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Horrific Incident in Manitoba

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A bus just like that had a nutball take the driver out but he was jumped by passengers. Somewhere near the AL/TN border if I remember correctly. Maybe this really has become a nation of puss.

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  mack said:
A bus just like that had a nutball take the driver out but he was jumped by passengers. Somewhere near the AL/TN border if I remember correctly. Maybe this really has become a nation of puss.
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South of the Mason Dixon they are still trying to make up for loosing the war. ;)

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  chef_ducky said:
  s Greens said:
well let me know next time your travelling on a greyhound so i can come with you and feel safe while you wrestle large 40 year old men with rambo knives to the ground
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alright smart ass,

if you read it I said in MY SITUATION (which included nothing about Rambo Knives, what so ever) you grab the persons arms and hold them close like a bear hug, and bring them down to the ground. That way if a shot was fired, it would have hit the carpet. Obviously a Rambo Knife would be different, yet you could still use the same tactic. And do you not perhaps think that their might have been someone else on the bus, that may have been bigger as age has no bearing to do with anything.

The guy definately DOES NOT deserve a trial. That is why I wish Canada would have the death penalty! The sad part is he is only getting charged with Second Degree murder!

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my bad i totally didnt even read your story

regardless of size i dont know many people that would want to put themself in the situation of pissing off a guy who is already mentally unstable (being based off he chose the guy at random) and stabbing a kid repeatedly in the back of the bus

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None of us know the circumstances enough to know whether anyone could/should have come to his defense. We have no idea whether anyone of a capable size was close enough to try to tackle the guy before it was too late for the 19-year-old. The article posted said he had moved to the back of the bus after a rest stop, so maybe he chose a spot where he realized no one would get to him quickly enough.

I think it's a bit crazy to suggest we all should be brave enough to stop what is clearly an adrenaline-crazed individual when we have to rush from the front of the bus with nothing more than a jacket wrapped over our arms and maybe a belt. If someone had some type of stick/club, I could see trying to stop the man, but even then he has the advantage in such tight quarters. This is tragic but if people wouldn't be able to arrive in time to save the young man's life, then I think it makes more sense to make sure the rest of the passengers can escape and detain the attacker.

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Did everyone forget Kitty Genovese? We don't know the circumstances on the bus, but taking down someone in close quarter, especially when they probably know they have to fight for their lives isn't exactly easy.

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They just need to shoot this crazy fuck so he doesnt do any other terrible things. He should at least get life in Jail imho, maybe sittin in a cell for the last 40 years of his life might teach him a lesson that you cant just go around killin people! Some may think that this is harsh, but i hope he burns in hell. What the guy did is sick and disturbing, issues or not its really fucked up. My condolences to the Family of the victim.

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OMFG thats just total bullshnit! i think we can make an exception in this case...And people quit bitching that they couldve done somethin! its too late now and theres no use havin gay internet arguments.

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  forbs02 said:
  mack said:
  Stampeder said:
If that happened in the states there would of been at least one person with a gun to shoot the guy.
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Not necessarily but in the States someone would have done something and not shit their pants.

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I disagree.

This happened in a very crowded amusement park and no one came to help.

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Yeah, but MN is damn near in Canada, that doesn't count as the US.

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This isn't really the time to be arguing about whether or not people should have stepped in. When I hear about terrorist acts (which this was) it only reminds me that we all need to constantly appreciate the life that we have. It can all end at any time, and certainly with less fanfare-for lack of a better word-than an event like this.

Treat your fellow man with respect, let the ones you love know how you feel as often as possible, and live a life that you can be proud of.

Truly a sad day for humanity as a whole. Canadian, American, or other, this event reaches us all.

Here's to the safety and well-being of every member here.

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  Chadd said:
  forbs02 said:
  mack said:
  Stampeder said:
If that happened in the states there would of been at least one person with a gun to shoot the guy.
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Not necessarily but in the States someone would have done something and not shit their pants.

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I disagree.

This happened in a very crowded amusement park and no one came to help.

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Yeah, but MN is damn near in Canada, that doesn't count as the US.

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I live on the border to the US from Canada. Does that mean that where I live doesn't really count as Canada. Whether that's a joke or not, that arguement is not legit.

I think were going in the wrong direction with this topic but that's another matter.

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  Zac911 said:
  razrbladz12 said:
You wonder what makes people do things like this...there's a lot of messed up people in the world. Very sad to hear something like this happen.
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hey! you can only tell a guy to keep his stick on the ice so many times!

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  Zac911 said:
i almost did that to Eppie Calvin LaLouche or " NUKE " as he referred to himself...... i couldn't stand his guitar playing...... jeezuz.... women don't get wooly! WTF!!!!!!
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What the fuck is wrong with you? Someone was decapitated on a bus and you make a mockery of their horrific, untimely death? What if this had been a loved one or even someone you knew... For shame.

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  M-Cohen said:
  Zac911 said:
  razrbladz12 said:
You wonder what makes people do things like this...there's a lot of messed up people in the world. Very sad to hear something like this happen.
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hey! you can only tell a guy to keep his stick on the ice so many times!

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  Zac911 said:
i almost did that to Eppie Calvin LaLouche or " NUKE " as he referred to himself...... i couldn't stand his guitar playing...... jeezuz.... women don't get wooly! WTF!!!!!!
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What the fuck is wrong with you? Someone was decapitated on a bus and you make a mockery of their horrific, untimely death? What if this had been a loved one or even someone you knew... For shame.

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It is a shame Zac, you start a group on how a guy shit on a plane, taking that seriously, yet someone innocent is murdered, and you can make jokes. You are pathetic!

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  JR Boucicaut said:
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i was out with a friend last night who works in the department in Health Science Centre (Winnipeg's Major hospital) where they do the autopsy's and this sicko literally carved the victim up. He was missing his small intestine, liver and one kidney, which they speculate the guy ate :ph34r:

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  JR Boucicaut said:
Okay, so my man had all that time to gnaw on three organs and nobody did shit but to watch him eat?
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Uh... I don't know about you, or anyone else here, but if a dude is chowing down on another guys organs, I'm not getting involved. In fact, I will turn tail and HAUL ASS in the complete opposite direction.

Call me a pussy if you want, but the desire to stay alive defeats the desire to save a dead guys liver.

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  JR Boucicaut said:
Okay, so my man had all that time to gnaw on three organs and nobody did shit but to watch him eat?
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my understanding from reading a few different articles is that the kid was listening to music and texting his friends when the guy started stabbing him, a couple people went to go try and stop him, and he turned the knife on them, at which point the kid stopped screaming (dead), everyone got off the bus (kept him on by waving a hammer and tire iron / crow bar at him). a couple guys and the driver held the door shut, while psycho proceeded to cut the kid's head off and eat parts of him. he was walking around holding the vitim's head up, as people outside were crying and literally vomiting. he tried to start the bus but the driver had shut it off or taken the keys or done something to prevent it from working. he tried to jump out the window at which point the cops got him.

the kids dad apparently found out through his friends, before the RCMP could notify him.

[another] scary thing is that he was apparently very calm and robot-like while killing the kid. they said he didn't seem enraged or anything. seriously, hannibal lector style.

now i know there have obviously been mass murderers and explosions etc that have killed many people - but i've gotta say this is the most horrifying single act of murder i've ever heard of.

also the fact that there are no reports what so ever of the kid or anybody doing anything to provoke this make it even more sad.

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  s Greens said:
max he'll get is 25 years. Oh Canada
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That's not true.

The max amount of time you can get without the possibility of parole is 25 years, but you can be in jail forever if the parole board keeps rejecting you. For example, Paul Bernardo will never get paroled and will therefore die in prison.

Also, I've ridden those types of buses quite frequently, if it's the middle of the night, all the lights are turned off inside except those people with reading lights on....most people would have been asleep, if someone at the back of the bus started stabbing the guy beside him with a huge knife there's no way anybody is getting back there to help him in time. You get a few people running towards the door and it would be almost impossible to get by them until they were off the bus. It would have been nice if the trucker who had stopped had a gun on him so someone could have just gone in and spared us the millions a trial is going to cost, but armed with just a tire iron or something, I don't think you can expect anybody to run onto a bus to try and kill some nut with a knife just to stop him from chopping up someone who is already clearly dead.

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  mrusse01 said:
  s Greens said:
max he'll get is 25 years. Oh Canada
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That's not true.

The max amount of time you can get without the possibility of parole is 25 years, but you can be in jail forever if the parole board keeps rejecting you. For example, Paul Bernardo will never get paroled and will therefore die in prison.

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that is correct. Second degree murder you can get parole anywhere from your 10th to 25th year. In this case, most would hope 25 years but theres also talk that he might just be put in a mental hospital besides jail

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