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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Worst Team Names

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We are the:

Pork Chop Express


We get some grief about it!

I like it though.

You can't go wrong with any Big Trouble in Little China references. Wear those colors with pride.

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Goodfellas should be sporting some pinstripe jerseys, just to complete the package.

We were the Goodfellas for a couple of seasons. 1 championship and 1 dnq for playoffs. The logo was going to be an old school tommy gun totin' gangsta.. but nobody would pony up.

the more creative/embarrassing ones:

Satan's Warriors: every one had some derivitive or nickname of Satan/Devil/Beezelbub/etc.

Chicks with Sticks: Chick team with the standard nicks like Miss Conduct, Miss Behavin, The Ma'am, etc.

Cajun Hotsticks (nsfw if you google it)

Care Bears: they were actually perennial champs. Pretty good team.

C.O.B: Church of Beer

Flaming Sticks/Colors of Unity/Pride: a team of homosexuals. seriously.

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My league usually goes with NHL team names just to prevent stuff like this..

But for a while, they let the captains pick their own. Some of the worst names were..



Texas Shooters

Dragon Slayers





Fortunately the only one of those I played on was the Rockers.

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ha, my team over the summer was the Pink Panthers. We have black jerseys with the Pink panther just laying down. Next summer we're getting white ones with the Big Black logo, but it'll be P's instead.

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Worst Team Names, What names have you seen/had to endure?

Plumbers crack............retarded

I don't play in that league anymore..

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vic n dale.................................was a idea form our genius buddy for our spring league lol

When'd you come up with that one? At hockey on thursday?

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Flaming Sticks/Colors of Unity/Pride: a team of homosexuals. seriously.

I saw the same kind of team but they call themselves the Senators. BING. BANG. BOOM. Total facial, LaFleur...TOTAL FACIAL.

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vic n dale.................................was a idea form our genius buddy for our spring league lol

When'd you come up with that one? At hockey on thursday?

your visor gave sam some ideas lol. He wants a big picture of your face on the jersey.

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"4 skins"

"just a tip"

same team - two different divisions.

P.S. our league is both classy and sophisticated. (only $600 for 20 game season)


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F-BOMBS. I played with a bunch of college guys who had never played in a league before, and half of them reeked of pot before every game.

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theres a team in my div called the Clown punchers....wsup with that?

haha, i play with those guys... wasn't involved in the naming process though. which team are you on?

[edit: apparently that name is more common than one might expect. i'm talking at glacial gardens]

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not fancy, but just plain bad, "Doves" and they had a dove on the front of the jeresey. Oh run and hide the "doves" are coming, finished last in the div.

Another team in the league was the Penetrators, they would have a drunk friend come out wearing a dick costume, that's right a dick costume including the balls, and have him yell, "let's go penetrators" "stick it to them" "shove it down there throats" from the start of the game to the end regardless of the score.

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Just got my schedule for this year. In my league are the following classy organizations:

- District 5

- The O.J. Did-Its

- Premature Shooters

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