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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS R81 Tapered Shaft

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I just received some Strong Whip and Whip flex tapered TPS R81 shafts from HG last week (FYI, it is listed as an R8 shaft, the $50 cheaper one) and got a chance to shoot around with them. So far they seem to be almost as good as the R2 XN10 shaft. I was pleasantly surprised that when I opened the box, the shafts were not as pictured on the website. The graphics are similar to the 2007 model, except the TPS logo is on the bottom and top of the shaft and under the Response logo it says R81. There is soft grip in the grip zone and it reads "Made in Canada," as opposed to "Designed in Canada." The bar code label says CSR81P. I haven't seen a retail 2007 R8 shaft before, but I thought those were made in China and the grip zone was bumpy/textured. The Strong Whip is copper colored and is an 85 flex. I'll update as I get to use them more, although my ice league just ended last night and won't start up again for a few more weeks.

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I looked at the site, and what the hell is a "stiff whip" flex???? Is that something between a regular and a whip flex? Are we now going to have a "whip whip" flex as well?

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I looked at the site, and what the hell is a "stiff whip" flex???? Is that something between a regular and a whip flex? Are we now going to have a "whip whip" flex as well?

SW has been available to pros for years, it's nothing new.

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I looked at the site, and what the hell is a "stiff whip" flex???? Is that something between a regular and a whip flex? Are we now going to have a "whip whip" flex as well?
Wouldn't "whip whip" flex be intermediate?

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I ordered 2...I will let you guys know.

On the other side of things, who remembers the thread where the guy used some sort of separator to seperate the shaft and blade? I am having trouble finding the tool at the hardware store, or the picture the guy had of the setup....I have some stubborn TPS.


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I ordered 2...I will let you guys know.

On the other side of things, who remembers the thread where the guy used some sort of separator to seperate the shaft and blade? I am having trouble finding the tool at the hardware store, or the picture the guy had of the setup....I have some stubborn TPS.


IIRC, someone had regular C-clamps on the shaft and blade with wood blocks to keep the surface from marring, then used a standard spreader/clamp.


They come cheaper (price and quality), the handle and end post can be swapped to spread instead of clamp. Check your LHS (Local Hardware Store).

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That seems to work in my head, I couldnt for the life of me remeber how he got the spreader to spread anything...the wood makes perfect sense. I remember all of the tools involved...just not which way it all went. Thanks man.


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Here's a picture:


Here's another angle:


I started this post to see if the retail 2007 R8 shaft was any different, as I have never seen one in person.

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Whats with all those eagles?

My r8 retail has tactile grip in the "grip zone", no soft grip, graphics looks slightly different.


Yeah, I'm guessing the R81 shaft is a pro stock shaft (even though TPS labels a lot as pro stock). As for the Eagles, I got them pretty cheap and they are my second favorite out of all the OPS I have tried (XN10 being my favorite).

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