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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Going to college tomorrow....

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I have classes with as few 9 and as many as 400+ students. The smaller classes obviously require a bit of concentration and participation. Most of the bigger lectures are a walk - the notes are online and the professor/TAs don't know (or care) what your name is. It's not uncommon for me to kick-back and use class time to (not so subtly) rip through a newspaper.

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Hurricanes suck. Nothing the night before the WVU game. They better win.....but Im not counting on it. But bad weather brings the talent levels down so it should be a good game.

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Football? Thats good and all...but we want to hear about the fun stuff that going on. Like the time my freshman year, the day after halloween...I saw the most unhappy clown at 12pm Ive ever seen in my life.

Im in my last semester of college, and man, I dont REALLY want to graduate...I want to...but at the same time, I still want to be able to show up drunk to things from the night before and be able to get out of the situation with a simple explanation on how the bar had $.50 wells the night before and only get "the look".


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I have classes with as few 9 and as many as 400+ students. The smaller classes obviously require a bit of concentration and participation. Most of the bigger lectures are a walk - the notes are online and the professor/TAs don't know (or care) what your name is. It's not uncommon for me to kick-back and use class time to (not so subtly) rip through a newspaper.

Dot game got me noticed in my Econ class. I'll have to be more discreet next time. Any opinions on recitations? Because my attendance at them has been sparse so far.

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man, im gonna have to start my applications to colleges in the us and canada, but i dont know where to apply :confused: i was thinking of talking to the schools that have a open day here in switzerland, got a list through my school, theres 35 american colleges and universities here. im just worried im gonna have to take SATs :(

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You will almost certainly have to take some form of standardized test, either SAT or ACT. The best advice I can give is try to visit as many schools as possible, you should get the feeling at one of them that this is the place for you.

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Haha. Which was the point ;)

Damn, Kovy might be hookin up tonight if this game continues the way it is going...

wvu...fourth and four going into the fourth? wow kovy i hope youre somewhere in the student section!

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