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Kimbo Slice VS Ken Shamrock

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shamrock is gonna mess him up. even though shamrocks old and washed up, I don't think Kimbo has a chance...Unless he catches him with some heavy punches early and knocks him out.

Should be an interesting fight.

Searched and searched for the mma thread... but it is gone? I dunno. mma? affliction, ufc, fedor... nothing.

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I dunno about that one......Shamrock hasn't honestly impressed me for about 3 years or so. Kimbo is just insanely powerful and aggressive. I personally don't see this one going Shamrock's way.

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Shammy is simply too old and Kimbo is too powerful. If Frank was fighting Kimbo and they were both in their respective primes, I would take Frank. However, at this stage, it's going to be a disappointment...

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Kimbo is going to be in a LOT of trouble if the fight goes to the ground. He looked like he was in pretty bad shape during his last fight (just about passed out at the end).

  Chadd said:
Let's just get back to our roots and put someone in a cage with a lion or tiger.
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MMA is far safer than boxing, and nobody seems to have much of a problem with that.

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  mrusse01 said:
  Chadd said:
Let's just get back to our roots and put someone in a cage with a lion or tiger.
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MMA is far safer than boxing, and nobody seems to have much of a problem with that.

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MMA is all about selling bloodlust.

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Shamrock will probably be smart enough to take it to the ground. I don't think Kimbo's in shape enough to perform on the ground. He'll be winded by the end of the 1st for sure. Then Shamrock will catch him with a submission.

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If Shamrock can manage to not get knocked out, he wins.

Though, after the last Kimbo fight, they might stand them up if Shamrock gets him in any sort of sub.

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  gxc999 said:
Shammy is simply too old and Kimbo is too powerful. If Frank was fighting Kimbo and they were both in their respective primes, I would take Frank. However, at this stage, it's going to be a disappointment...
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I am assuming you mean ken. Frank is still a good fighter and would most likley beat kimbo. ken on the otherhand is on quite the losing streak and should have retired years ago. if it hits the ground ken could pull off a win, but if the refs are like they were last match, they are probably going to stand kimbo up.

  Chadd said:
Let's just get back to our roots and put someone in a cage with a lion or tiger.
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MMA is a lot safer than boxing. There are stats out there to prove it. Alot of people who know nothing about MMA decide to slam it without knowing much. i dont know if you are one of those people, or if your just throwing out a comment.

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  zrez said:
  Chadd said:
Let's just get back to our roots and put someone in a cage with a lion or tiger.
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MMA is a lot safer than boxing. There are stats out there to prove it. Alot of people who know nothing about MMA decide to slam it without knowing much. i dont know if you are one of those people, or if your just throwing out a comment.

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You don't have the brain trauma in MMA but there are certainly a lot more minor injuries. Not to mention the moronic kids who take this stuff up and look forward to cauliflower ear, scars and broken noses as signs of toughness.

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Nearly every culture has some form of martial arts, this isnt something new. Martial arts is a great way, just like hockey, to get kids off the street and out of gangs, whatever.

The MMA sport is no dangerous than any other sport, potentially. I've seen many more injuries from hockey, football and baseball than from martial arts. Keep in mind that these are taught as a way to defend yourself, they teach you how to fall and how to defend against attack... Typically in martial arts, the teaching of striking isn't covered until roughly the 2nd or 3rd belt.

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  TBLfan said:
The MMA sport is no dangerous than any other sport, potentially.
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Its not that I don't agree with you, but its hard to convince some people of this when the purpose of hockey is to put a puck in a goal, the purpose of basketball is to put a ball through a hoop, baseball hit a ball, etc. The purpose of MMA is to beat your opponent until he quits or cannot fight any more. While other sports have contact and violence (and the injuries associated with such), they also have other aspects of the game as well. MMA really doesn't.

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  TBLfan said:
Typically in martial arts, the teaching of striking isn't covered until roughly the 2nd or 3rd belt.
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Assuming you're talking about real martial arts and not just cage fighting.

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In MMA there's normally a discipline that they based or started their training in. Most MMA schools focus on muay thai as a basis for the standup fighting and brazilian jujitsu as the basis of ground fighting skills... as well as some MMA moves that really arent associated with any fighting style albeit similar to wrestling and judo defenses.

MMA is much more organized than most may think, it's not fight club, it's not bloodsport. These are guys trained to fight a certain way, within set rules. It's not about hurting people, it's about winning by out-thinking your opponent.

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  Chadd said:
  TBLfan said:
Typically in martial arts, the teaching of striking isn't covered until roughly the 2nd or 3rd belt.
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Assuming you're talking about real martial arts and not just cage fighting.

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Most legit fighters, see: not Kimbo Slice, are schooled in something outside of just punching people. Even the kickboxers that want to become real fighters learn how to do more than that.

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One of my brothers old friends has been training for UFC for the past 2 years.(I assume this is the same thing as MMA?) Anyways he was always known as a "burn out" and nobody thought he would even graduate from high school. He had been in tons of street fights, been arrested etc. But this UFC stuff has really gotten his shit together. With part of his training they made sure he graduated from high school, and hes now going to attend a community college. Id much rather see the kid training and getting back what he puts into it then just fighting on the street for no reason..

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  Chadd said:
  TBLfan said:
Typically in martial arts, the teaching of striking isn't covered until roughly the 2nd or 3rd belt.
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Assuming you're talking about real martial arts and not just cage fighting.

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They are all highly trained in martial arts. You dont go to cage fighter school. UFC alone has many world judo champions, karate champions, very good muay tai competitors and tons of wrestling champions. Including one person who was the NCAA junior champ, NCAA champ once, the runner up once. two time big ten champion and two time NJCAA all american. These people dont go to a garage and punch eachother for training.

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  mik3 said:
  Chadd said:
  TBLfan said:
Typically in martial arts, the teaching of striking isn't covered until roughly the 2nd or 3rd belt.
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Assuming you're talking about real martial arts and not just cage fighting.

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Most legit fighters, see: not Kimbo Slice, are schooled in something outside of just punching people. Even the kickboxers that want to become real fighters learn how to do more than that.

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To give Kimbo some credit, he apparently has been training very hard with 'legit' fighters. And he does have incredible natural power. It will be really interesting to see what happens in this fight, because I don't care how good of a street fighter you are....even a washed up Ken Shamrock is going to totally kick your ass in a real MMA fight. If Kimbo can hang with Shamrock, or even beat him, it will show that he has come a pretty long way from just knocking out guys on youtube.

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  mrusse01 said:
To give Kimbo some credit, he apparently has been training very hard with 'legit' fighters. And he does have incredible natural power. It will be really interesting to see what happens in this fight, because I don't care how good of a street fighter you are....even a washed up Ken Shamrock is going to totally kick your ass in a real MMA fight. If Kimbo can hang with Shamrock, or even beat him, it will show that he has come a pretty long way from just knocking out guys on youtube.
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Disclaimer: I am only casual fan and dont follow it very closely.

Is Shamrock considered a MMA fighter or more of a stand and punch it out kind of guy? I was thinking his only skills were standing and swinging for the fences. If that is the case, I think Kimbo will win. If Shamrock is more well rounded (grappling, submissions,etc) then I think Kimbo is in trouble.

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Shamrock is a well rounded, very experienced fighter. He's had his day in the sun though, he's definitely lost a step and his two losses to Tito shows a strong striker can overwhelm him.

Kimbo has been training to make his game more well rounded and vastly improve his conditioning, but in the end he's still a brawler with some heavy hands.

I don't like Ken's chances on this one

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  sdcopp said:
Shamrock is a well rounded, very experienced fighter. He's had his day in the sun though, he's definitely lost a step and his two losses to Tito shows a strong striker can overwhelm him.

Kimbo has been training to make his game more well rounded and vastly improve his conditioning, but in the end he's still a brawler with some heavy hands.

I don't like Ken's chances on this one

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Tito isnt really a striker. more of a wrestling, ground and pound kind of guy i would say. So that being said, even a medium skilled striker could prob beat ken these days. his chin isnt holding up to well. I think this match is scary becuase if kimbo loses he got beat by the legendary ken shamrock, no big deal, if he wins tho, then he beat the legendary shamrock. Thats what it looks like to the casual fans, when really it should be, if he wins he beat a washup and if he loses he got beat by a washup.

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