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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sad story

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Hey guys,

Well, here's the deal. My buddy from school was at a dirtbike competition/race thing this weekend. He placed first and him and his parents and sister were walking the track. There was a skid loader (bobcat) moving dirt adound on the hill they were walking over. Apparently the backup lights and beeping mechanism were faulty and it backed up over his mom, killing her with her whole family next to her. He hasn't been to school all week which is not too hard to believe.

My question is, while me and him were good friends, I never had the opportunity to meet his mom. Is it proper for me to still attend the funeral or do I go to school instead.

Here's the new's article


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It's not always about knowing the person but people that were close to them...It's completely your option to go or not to...But Im with everyone else, it would probubly mean the world for his friends to show up...Thats what friendship is all about picking each other up in times of need....

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If there is one lesson that I have learned in this life; it is to go to funerals.

Attendance is NEVER considered a negative. Your friend will appreciate your effort!

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If you are good friends with him it will probably mean alot to him for you to be there. Its just shows the respect you have for him and his family.

Exactly, you go to be there for your friend. You don't have to be in his back pocket all night, just make sure he knows you're there for him if he needs anything.

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going there to be with your friend in a time of need, is never considered a bad thing... unless you start creating some trouble while tanked up on alcohol.

go there, talk to the family, show them that you are there if they need you. Like Chadd said, you dont have to be hovering around them all night. Also, take it upon yourself to help out a little... maybe with the food or drinks. They will have guests and relatives to attend to, any help is great help.

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be there for support

im more concerned about the legalities of the case.... im gathering from the news article that they are going to question why she was even on the track in the first place...

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If there is one lesson that I have learned in this life; it is to go to funerals.

Attendance is NEVER considered a negative. Your friend will appreciate your effort!

This is a great piece of advice (above) that I wished I had learned much sooner.... Go and show your support. Just being there will speak volumes to your friend.

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Funerals aren't about the deceased, it's not like they're here to care if they know every one of the attendees. It's about the ones who are left behind. Do it for your buddy.

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im more concerned about the legalities of the case.... im gathering from the news article that they are going to question why she was even on the track in the first place...

this isnt the time or place for that discussion, man. use your head.

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I went, it was truly a sad event. My buddy is not one to cry, but he came up to me and hugged me and cried his eyes out. It was just beyond words how sorry I am for him and his family.

And for whoever asked, They were all on the track, him and his mom and dad and his sister, because he won a trophy in the race. Not just her.

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Funerals aren't about the deceased,

Technically they are, but anyway...

Its good that you went, you might of regretted it if you didnt.

Just out of curosity, was she buried or cremated?

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Go. In HS, one of my best friend's mom was killed by a driver not paying attention. I made the dumb mistake of not going because I thought it would be awkward. And I knew her, so I had no excuse. Another friend of mine lost his dad right after we graduated. Again, I didn't go. You'd think I would have learned. If it's awkward or uncomfortable, it's only for the day and those feeling probably won't last once you're there. I don't regret many things in life but I do regret not being there for my friends in their time of mourning.

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