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Shoulder Pad Suggestions

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I did some searching and after a couple pages I couldn't find anything really relevant in the past couple of years with some of the shoulder pads I am considering.

I play in a beer league no contact. I have been using some Easton Ultra Lites from about 6 years ago. They are nice and light but I have that linebacker looks and feel so the mobility is not great.

Id prefer to stay under $75 but had a previous shoulder dislocation so wouldn't mind spending a little more. But the only real danger is me hurting myself not anyone else! haha.

So what would you recommend out of these:

Bauer XVI, XXV


Vector 4s

Easton S5

Any others you may suggest?

Thanks in advance.

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These are very light and "old school". I do find them to be fairly warm to play in however, and the material holds a lot of moisture.

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I am giving the RBK 6k shoulder pads, that i just got yesterday, a try this weekend. I tried on a pair of 9ks, i like the perforated pads but I didn't was not too crazy about the shoulder caps.

I am coming off a set of 2007 CCM vector 10s and I know how you feel about the "linebacker" look. The pad design had a shoulder cap pad on top of a shoulder/bicep pad which felt kind of weird.

I think there may be another thread that talks about shoulder pads....

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These are very light and "old school". I do find them to be fairly warm to play in however, and the material holds a lot of moisture.

Maybe something not so "old school" or white? God knows I sweat enough I don't want to see what colors those pads would become.

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Get a padded shirt. There are many to choose from. I have been using the Tour Padded Shirt for like 2 years now and I love it, as is has the best mobility:


I havent used shoulder pads since high school. If you are in a no contact league and want less bulk, than these are for you. Lets face it, these are probly more protection than what Brendan Shanahan wears lol. They are easily washed and are really cheap. I rotate two because even though they wick really well, you shouldnt let them sit in your bag to avoid mold.

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The RBK 4K shoulders are a really nice lightweight protective shoulder pad. I use the Jofa 8700's and could not be happier. But as always, try them on for PP.

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I have some CCM Dryland pads that I found at my local Play It Again Sports and they are AWESOME but incredibly hard to find.

before that I wore these:


even though they were white they didn't discolor due to sweat.

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I was using the Itech SP50. They are about as minimal as you can get. I ended up separating my left shoulder twice in a 4 month period with them. The first time was at a pick-up game, and the second time was in a tournament. Supposedly, no-contact situations. I ended up going with the Nike/Bauer Defender Pro, and have been pretty happy with them so far. They're pretty comfortable for me, and don't restrict my movement like I thought they would. To me, they are as light and comfy as the Itechs were.

Since you've had a previous shoulder separation, it's more likely to happen again. I would go with the same level of protection or higher than you have now.

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I was using the Itech SP50. They are about as minimal as you can get. I ended up separating my left shoulder twice in a 4 month period with them. The first time was at a pick-up game, and the second time was in a tournament. Supposedly, no-contact situations. I ended up going with the Nike/Bauer Defender Pro, and have been pretty happy with them so far. They're pretty comfortable for me, and don't restrict my movement like I thought they would. To me, they are as light and comfy as the Itechs were.

Since you've had a previous shoulder separation, it's more likely to happen again. I would go with the same level of protection or higher than you have now.

Excellent point. I didn't think of that.

Also to everyone else I never considered Itech's ill have to start reading more reviews now. Please keep the opinions coming thanks!

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Also padded shirts offer no protection at all if you were to fall and slide shoulder first into the boards. May be a no contact league, but mistakes do happen.

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I think people, myself included, get the padded shirts as a stick deterrent for open hockey and not to block slappers with.

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I think people, myself included, get the padded shirts as a stick deterrent for open hockey and not to block slappers with.

Unfortunately that is not the case for some of us beer leaguers that don't ever try to block shots but still end up getting nailed by one randomly. It's a whole different world out there in beer league.

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I think people, myself included, get the padded shirts as a stick deterrent for open hockey and not to block slappers with.

Unfortunately that is not the case for some of us beer leaguers that don't ever try to block shots but still end up getting nailed by one randomly. It's a whole different world out there in beer league.

I know, I'm on two beer teams myself :blink:

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Yes and as stated before; they dont even help with protect from a slip and fall into the boards.

I would tend to think it's more of an item you would have your kids wear when playing outside in the yard. Along with a bike helmet. LOL!! My god have we pussified our kids compared to back in the day.

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Get a padded shirt. There are many to choose from. I have been using the Tour Padded Shirt for like 2 years now and I love it, as is has the best mobility:


the padding on there is really non existent - especially where it's needed the most (shoulder joint)

I was seriously considering one myself (since I wasn't even wearing any shoulder pads lately - just too damn hot even on ice) & selling my One90, but after reading some of the posts & my recent experience I'm reconsidering this idea - shit does happen when you least expect it

so even though I also play non-contact (dammit) & don't fall on my own I got cross checked right across my ribs (no pads that day) & was sent flying into the boards

apparently the guy "just couldn't stop or change direction in time" & was holding the stick right in front of him & just smashed into me when I was passing by... Oh well...

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Combo a set of 5030s with proper wicking shirts and you're good. I sweat like a rainforest, and my 5030s after 3 seasons are still whitish. As long as you air them out after each use, they won't bring da funk.

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Combo a set of 5030s with proper wicking shirts and you're good. I sweat like a rainforest, and my 5030s after 3 seasons are still whitish. As long as you air them out after each use, they won't bring da funk.

As already mentioned, 5030s would be a terrible idea for someone who has had problems with shoulder dislocations. If you're going to offer suggestions, please read what he actually needs.

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I would definiately look into getting pads that offer similar or increased protection. Most shoulder pads these days are built so that they're protective without sacrificing mobility and comfort.

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Get a padded shirt. There are many to choose from. I have been using the Tour Padded Shirt for like 2 years now and I love it, as is has the best mobility:


the padding on there is really non existent - especially where it's needed the most (shoulder joint)

I was seriously considering one myself (since I wasn't even wearing any shoulder pads lately - just too damn hot even on ice) & selling my One90, but after reading some of the posts & my recent experience I'm reconsidering this idea - shit does happen when you least expect it

so even though I also play non-contact (dammit) & don't fall on my own I got cross checked right across my ribs (no pads that day) & was sent flying into the boards

apparently the guy "just couldn't stop or change direction in time" & was holding the stick right in front of him & just smashed into me when I was passing by... Oh well...

I agree, anything can happen, but Ive had more pulls and bruises in my playing days with shoulder pads than I ever have with my padded shirt. Ive had Douglas', Donzi's, Cooper Techniflexs, Flaks, etc. Ive worn from the bulk to the thin, and injuries happen regardless. I guess its just a matter of how bad lol. But as I said before, the shirt is great, and even though the beer league I play in is non-contact, is more or less "no neutral zone head-hunting" lol

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I use the Farrell's and love them. Played hockey for 14 years with no shoulder pads and finally needed some protetion. Nice and mobile, breathes good and no errant sticks or pucks have gotten through the cubes.

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Does the first number on Jofa pads (ie 8xxx) equate to the number for RBK pads (ie - 8k) ?

Are they essentially the same pad (shins, shoulder, elbow)

And what is regarded as the best out there?...I have heard 6k and 9k.

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