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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Aussie Joe

How long are you on the ice?

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Just a simple question how often are you on the ice/rink? My week gets broken down on avg. like this...

Mon - Jnr Training (Coaching) - 1hr

Tue - Snr Training - 1hr

Fri - Scrimmage - 3hrs

Sat - Coaching Jnr Game - 1.2Hrs on the bench

Sun - Snr Game - 1.2Hrs

Sun - Inline Game - 1hr

It only occured to me a few months ago that burn out is possible, but seriously I have most weeks like this and look forward to every session more and more. Sometimes I CBF with coaching juniors, but everytime I go I remember why it feels so good to coach.

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Mon- rec league 1.5 hours

Tues- Skaters Clinic + Scrimmage(good ice time, reinforces the basics etc) 3ish hours

Wed- higher level rec league 1.5 hours

I wish it was spread out through the week more. So occasionally I'll play some pickup roller hockey on weekends just to avoid the long layoff every week. If I wasn't broke as hell I'd be lifting since it would fit in real well to this schedule.

Occasionally I play a 1.5 hour open hockey on a Thursday or a Saturday.

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Mon- Instructor for Adult Dev + Advanced Scrimmage 2.5 hours

Tues- Instructor for Learn to Skate + Public Skate w Friends 3 hours

Wed- Instructor for Learn to Play +Reffing or Playing 2 Rec games 3 hours

Thurs- Coaching for 3 on 3 + Coaching Beginner Scrimmage 3.5 hours

Sat- Instructor for Learn to Skate + Open ice Stick and Puck 2 hours

Sun- Playing 1 league game in the summer 1 hour

That's the summer schedule... in the winter there's coaching youth teams and playing another league that adds 4-5 hours

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Monday- Inline Pick up, 2hrs

Tuesday- Inline Rec game (Silver), 1 hr

Wednesday- Ice Hockey Rec game, 2hrs

Thursday- Inline Rec game (Silver), 1hr

Friday- Ice pickup, 1.5 hrs

Saturday- Nothing

Sunday- 1-2 Inline Rec Games (Gold), 1 Ice Rec game

No burnout experience here. I find when I dont get to play I get frustrated.

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i just started learning to skate+play... but where i live now the rink is an hour a way and the only adult 101 class is during my work hours.....

But im moving to oklahoma city, and the rink is down the street so hopefully ill get to get in there and really get a hold of this skating thing!

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You all sicken me! With envy.

Like Nicker, I just got into ice hockey from roller. So right now the answer is "not enough." =]

2hrs every friday cause i signed up for classes (drills for 45 mins, 3v3 for 45 mins). Sadly full time job outside vancouver, BC, means every day i miss like 3 stick and pucks and an adult skate. There is an arena 5 mins from my house and we registered a lower-division team for september. So yay for future prospects!

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Well i am coaching 2 travel teams this year, so it should be a long season

Mon - teach powerskating class 1hr

tues - squirt practice + adult league game 2.5 hrs

wed - bantam practice 1.25 hr

thur - bantam and squirt practice 2.5 hrs

Sun - adult league game 1.25hr

I guess you could throw in any weekends in which my travel teams have games, which would be another 3-5 hours.

should be a long season

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During the Summer I'm usally on the ice Around 7 hours

but during the Winter i;m usaly on for around 15 hours a week

Monday- Day off (usally on Backyard rink)2 hours

Tuesday- AAA Pratice(3on3 With team) 2 hours + off ice for an hour

Wednesday - Regular team pratice 2 hours

Thrus- Homegames(i'll be at the rink for 4 hours) but game 1 1/2 H

Friday- Game or pratice 2 hours

Saturday- Game 1 1/2h

Sunday- 2 hours Again :blink:

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I wish I could play that much! I play one adult game a week and it's hard to improve.

I;m A AAA hockey player so on the ice daily

When April Comes all i want to play is The playoffs and take some rest

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I wish I could play that much! I play one adult game a week and it's hard to improve.

I;m A AAA hockey player so on the ice daily

When April Comes all i want to play is The playoffs and take some rest

I've always wondered Turc, what happens when you have a small injury. Something you can play through, but should rest. Do you take a week/game off or will you lose your spot that way?

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tonight, 1hr30 mins.

game tomo

practice wed. 1hr 15mins

practice friday 1h30min

practice saturday: 1hr

game sunday, season debut :ph34r:

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i go on at least 5 times out of 7 but 1 hour and 30 minutes per ice time. I just enter grade 9 so It's going to be less ice time for me now-a-days

i have a bantam cc scrimmage game tomorrow

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Mon - Off

Tuesday - Coach 12U 1 hr / Play Adult League Game 1.5 hr

Wends - Off

Thursday - Coach 12U 1.5 hr

Friday - Instructor Tots Learn to Skate 1 Hr / Play Adult League Game 1.5 hr

Saturday - Coach 12U 1.5 hr / Coach Adult Instructional 1 hr

Sunday - Play Adult League Game or Pick Up 1.5 hr

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