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Someone hacked my credit card

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Sometimes large purchases are billed $1 or $2 automatically as a place holder that immediately is taken from the account. Once everything runs its course and the final charge hits the account that $1 or $2 can become $20 or $5000.

When I was waiting on my bank to fix everything I was sitting on about $40, a whole lot of $1 charges, a $20 and a $15. Once the 3 days passed the total was $100, plus the 2 dozen bounced charges that were attempted after the card was flagged and canceled.

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If I was them I would have flagged the card right away being used at netflicks, BB&B and puma.com. I dont rent movies, I'm straight and I hate cats.

...Almost cost me a pair of gloves.

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Damn you, TBL. I think I know what's happening with that $100 when it comes back into my account.

Why do I need 6 sticks and 3 pairs of gloves? The real question is; why don't I have more?

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haha, I told the guy at the credit card company to approve the charge for the gloves and then cancel the card. They are SEXY!

I'm down to 5 pairs anyway.

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My aunt had someone steal her card and the funniest part was whoever it was used it to call a 1-800 number, lol

As for me though, I had one funky charge from a restaurant I went to...I think the waiter typed more into the machine to get himself more tips.

But the CC doesn't beat the state of Ohio losing your Social Security info...they lost mine last year and I've had to jump through a bunch of hoops in order to get anything done credit-wise since I now have fraud alert courtesy of state taxpayer money.

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Damn, add me to the list as well. Two nights ago I was checking my Wamu checking balance and found a charge for $922 from "MC EMIRATES-DUBAI." Needless to say, I was pissed and called Wamu and they are going to issue me a provisional credit for the amount pending an investigation.

Also, what is really lame about the whole thing is the "type" of transaction said - "Debit - no pin." :angry:

  Monty22 said:

One of my biggest peeves are the people in line behind you that seem to be looking over your shoulder while you type in your PIN. "Can I help you with something? " normaly buys you some space..

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Or you can handle it this way -



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I read this recently and it makes sense. On the back of your CC where it says signature....don't sign it. Instead, write:


Prevents someone who can't produce a second piece of ID from using it. Now, it does nothing against online theft...but prevents old fashioned thieves from getting anything.

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  dangle said:
  Monty22 said:

One of my biggest peeves are the people in line behind you that seem to be looking over your shoulder while you type in your PIN. "Can I help you with something? " normaly buys you some space..

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I agree! even the cashiers. I usually give them an accusing look and they look away

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When I ring someone up if they have to enter a PIN i just tell them how to do it then turn and stare at the ceiling or look in any direction but at the keypad, it just makes me feel akward watching them do it.

  RadioGaGa said:

I read this recently and it makes sense. On the back of your CC where it says signature....don't sign it. Instead, write:


Prevents someone who can't produce a second piece of ID from using it. Now, it does nothing against online theft...but prevents old fashioned thieves from getting anything.

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That's how I have it on my cards, unfortunately every 1 out of 10 times [if that] i get asked for a 2nd piece of ID. I was taught to always ask if I saw it, so now it has become force of habit.

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This really pissed me off but it is also pretty funny... another CC of mine was used fraudulently, it was for random stuff totaling $200, but the funny/angry thing is i get a box from a business card company today and it has business cards in it with this info on it:

"(the thief's screen name)

thanks you,

(my actual name)


(a fake address but my street name)

(the thief's phone # and email)

not sure what i am going to do yet, the number is registered to a city about 30 min away. The thing that worries me is he/she has my address

any one have any ideas what i should do?

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If you plan on taking it any further, I would contact the police...If someone is stupid enough to pull some shit like that, no telling what they might do in person if you go knocking on their door...Just use common sense and a level head before you do anything...

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  stock07 said:

If you plan on taking it any further, I would contact the police...If someone is stupid enough to pull some shit like that, no telling what they might do in person if you go knocking on their door...Just use common sense and a level head before you do anything...

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I second that....I would have been on the phone to the police the SECOND that box was in my hands.

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What kind of crime spree is this crap? My mother just got nailed for a few hundred dollars' worth of charges. Unbelievable.

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  mack said:

What kind of crime spree is this crap? My mother just got nailed for a few hundred dollars' worth of charges. Unbelievable.

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My buddy also got hit pretty hard a couple months back - some asshole got his card number from an IHOP and somehow charged his card up at a Chevron a couple times and tried to buy a Plasma at Best Buy but was denied.

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  mack said:

BofA is good, almost too good, at cutting stuff off early. I remember being on vacation in Hawaii and having a CC declined, then calling BofA to see what was up and they cut it off since it was being used out of my home state. Now I'm Pavlovian about calling them before I go anywhere.

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Same thing happened to me. I hadn't used the card for awhile then used it for hotel & restaurants when we went to a tournament out of state. They called to verify that it was actually me. I like that they have my back and I'll remain a customer of theirs and recommend them to anyone.

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I just got a letter in the mail, Citizens wants me to call every company that I'm disputing the charge from and ask for the money back.

Bullshit that I have to do legwork because some tool jerked me around.

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  hattrick74 said:

This really pissed me off but it is also pretty funny... another CC of mine was used fraudulently, it was for random stuff totaling $200, but the funny/angry thing is i get a box from a business card company today and it has business cards in it with this info on it:

"(the thief's screen name)

thanks you,

(my actual name)


(a fake address but my street name)

(the thief's phone # and email)

not sure what i am going to do yet, the number is registered to a city about 30 min away. The thing that worries me is he/she has my address

any one have any ideas what i should do?

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Call the Police in your town and the theif's. This is likley not the first time he's ripped someone off. Ther already may be a case against him/them, and your info could be important.

Or, stake out his house and beat the crap out of him with a sock full of nickels.

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  Rustpot said:

I just got a letter in the mail, Citizens wants me to call every company that I'm disputing the charge from and ask for the money back.

Bullshit that I have to do legwork because some tool jerked me around.

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Bullshit on that one. You need a real bank if they've got you doing that crap.

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So in my routine check of my bank statement online today I find two charges on my debit card account from Bogota that were clearly not me. (and made without my pin) I called Bank of America tonight and had them freeze my account and issue me a new card. Moreover, I'll be calling them tomorrow to dispute the charges and ultimately get my money back. Fortunately the charges were a small portion of my account balance and I was able to catch it before incurring any potential overdrawing fees. Has anyone had this happen to them, and if so, what measures should I take to ensure my debit card, and even more severe, my identity isn't stolen? (Besides not using my card anymore)

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I use B of A also. I have e-mail alerts set up for online & phone purchases.

Simply put, I get instant announcements whenever my card is used but not swiped.

If you can get it set up, it's great to have, rather than accidentally stumbling upon the fraud when you happened to look.

You definately did the right thing when you froze your account, just make sure you protect yourself from now on.

These D-Bags run small transactions to stay under the radar.

Most people don't look at every line on thier statement.

It doesn't seem like much, but, one million $3 charges...

is an easily overlooked $3 million.

Imagine if they have more cards than that to run through.

We all need to be responsible and pay attention to EVERY transaction on our bank / credit card statements!

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I had that happen to me a few months back. They used my card number to by tons of music from itunes, napster...stuff like that. Luckily my bank basically took care of everything for me. All i really had to do is fill out and sign and affidavit and have it notarized. Money was put back into my account and they sent me a new card.

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