzle is one of my favorite past-times. They really hate it when that slow old lady they thought was going to be a pylon rope-a-dopes them and takes the puck off their stick like taking candy from a baby. Yeah, that wanna-be/used-to-be all-star might deke me out of my socks 4 times out of 5, but that fifth time makes it all worthwhile :-)

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My rink just now started putting a limit on skaters and goalies for open hockey. Last Tuesday, something like 40 skaters and 6 goalies showed up because it was the first nighttime one in awhile. People were pretty much good about taking short shifts, though.

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